《Reader x Toothless (how to train your dragon) Toothless x Reader》OPTION 2 GO AND FIGHT


I needed to help fight to protect the island. This was my island, with my dragons. If i didn't protect it, no one would.

I launched off into the air, quickly coming side by side with Toothless.

I grinned at the expressions of bewilderment on both of their faces.

"What are you doing here?" Toothless asked, choosing his words carefully and keeping his tone level.

"Stalking you." I replied with a grin.

His shock quickly turned into laughter.

A cannon went off and his smile faded.

"Can you fight?" He asked, the mood suddenly serious again.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked, suddenly diving down and knocking a human off of a cannon.

"Okay. Good point. Well, just don't get yourself killed." He said, twirling to dodge a ax flying at him.

I laughed.

"Toothless, I'll never die!" I said with a laugh.

I shot a plasma blast at the base of a tree and watched in glee as it crushed the humans contraptions as it fell.

"Timber!" I yelled.

I flew, taking out humans however I could.

The trappers. They were everywhere. And they were targeting MY dragons.

I watched as a Monstrous Nightmare was shot down. The moment it landed, it was tied down. The more it struggled, the more the humans beat it.

I dove down. These were my dragons on my island. Although it was true that I hadn't been on this island very long before I'd been taken away, I considered these dragons my own.

I smashed humans out of my way, and broke the ropes they threw around my neck. I ripped the dragon free of its chains.

"Get anyone who'll listen. You need to get everyone off this island. If you fight, you'll get caught. Freedom is the only rule of survival." I said to the dragon, pulling his bindings away. "Be free."


The dragon nodded to me in thanks, and lifted into the air. Dragons started rallying behind him and flying away.

I sighed in relief. The trappers wouldn't have any dragons to trap if they all left. But the mothers wouldn't leave their eggs, so we'd still have to drive the trappers off.

I knocked my attackers down and lifted into the air.

Something whizzed past my head toward the ground. I looked up to see a Zippleback.

"Woohoo! Drop em like their hot!" A voice yelled.

I knew that voice. It was the twins.

On the ground where the object hit, an explosion could be heard. I risked a glance down. There was a cloud of dust and green gas.

"Light it Snotlout!" Tuffnut Yelled.

A Monstrous Nightmare carrying Snotlout flew through the green gas and it lit on fire.

AN explosion erupted drawing everyone's attention.

The dragon's attention wandered back to battle quicker than the humans. For a moment, we had the upper hand.

'Fire!!!" Astrid yelled, her dragon dropping a basket of rocks.

I winced as they fell. I really hoped that her dragon didn't have to carry the rocks all the way here.

The Twins come in and start dropping dynamite and fish.

I squinted suspiciously at the fish. I know fish is plentiful, but I'd never thought of it as a battle weapon.

I giggled and went on with the battle, swooping down on humans.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a net flying at dragon. It hit him with a force that could break bones, forcing him backwards and to the ground. I swooped to him and fight with his net, trying to get him free. It wasn't working and the ground was getting closer and closer by the second.

He looked up toward the sky and his eyes got wide.

"Please. Leave me. Save my mate." He said sternly.

I looked up. A net was flying directly toward his mate too.


I quickly ripped one of his wings and a paw free from his net.

I shot up toward his mate, knowing that with his claws free, he would rip himself from the net.

Below me I heard a roar of triumph. He was okay.

The net was getting closer and closer to his mate.

There was no way for her to avoid it. Her wing was hurt and she was spiraling to the ground like a clipped bird.

On instinct, I aimed for her and shielded her from the net.

The net wrapped around me with a force that made my wings close. It clamped my mouth shut and pulled me ever faster toward the ground. I was falling and the more I struggled, the tighter the ropes got. This wasn't how I wanted to die. I couldn't leave Toothless this way.

I hit the water and sent out a silent prayer of help to the water dragons near. I held my breath, hoping to black out before I drowned. In moments my lungs started to ache. My vision became spotted and I closed my eyes. The pressure of the water increased as I sunk, threatening to crush my ears. The water slowly eroded my energy, leaving me helpless. I opened my eyes to see a fish swim by me. Among the red in my vision, the coral was beautiful. The blues and greens were plentiful and gorgeous. Tropical fish were returning to their normal activities, not caring about me. I sighed at the beauty, instantly regretting it since bubbles came out of my mouth.

Using my last remaining strength to conjure my alpha powers, I sent a message to Toothless.

"I'm sorry. I love you." I said to his mind.

I hoped it wasn't too quiet for him to hear.

I wanted him to know. I wanted him to know before the world went black.

The world did eventually do black. It felt nice, like sleeping in the afternoon sunlight. I could stay here forever.

A pressure pounded against my chest again and again.

Voices floated to me from a void.

"Come on Y/n. Come on."

"Hiccup. You're tired from the battle. Let me do the CPR."

"Please Y/n. Please. You can't die."

"Awe. I never got to ride a night fury."

"You idiot. This is a sad event. At least try to look sad."

"Sorry. I just don't know how to deal with being sad for anyone other than myself, the best man alive."

And then the one voice I truly cared about came loud and clear.

"She can't die. She can't. I forbid it."

Toothless cared about me. He even forbids my death.

"Please Y/n. Please. Come back to me."

Pressure pressed against my head. It was a tender kiss form the one dragon I truly cared about.

Slowly, I was starting to be pulled from the warm darkness around me. But the outside was cold. It was like waking up and wanting to curl farther into the nest in the morning. And just like when I was little, I curled back into the soft warm blackness.

"It's not working." A frustrated voice yelled.

"NO! NO! NO! I REFUSE TO LET HER DIE! I LOVE HER!" Toothless wailed.

It felt funny, that someone thought I was going to die. Didn't they see? I was okay. I was comforted by the warmth of the darkness around me. I was going to be just fine.

"Please Y/n, please." Toothless's voice pleaded. "Please. I love you. Don't die. Please? For me?"

I wanted to. I really did. But the darkness had its hooks too far into me, and there was no escaping.

"I'm sorry Toothless. I love you too." I murmured as the entire world was gone. Only my memories remained. They slowly played back to me, erasing as they went. They reminded me of all the good the world had to offer. And all the bad too. And they were all erased form my entire existence. Gone forever. Just like me.

The End.

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