《Behind the mask》Accomplice


As soon as he was released from detention, he headed into town as swiftly as he could, not stopping or looking for Dagur and his crew. He knew they would be in a diner, stocking up before the evening's fun but he was more concerned about his friend. Not looking at the front of the garage, he slid in the back and was welcomed by the excited barking of the mutt. The black dog bounced up and down, bright green eyes locked on his master and a slippery tongue lapped his bruised face.

"Hey, buddy!" he grinned, his eyes sparkling with relief as he embraced the dog and fussed him happily. "Yeah, glad to see you too...now come on...I don't think we're welcome here anymore..." He heard the door open but he steadfastly faced in the other direction, walking wordlessly to the gate. A huge part of him wished that Gobber would just say something, would make him feel as if he wasn't unwanted...but the big man silently watched him open the gate. Hiccup stole a small look back, his wide green eyes offering a silent plea...but Gobber was scowling and Hiccup turned away swiftly, grabbing Toothless's collar and leading him out.

"Just you and me," he sighed.

He hung around the Mall until most of the shops closed and then checked his phone: it was getting close to the time he needed to meet with Dagur...and honestly, if he failed to turn up, the guys would make his life a living Hel at school. But he couldn't risk his friend. So, in desperation, he got to the edge of the park and made Toothless sit by the fountain.

"Stay here, bud," he murmured. "And keep out of sight..." The dog wagged his tail and Hiccup wondered if he understood anything he stayed...but he really truly hoped that the dog would stay back. At least it was dark and getting cold so Toothless would be more anonymous in the gloom. He steeled himself and headed for the playground, finding the guys lounging on the swings like usual.

"I had almost given you up," Dagur said in a cold voice and Hiccup gave a wordless shrug. Ozzie was a bulkier and angrier version of Dagur, his remote pale green eyes narrowing as he caught sight of the boy. He grabbed his arm cruelly and shook Hiccup.

"Never could see why you let this twig hang out with you," he growled. Dagur gave a wide grin.


"Well, he's smart, sarcastic and good at locks and mechanisms," he replied. "He just has to learn to keep his mouth shut." Ozzie leaned closer to Hiccup.

"You know what happens to people who cross me!" he asked . Hiccup's eyes widened.

"Stiff talking-to? Removal from your Christmas card list?" he suggested but stiffened as Ozzie flicked his knife open.

"Guess again," he said in a growl, lightly digging the blade into the skin just below Hiccup's lower lip, making a small nick.

"Um...I understand..." he breathed. Ozzie chuckled and shoved him away.

"Lets move out!" he shouted. "The sooner this is done, the sooner we can have some fun..." Hiccup desperately glanced at the others but all of them to a man seemed eager to go and destroy someone's livelihood for no good reason. And it was probably his fault...

...because if he hadn't been there, they would have taken the cash box and really nothing else. Now, because he pissed them off, they would take everything...

He gave a low whistle and hoped he heard a quiet panting in the gloom. He was trailing along last so he was able to pick out the green spots in the night, the eerie reflection of a pair of bright green eyes, faithfully following their master...

The Forge was locked tight when they arrived, shutters down and door to the yard chained closed. The gangs clambered over and Hiccup was boosted over early in the process to stop him escaping. So he landed awkwardly and waiting until Dagur and Ozzie frog-marched him to the door and gestured.

"Open it!" they commanded. Hiccup peered at the door: it was brand new and reinforced with heavy hinges and a brand new lock. At least Gobber had taken him seriously...for all the good it had done. The gang wouldn't take no for an answer and Hiccup guessed he would probably still be able to break in. With a sigh, he fished out his screwdriver and deftly unfastened the lock, dismantling it in a matter of minutes.

"Get a move on, fishbone!" Ozzie growled and Hiccup shivered. He was honestly moving as quickly as he could because he was hoping Gobber had planned something. But he knew the door wouldn't be bolted because it was the only way out at the end of the day. With an inward cringe, the lock gave.

