《Behind the mask》We aren't friends


Honestly, Hiccup wouldn't have been more astonished if Astrid had claimed to be a chicken. Were his ears working properly or was he still concussed after the beating he'd taken? He really didn't know.

It wasn't as if today could get much worse, to be frank. Alvin had barred him from his home, his go-to person was almost homeless due to a flood at his apartment and Hiccup's so-called friends had just kicked the crap out of him...including Dagur. He stilled, breathing hard: that had actually been truly scary because 'angry' Dagur was without any boundaries. And despite every protestation, Dagur still insisted that it had to be Hiccup who had rolled on him and he had taken a lot of delight in beating up the suspected 'traitor'.

He blinked. At best, he was facing a very cold night in the garage with Toothless...but he felt his spirits plummet at the thought. He really really wanted to go home, to curl in his bed and sleep...and that wasn't happening. He was homeless.

The thought hit him hard. He had endured so much to stay with his Mom: slaps and beatings and a constant drip-drip of insults that made him finally realise he was worthless and unwanted...maybe even by his only parent. But Valka needed warmth and food and security. She needed the lack of stress that even Alvin provided compared to the desperate straits they had been in before. And if Hiccup was the price she paid... He swallowed and closed his eyes.

"Well?" Astrid asked him, a little impatiently. He rested his hand on the locker.

"Why?" he asked her directly, his voice very wary. "I mean, we aren't friends..." She looked at him and sighed.

"That's true," she admitted, "but I do owe you. Probably more than one."

"But won't your parents um worry?" he asked with a shrug. "I mean, I am probably public enemy number one. If word gets out...well, social suicide would be putting it mildly..."

Why was she doing it? By making the offer, she had surprised herself. He was someone she tried to avoid because he really represented everything she hated: contempt for authority, contempt for hard work, rudeness, lateness, rebellion...

...but he looked...unhappy. Not the kind of minor-annoyance-broken-a-pen sort of unhappy but more an underlying uncared-for-nowhere-to-go unhappy. And he wasn't all bad...because it all came back to those horrific moments in Ruff's house, pinned and helpless when he kicked the door open and hit her attacker with a chair. She went back to his words now...


"You may be a smart-ass but you are a person as well," she admitted. "And some of this was because you rescued me, wasn't it?" He nodded dumbly. "So I owe you..."

"Um...kinda thought your parents would freak at having a boy over," he reminded her. "Spawn of the devil or something? Would it mess up your schedule? Affect your focus? Stop you becoming a hot shot lawyer..?" She gave a small smile.

"That wouldn't really be a biggie," she admitted. He painfully dragged his hood up over his head and gave a grimace.

"Yeah...just another thing I'll be blamed for," he mumbled. She sighed.

"Cmon, Mom's picking me up," she said and turned to the door. He stared after her, eyes very wary.

"Didn't say I was coming with you," he reminded her. She paused and then nodded.

"Suit yourself," she said softly. "The-the offer's still there, I mean..." He nodded.

"Thanks," he murmured as she walked away...then stopped. She turned back to him and beckoned.

"Phone!" she snapped. He frowned but warily complied. She stared at the basic model and rolled her eyes, then input her number in his contacts and texted herself. Then she handed it back. "I'm under 'Miss Perfect'," she told him dryly and then turned away, flipping her braid over one shoulder as she strode away. He stared at the phone and shook his head, stuffing it in his pocket and slowly, he headed after her.

She had vanished round the corner as he slowly limped along, head down and heart in his boots. He was kicking himself because a huge part of him wanted to go with her...but reality had bitten him hard as he looked at her and realised her parents would send him off like the unwanted wretch he was. I mean why would the most popular girl in class want to take bad boy Hiccup home, right? He shook his head. It had to be some sort of joke, some way she could make fun of him to the popular kids and just make his life worse. He slowly trailed to the door and stared out, taking a slow breath...until a huge hand grabbed his shoulder. He hissed and craned his neck...to meet Alvin's unpleasant leer.


The Principal dragged the boy straight down the couple of steps and onto the car park in front of the school. The he shoved Hiccup back and the boy stumbled, biting his lip against a groan. Just now, he really didn't have the energy to face Alvin.

"Get out!" Alvin sneered. "Yer can't stay 'ere, 'Iccup!" Emerald eyes flicked up.

"Like I'd want to, Al," he shot back and the man clenched his fist.

"You got someone ter stay, boy?" Alvin taunted him.

"I've...had offers," Hiccup told him, backing up a pace. "Just considering my options..." Alvin advanced on him and grabbed at his hood, dragging it down. His big face widened into a nasty smile.

"Oh dearie me," he scoffed. "It don't look like yer friends are too 'appy at yer..." Hiccup tried to pull away.

"At least I have friends," he retorted. Alvin smiled triumphantly.

"I don't need friends 'coz I got me wife!" he said smugly. "Who 'ave yer got?" Hiccup stared at him, breathing hard and lifting his chin.

"My Mom!" he spat. Alvin grabbed his hair and forced his head back, leaning close.

"Yer know, I think I'll tell 'er that yer just told me yer were stayin' out and didn't even bother ter tell 'er!" he threatened. "'Ow do yer think she'll feel, boy?"

"She knows I love her," he said tightly. "I'm her son, for Thor's sake! And you can't ever replace me in her life!" Alvin slapped him hard.

"I see yer ain't learned a lesson ye, boy-that mouth is gonna get yer inter trouble!" Alvin sneered. Hiccup stared up into his face, wary. The car park was empty and cold: dusk was already falling. "Don't see no one 'ere ter pick yer up, boy..."

"I can find my own way," Hiccup shot back, earning himself another slap. "Really, Al? Is that all you've got? No snappy come-back?"

The next slap snapped his head round and he blinked, his vision smeared with stars. "Don't come by tomorrow neither!" Alvin snapped. "Yer ain't learned, boy. My rules or the street! Yer seems ter enjoy the street."

"Oh joy," Hiccup deadpanned. "Yeah, I'm a man with a plan. Don't worry 'bout me, Al!" The Principal slapped him again because of the smirk that lifted his bruised lips.

"You must really enjoy this!" Alvin growled. Hiccup stared into the dark eyes and allowed the smirk to widen.

"By the way, Al, How was your chair? Any...problems?" The Principal glared at him, then lifted his hand and properly hit him-hard. They were out of school and no one was around...so the man didn't bother to hold back. The blow echoed as it slammed the boy the the floor, remaining still for a long moment before slowly lifting his head to stare up at him.

"That was yer?" Alvin sneered. Hiccup gave a small smile from behind his dishevelled bangs.

"It sounded painful," he smirked. Alvin kicked him.

"Don't come 'ome the day after tomorrow neither!" he snapped. "Yer come to the door and I will set Screamer on yer!"

"It must've been so lucky you found a dog better looking than you!" Hiccup sniped. "And old Screamer likes me anyway..." Alvin lurched towards him.

"I really 'ope yer got somewhere warm, boy-that's another night yer not allowed in!" Then he turned away. Slowly, painfully, Hiccup levered himself to a pair of shaky legs, his cheek scarlet with the slaps on top of his other developing bruises. He heard Alvin's Toyota growl into life and pull away as he dragged his hood up again and slowly began to walk down the road.

Watching him slowly limp away, Astrid emerged from behind the big oak at the side of the car park. It was where she usually waited for her Mom because it was very close to the road...and she had seen the confrontation. And while she hadn't picked up all the words, the louder parts had made it very clear: Alvin knew Hiccup...and it was personal.

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