《Behind the mask》A chance


Hiccup swallowed and shook his head.

"No, we're not...not really," he admitted awkwardly. "She...she offered me her help if I was really in trouble..."

"Why?" Ingrid's eyes were boring into him now. "Are you blackmailing her?" He swallowed and coughed, doubling up and hacking until he almost had no breath. Breathing hard, he paused then lifted his chin again.

"Of course not!" he said in disgust. "I can tell you think I'm...trash. But what you and everyone else thinks doesn't make me capable of...that..." His eyes sparkled with anger at the accusation.

"I have spoken to your mother," Ingrid told him and his eyes looked hopeful for all of a second-before reality bit him hard.

"I can see how that went," he said bitterly. "I'm a bad son, right? Always causing trouble? Won't get on with my step-dad?"

"She says you ran away," Ingrid said flatly and his eyes widened in hurt.

"No," he murmured. "I know Al told her that but she saw...she..." He blinked and shook his head. "Well...that answers that," he added roughly and chewed his lip, His eyes shone and he took a shuddering breath.

"Answers what?" Ingrid asked. The bruised face tightened.

"She's chosen him," he said thickly. "Look, when she married him, I knew she loved him...but he made it really clear he didn't even like me. But I took it because she needed the home, she needed security. My step-dad...isn't a good man. And if he wanted to hit someone, I would rather he hit me than her. But it...I can't stay...when she only sides with him. When all she says is for me to 'get on with your father'." And he lurched to his feet.

"Hiccup..." Ingrid began, seeing his eyes flash with anger.

"But he's NOT my father!" he shouted, suddenly furious. "He's the man who married my Mom after my Dad died. The man who watches me wherever I do. The man who tells me no matter what I do, I will fail. The man who threw me out on Monday and forbade me come back until Friday...and only then if I didn't annoy him any more. The man who threw me out a few minutes after the cops brought me home!"


"You didn't say anything about being in trouble with the police," Ingrid said sharply. "Does Astrid know?" He stared at her and suddenly all the fight leached out of him. He shook his head.

"I didn't tell her," he murmured, turning away and palming his face. There was moisture there. "She asked me to call her if I needed help...and she kept her word. I'm sorry she didn't tell you everything...but I guess she just wanted to give me a chance." He turned away, coughing again and reaching for the doorframe. "Look...I-I'll go..." he said thickly. "I don't want to cause her trouble." He shook his head. "Just...tell her thanks..." He stumbled away, up the stairs as fast as he could, head down and breathing ragged.

Ingrid paused...then followed him. He was in the room, pulling clothes from his bag and coughing. His breathing was harsh and very ragged and he spun round as she entered the room, his green eyes wild with misery. "I'm going as fast as I can," he said bitterly. "At least let me get dressed before I go..."

"Hiccup...we haven't finished," Ingrid said sternly. He shook his head.

"I-I think we have," he said softly. "I-I..."

And he froze as she walked forward and pulled him into an embrace, not even struggling and she hugged him tightly. He buried his face in her shoulder and she felt wetness there as he sobbed quietly, his skinny arms wrapping around her.

"It's okay," she said softly. "You don't have to go...but you do need to tell me the truth..." Beyond words for a long moment, he slowly lifted his head and nodded.

"Okay," he muttered, palming his cheeks. She held him at arm's length and stared, inspecting him. He was tall and skinny, bruises on his face...and she thought back to the livid slap visible on his face when he had arrived. He sat on the bed and stared at the floor. She dragged up the chair from the desk and paused. Then he shrugged and gave a huge sigh. "I guess the first thing you need to know is who my step-dad is."

"Mr Treacher," Ingrid said automatically, then blinked. "You mean?" Hiccup nodded.


"Yeah, that one," he said sarcastically. "I mean, why couldn't my Mom marry his good twin? But no, I get the evil bastard who also happens to be the High School Principal...so I can never escape him!" He paused. "And no, Astrid doesn't know. No one does. If they did, I would probably have to leave town. My friends would kill me, for a start."

"They don't sound like particularly good friends," Ingrid commented. Hiccup shrugged.

"Got a rep to maintain," he said aimlessly. "None of the popular kids would speak to me anyway."

"You're not my daughter's friend." Ingrid's words weren't a question. He shrugged.

"I'm her Art Tutor...that was the truth," he admitted. "And she did help me out when my friends decided I needed a lesson in where my loyalties lie." He bit his lip and Ingrid stared at him.

"The Truth," she insisted. He shook his head and he looked stubborn.

"Look, I can't tell you everything because it would land someone else in trouble," he said, picking his words carefully. "But I stopped one of my friends from hurting someone...and they decided that I deserved a beating for that." Ingrid's eyes widened and she stared at him. He gave a shrug. "Great, huh?" he shrugged.

"And the police?" He shook his head.

"After I was thrown out by Al, I stayed in the garage where I used to work," he admitted in a shamed voice. "But some guys tried to break in and Toothless and I fought them off. Gobber-the owner-was pretty pissed at the mess I'd made and I kind of lost my temper and told him to stick it. And at school, the crew wanted me to help them break in to the garage...and kill the dog. My dog. But I really couldn't say no because the guys who broke in...were the crew's leader's brother and his gang...and one of them had a knife so I warned Gobber and though they made me break in, the cops were waiting and...yeah..."

Ingrid stared at him and saw him fold his arms as he blushed in embarrassment. It clearly wasn't something he was proud of. He coughed hard and grimaced.

"I won't tell my husband...or Astrid...if you make me a promise," Ingrid said quietly, watching him lift his shocked eyes. He gave a little nod, breathing hard. "You can stay as long as you can...as long as you don't get my daughter into trouble." He paused and stared at her in shock.

"That's it?" he asked incredulously. "That's all you want? You don't want good grades or me to join the track team or something like that?" Ingrid smiled at the sarcasm.

"I guess you are smarter than you let on, Hiccup," she said. "You know if you care about grades. You are the only one who can make that choice. I don't think you are a bad person. I think you feel you aren't being given a chance. I know your home life has been pretty hard. And your parents don't support you. Your friends don't seem to be good for you either. So I'll give you that chance...if you keep an eye out for my daughter."

He doubled up with another fit of coughing and then looked into the blue eyes. The whole talk was pretty surreal...and he wondered if he was dreaming...but a part of him wondered what it would be like if he was in a home where he wasn't treated like trash. It might be worth trying...at least until he was feeling better. He nodded silently.

"Can't promise to be a good boy," he admitted. "And I know Al won't be happy...but okay. I'll do my best." Ingrid smiled.

"I'll get you some soup," she suggested. "Maybe you may feel like a shower?" He stared at her...then realised how long it had been since he had the chance. He nodded.

"That...would be nice," he said with a shrug. "Um sorry..." She rose and smiled.

"Bathroom's that way," she said. "I'll put you out a towel." He managed a grin.

"Mrs H? Thanks," he said. "I-I...won't let you down..."

She smiled. "Somehow, I know you won't," she said.

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