He was shoved aside as Ozzie and Dagur surged forward, crowbars and baseball bats in hand. Backing away as swiftly as he could, he whistled through his teeth. He heard the approach of paws and the huff of breath as a dog leapt...and then Toothless arrived with a bark and a very menacing growl.


"Look out!" Hiccup shouted and made to intercept the dog as everyone turned. Ozzie was already lurching forward with his baseball bat raised to hit the black hound. And as Dagur turned round to snarl at him, Gobber and a handful of cops erupted from the garage. Instantly there was chaos as every man ran for it, trying to evade the angry police. Ozzie and Dagur went for the wall and Vorg kicked out at Toothless, who cheerfully bit the man hard. The rest of the crew were scrambling for it as Hiccup stared at the wall, knowing he stood no chance of getting over...and the a hand tightened on his arm.


Hiccup struggled hard, watching his friends all escape...except Savage, who was also dragged back from where he was clambering over the wall. He met the larger boy's eyes and read the warning.

"Get off me!" he shouted. The policeman jerked him closer and stared into his eyes.

"You're coming down the station, boy!" he sneered.

"I haven't done anything!" Hiccup protested.

"Except breaking and entering!"

"Hey-I never went in-and neither did he!" Hiccup protested. "I just opened the door and then the others went in..."

He saw Gobber scowl and wished with all his heart that he hadn't lost his temper...but seeing the one person he had relied on looking at him so coldly made his heart sink to his boots.

"He's a bad 'un," the mechanic growled. Hiccup cast him a final desperate look before being taken away.

The drive to the police station was silent, Savage sitting grimly at his side, his accusing presence reminding Hiccup of the betrayal they had believed he committed. Not that he would dare turn them in anyway...Ozzie had really scared him. Dagur was vicious and unpredictable but Ozzie... His hand rose to the small cut he had made and stared at his lap. He guessed the man wouldn't hesitate to hurt him if he suspected Hiccup had betrayed him.

Once they arrived, the boys were separated and interrogated separately. Hiccup faced the same cop who had grabbed him, a huge burly man with fair hair and a thick beard-in true Berk tradition. A small pang hit him then: his Dad had been ridiculously proud of his enormous flaming red beard, carefully tended and braided. He sighed and the cop leaned forward.

"Am I boring you?" he growled.

"Um...a little," the boy replied, sitting back.

"You know you can go to prison for breaking and entering..."

"Didn't go in..." Hiccup repeated.

"Tell someone who cares," the cop snapped. "We'll have you in juvie before you can say 'Berk'!"

"Hate to tell you but that would be physically impossible," Hiccup pointed out. "I mean, it takes like one second to say Berk and it would take longer than that to walk out of this room and..."

"SHUT UP!" the cop roared. "Just give me the names of your accomplices..."

"I thought you wanted me to shut up...?" the boy asked.

"Your accomplices!" the man snarled, rising to his feet. Hiccup stared into his red face.

"Hey! I was the accomplice!" he protested.

"And you're taking the rap!" the cop told him menacingly.

"I'll replace the lock..." Hiccup offered.

"You'll tell me the names," the man shouted, curling his fist.

"Aren't there laws against that kind of thing?" he said quickly. The cop leaned closer.

"No. One. Cares," he menaced and grabbed a handful of hoodie. Hiccup stiffened and his breathing quickened. The cop was right: no one did.

"I care," he pointed out as the cop leaned closer.

"The names!" he shouted, dragging the boy from his seat.

"I really don't know their names," Hiccup lied quickly. "Just met them in the park and they..." The cop pulled his arm back and then he gave a nasty smile.

"Lets see what your friend says when he finds out you rolled on them!" he threatened.

"Not this again!" Hiccup groaned. "No one will believe you by the way 'coz you still won't know their names!"

"Why you little..." the cop snarled and raised his fist again...

...and then the door opened and a tough-faced female officer stuck her head in. "Easy,Hoark," she said dryly. "The boy's father has come to collect him." Hiccup stiffened as the officer lumbered to his feet and grabbed his arm.

"You just got lucky," he growled.

"Doubt it," Hiccup commented, "since my Dad died five years ago." But he was still dragged out into the main reception area...to face the furious shape of Alvin.

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