《Behind the mask》The wrong sort of friends


He hardly noticed the scolding for being late or the extra homework he was given for his sullen response to the teacher throughout the lesson. He was cold and hungry, he was aching for a shower and he felt utterly alone.

Finally, when lunchtime arrived, he headed determinedly to the canteen and filled his plate. He didn't care that he was getting looks from the other students or that he sat alone because all he wanted was to eat.

So he looked up with exasperation when someone sat by him... and then he scowled.

"Not in the mood!" he told Astrid and shovelled another chunk of burger into his mouth.

"You look a mess!" she told him bluntly.

"Thank you for pointing that out!"

"Where did you sleep?" she asked him directly.

"What do you care?"

"You're covered in bruises, your clothes are filthy and you are eating like you've not eaten for a week!" Astrid pressed on.

"That you for summarising that," he mumbled through a mouthful of fries. "Again, what's it to you?" She stared at him, her expression confused.

"I thought..."

"Y'see, there you go...thinking," he snarled. "Look, Astrid...though I'm sure I should be flattered our great Class President is benevolent enough to grace me with her wisdom, I don't need it!" He was breathing hard, eyes glaring into her hurt face.

"Oh," she said, staring into his hostile face. "I was just..."

"It's none of your business!" he snapped, shovelling the last of his food into his mouth. He chewed furiously and swallowed. "Just leave me alone...Miss Perfect!" Then he got up and stalked away, tossing his tray onto the trolley and slamming the doors open as he left.

Astrid watched him leave with annoyance. She was worried because he had looked really bruised and she knew he must've slept rough. And because his previous words really rolled round in her head. No one cared. And she felt a lot of guilt because he had rescued her and she felt she had let him down...but she couldn't help him if he didn't want to let her.


"What're you doing?" Cami asked her pointedly. She sighed.

"I really don't know," she huffed.

"You know, we're wondering why you went to talk to him!" Lilah noted. Astrid frowned: Lilah and her friends, Savannah and Raylee, were nominally friends but Lilah had hated the fact that Astrid was the undisputed queen of Senior Year. She never missed an opportunity to pick at her.

"He doesn't pay any attention to the teachers and he looks a mess," she explained then stopped. She could give the real reason or just protect herself from risking her popularity. "He's a disgrace to the year! I thought it was my job to try to talk to him!"

"Weren't you worried?" Savannah asked, eyes wide. "He's such a troublemaker!"

No. I don't believe he really is. I think he just needs some friends and family who actually give a damn. But Astrid gave a fake smile and stood. "Yep. One of the worst," she agreed easily.

"And he hangs with Dagur's crew," Lilah reminded her snidely.

"Yeah, they're a bad crowd!" Raylee added. Instinctively, Astrid glanced at Heather but the girl wasn't bothered: Dagur was her brother but she knew his faults.

"You should steer clear, Ast!" Lilah giggled. "Someone may mistake you for his friend!" She flounced off.

"Bitch," Cami noted.

"Yeah...you heard she's invited all the team to her party-Dagur and his pals included?" Ruff asked, arriving with a plate laden with crisps and candy.

"You're not gonna eat that?" Astrid asked in horror.

"Watch me, sister!" Ruff grinned.

"So...bitchy and hypocritical!" Cami noted.

"But we're not invited?" Astrid checked. There was a pause.

"Um...we all are..." Heather said in an embarrassed voice. There was a moment where they realised Lilah's obvious plan.

"Does she think we don't talk to each other?" Ruff scowled.

"Yeah, but we're not going!" Cami told her pointedly. "Imagine an evening of Lilah acting like queen bee?" Ruff made a barfing noise.


"Too much candy will do that to you!" Heather pointed out with a wicked grin and threw a banana skin at her. Astrid grinned.

"Sleep-over?" she suggested. They all brightened up.

"My turn," Cami offered. "We'll get pizzas, fire up Netflix and just have fun!"

"Far better than homework...or Lilah!" Heather grinned. "You up for it, Ast?" She blinked, annoyed about Lilah then relieved that she had good friends. She smiled.

"I'll bring chips and dips," she smiled. "It'll be fun, just the girls!" Ruff shared a look with Cami.

"Yeah...just girls," she muttered.


Hiccup scrubbed his face in the bathroom, staring into the mirror at the reflection. He felt a pang of guilt for yelling at Astrid but he really didn't need her pity. About the last thing he had left was his reputation...and it was stupid and sort of crazy but as he had nowhere to stay and had shouted at his only real friend, it was all he had left.

He turned to the door-to face Dagur and he stiffened but didn't back off.

"Hiccup!" Dagur's eyes were madly wide. He clapped the boy across the shoulder and Hiccup staggered.

"What the Hel are you doing here?" he gaped. Dagur grinned and spread his arms.

"They can't keep me away...and the old man knows Alvin. Put in a good word for me..." Hiccup rolled his eyes and felt sick, shocked again by Alvin's hypocrisy.

"Figures," he grumbled then glared at the larger boy. "What do you want?" he asked sharply. Dagur gave a mock-hurt look.

"Hiccup, Hiccup...there's no need for that!" Dagur protested lightly. "You did wrong and we dealt with you. You've taken your licks like a good boy and we're all friends again! It's done...provided you remember who your real friends are!" He wrapped his arm around Hiccup's shoulder and grinned. Nodding, Hiccup allowed himself to be steered into the hall-because it was far easier than resisting. The others were waiting and he stiffened...but they just nodded to him.

He swallowed. Being beaten up hadn't really been much fun and he still hurt...but he would rather be 'friends' with the crew than on his own. Especially since he had done a great job in chasing off everyone else who had reached out for him. "Hey guys," he murmured. Only Dogsbreath scowled and Thuggory winked at him.

"Right, now Hiccup is back," Dagur announced. "I think we need him to prove he's still one of us..." Instantly wary, the boy looked at the group.

"What do you want, Dagur?" he asked shortly.

"You should be grateful you're being given another chance..." Savage scoffed.

"Yeah, I'm just trembling with excitement," Hiccup shot back sarcastically.

"Still a sarky little shit, isn't he?" Thuggory commented.

"But this should be right up your street," Dagur said seductively. Hiccup folded his arms and hitched up an eyebrow.

"The catch?" he demanded.

"My brother got into some trouble last night," Dagur explained as Hiccup froze. He swung his wary green gaze to see Dagur's face was cold and ruthless. "He was out looking for a bit of cash...but someone attacked him...with some scrawny mutt. They were chased off and bitten by the damned dog. And my brother is really pissed! So I said we'd go back there tonight, break into the place, finish off the mutt and burn it to the ground!"

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