《Behind the mask》Cold as Night


Sitting at the back of the closed down Forge with Toothless curled at his side and munching a burrito he had picked up on the way, Hiccup was trying to ignore the fact he was going to sleep on a floor. There was a patched and oil-stained blanket there-which Toothless usually slept on-and the boy had fished his overalls from his locker to act as a pillow. His entire body ached, he was cold and the knowledge that this was all down to his so-called friends just made him feel worse.

To try to distract himself, he went to Gobber's stash in his tiny office-too small and cramped to sleep in-boiled the kettle and made himself a coffee. His hands were literally shaking with cold as he grasped the tin cup and settled down, Toothless had snuggled to his side but ended laying across his lap. The boy pressed the cup to his lips and forced himself to swallow: he wasn't sure where Gobber got his coffee but it smelled and tasted like engine oil and had the added bonus of burning his split and bruised lips. Because he was trembling hard, he forced it down then hugged Toothless. The dog solemnly licked him in the face, a little whine of affection sounding loudly in the garage.

It got colder and colder and the boy drank more coffee, tried to finish his homework and finally curled up tightly, the blanket pulled over his beaten shape, the dog curled carefully around him, his heat leeching into the battered boy. Eventually, exhausted by cold and pain, he drifted into sleep.

His eyes snapped open: it was still dark and he could hear scrittering. Toothless was alert, a low growl sounding in his throat. Hiccup paused...and then he heard someone fumbling at the lock...and not in a Gobber-being-clumsy-with-the-key sort of way. Someone was breaking in... He tried to sit up and bit hard on his lip to stop himself groaning because he had stiffened up completely. But he forced his legs under his body and scrambled to a crouch, his head swinging around. He was acclimatised to the darkness and he could pick out the faint edges of the work-benches and tools in the dim reflected orange light. He grabbed the work-light and a heavy wrench and inched towards the back door, hearing someone thudding against the door. He held Toothless back...and then watched as the door burst open and three shapes entered.


"See what you can grab!" one said and Hiccup frowned. It was Vorg, a guy who had left Berk High the previous year. By him were Oswald, Dagur's older brother and Sven, Dagur's cousin. They'd been called the Berserkers at school, an even wilder and more dangerous gang than Dagur's Bad Boy Crew...and clearly hadn't really graduated to anything more productive. Pausing and hoping the element of surprise would work, Hiccup clicked on the work lamp and temporarily blinded the intruders.

"Now, Toothless!" the boy said and swung at Vorg-who was first in-clouting him across the face with the heavy wrench. Toothless gave a huge growl and leapt onto Oswald, biting him really hard. Sven swung a punch as his friends screamed but Hiccup ducked and swung the wrench like a baseball bat, catching Sven straight across the face with a satisfying thud. He went down like a skittle, groaning as Toothless turned to him. Hiccup kept the lamp fiercely in their faces as the mutt sank his teeth into Vorg's backside. He screamed as Hiccup clouted him with the wrench again.

"Get out!" Hiccup shouted and threw the wrench at them, then grabbed more wrenches and began to pelt them. He threw in some sump oil and grease for good measure. Trying to shield themselves from the barrage and Toothless, who was biting anyone not Hiccup, the attackers hurled a mouthful of abuse...but retreated. Breathing hard, the boy slammed the door closed, jammed the bolts in place and wedged the lock shut using a thick crowbar. He slid to the floor, his back against the door. Tail wagging, eyes bright and tongue hanging out in happiness, the dog prowled back and forth, looking exceptionally pleased with himself. He gave a small yip. And Hiccup gave a smile.

"Yeah, yeah-you did everything..." he grinned, scratching under the mutt's chin. Toothless gave such a relaxed growl it was almost a purr. "Hey-why would they do that? I mean, Gobber's shop literally looks like it's falling over!" And then he sighed and realised: he'd managed to fight off the feared Berserkers...and then he realised that they probably wouldn't give up. There was a very real risk that they would come back another day...armed and ready for anything. But for tonight, he was able to sleep sound in the knowledge they wouldn't be back. But though he curled up around him again, he could see the outline of Toothless's ears and knew the mutt would keep watch until morning.



He awoke to the sounds of hammering on the door and Gobber cursing very imaginatively. He flinched and groaned as all his bruises made themselves known full force. He lifted his head.

"S'okay, Gobber!" he shouted and scrambled to his feet, blinking and wincing. "I've got it!" He unjammed the door and unbolted it. And let in a very angry Gobber.

"What the Hel are ye doing here?" the mechanic growled. "And locking me out of meh own workshop? I oughtta tan yer hide!" He stomped in, not noticing the faintest look of hurt and betrayal in the wide green eyes before Hiccup slumped his shoulders and looked away.

"Well, maybe I should've just let the men who broke in here steal all your tools and the cash box!" he shot back sarcastically. Gobber turned in shock, his eyes seeing the wrenches scattered, grease all over the floor, the lamp lying by the crumpled oil-stained blanket and a very satisfied-looking Toothless.

"Laddie?" he murmured.

"Yeah...middle of the night...three guys forced the door...but Toothless and I were waiting..."He managed a small smile. "Um...he did most of the work...I just hit a couple of them with the big wrench...but I guess they may come back...and the lock is shot!" Gobber stared around...seeing a mess but also that his most valuable assets were still there. And then his brain caught up and he realised the boy had been camping out in his shop. He gaped.

"Laddie?" he asked softly. "What're ye doing here?" Hiccup stared into his face: he was actually taller than Gobber now, though still lanky and lean but he bowed his head.

"Um...not really allowed at home..." he murmured. "That was why I called..." Gobber clasped his shoulders and sighed.

"I'm so sorry, lad," he said genuinely, "but I'm sleeping on Silent Sven's couch. Boy, can he talk! I havenae bed tae call me own, let alone offer tae ye!" Hiccup nodded.

"S'okay," he sighed. "I'll be fine here..."

"Ye canna stay here now, laddie," Gobber sighed. "Tis tae safe!"

"And sleeping on the streets is?" Hiccup asked him sharply. "What was I thinking? Of course lying in a doorway or on a park bench is gonna be FAR safer than locked safely inside the Forge!"

"I'll have tae get new doors and locks...and the shop isnae doing so good at present..." Gobber admitted. Hiccup's eyes widened and the boy felt his stomach lurch. Surely Gobber wasn't saying what he thought he was saying. Please...not now... "And I will need tae cut yuir hours...just temporarily..." Yup. Full house now. It was official. The Gods totally hated him.

"So you're throwing me out and sacking me," Hiccup said bitterly, grabbing his bag, Toothless's bowl, the remains of his food and the oily blanket. "Thanks, Hiccup. Good work in seeing of those thieves. Now hit the street!" He shoved past the man, his eyes flashing with anger and betrayal and made it all the way to the road before stopping and covering his face with his hands. "Can I at least leave my dog here until after school or do you expect me to send him to the pound?" he shouted.

"Laddie, I didn't mean tae but I really dinnae have a choice..." Gobber protested. "Of course Toothless..."

"Thanks!" Hiccup snarled and walked away, boiling with anger...while utterly heartbroken that even the person he trusted the most seemed to have betrayed him.

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