《Reader x Toothless (how to train your dragon) Toothless x Reader》Yasssss


Y/N had been gone too long. I was starting to get worried. I mean, where could she be? Was she safe? Should I go look for her? Had she already flown off the island? Would I ever see her again? Would she ever want to see me again? Was she dead?oh no no no no no no no no no no there toothless. That will just make you worry even more. Take two calming breaths. Everything will be fine.

Pacing restlessly back and forth in front of Hiccup's house, I pouted anxiously.

Hiccup hadn't let me go after her since she had hurt me. But she was scarred and couldn't help it, right?

All these unanswered questions made me tired and hungry and mad and anxious and... and moody.


Frustrated, I sat down trying to think of something, anything.

Subconsciously, i drew circles in the dirt with my paw. My tail thumped to a rhythm faster than my heart and my tongue was sticking out of my mouth in concentration.

The door to Hiccup's house suddenly burst wide open.

"You ready to go bud?" he asked excitedly.

"Hush. I'm trying to think." I grumbled at him.

Not understanding me as always, he jumped on my back and expected me to lift in the sky.

"At least tell me where we're going." I grumbled, irritated at him and the entire world.

"Bud, today is the anniversary of the day we met. As per tradition, we are going to the place we first bonded." He said, gently scolding me for not remembering.

"Not interested." I grumbled, still uninterested in leaving.

"You might find Y/n along the way..." Hiccup bribed.

Without further argument, i immediately shot into the air, Hiccup holding on for dear life.

Slowing down to look at the trees in search of Y/n, i came to a gentle glide.


"You really like her, huh bud." Hiccup mused.

I nodded my head in response to his question.

"Well bud, she certainly ain't the type to be tamed easily." Hiccup stated.

Once again i nodded my head in agreement.

Seeing something black between some trees, I dipped down, skimming the tree tops.

Just a rock.

Flying back up to cloud level, hiccup started speaking again.

"If you like her that much, you should go after her. Meet her, fall in love, and be mates, on her own territory. I don't want to hold you back from finding the love of your life, so I'll make you a special tail tonight. Just don't forget about me, okay bud?"

Shooting a plasma blast and spiraling through it, i huffed the word, "never" at Hiccup.

Floating down the river, the scenery was amazing.

The trees around me remind me of home. My parents, my family, my old life. My mom especially. My dad wasn't around a lot, so I had more wonderful memories with my mom, her teaching me to hunt and fly and battle. She was great.

There was this one time...

"Mommy? Why am I so different from a Monstrous Nightmare? We're both dragons, right? And where do dragons come from?" I asked in the cute little dragon voice of mine.

"Oh, honey," my mom said, "have I not told you? There was a legend once."

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" I pleaded, jumping up and down.

"Okay dear, sit down and listen up." She commanded. "One God, physically weaker than the other Gods was forced out of paradise, sentenced to a life of solitude. Seeking companionship from somewhere, she started to create. But everything needs balance, and from her creations she would always get a semi-hideous and semi-barbaric companion. This not working, she created two companions. One beautiful and perfect and good on the outside, with hate and vengeance and loyalty on the inside. And the other, dark and scary, dangerous with claws and teeth, but with kindness and love and loyalty on the inside. From this, she named them Human and Dragon. Human was always getting into trouble, being the dark mischievous one. Dragon was the sweet, kind, loving one with no hate whatsoever in its heart. Seeing that Dragon was too pure, and Human was too impure, she created another set of Human and Dragon, this time, Female. The female's personalities were more balanced than the males, making the matches perfect. Generations later, the goodness and hate was more diverse among humans and dragons. Humans mostly were half good and half bad on the inside. Dragons were half good and half bad on the inside. The humans and the dragons balanced each other out.


Dragons and humans lived in peace and harmony. Together they lived, searched, hunted, and fought. They were as one, not a master and servant, but equals playing together on the same battlefield. Scuffles would often break out over food and hunting grounds, but the law of the jungle prevailed and only the strongest survived. They were content together under the watchful eye of the goddess until the goddess's rain came to an end. She pleaded that Oden watch over her beloved children, the Humans. And as protection from the hate of the humans, she gave dragons the ability to adapt to their surroundings. Oden did as she commanded, and watched the humans as the humans and dragons turned on each other after her death. The dragons and humans blamed each other for the death of their goddess. Neither was happy that the other was alive and demanded retribution for the death of the goddess. The humans, with the help of Oden, hunted the dragons down. The dragons were forced to scatter all over the world, their environments changing them to fit their needs. They turned into dragons with abilities to defend themselves, fireballs or water blasts. And there was the rare creation of a Night fury. Dragon struck by lightning in the pitch darkness of night. The offspring of lightning and death itself." And that, dear is why we are so different, and where Night fury's come from. SO don't ask again."

"Yes mommy." I said, smiling happily up at her.

I was snapped out of my daydream as I was smashed up against a rock. I quickly jumped out of the river and shook myself off. Careful not to leave any obvious footprints, I started to wander. I found a pathway and followed it curiously. It led down to a lake indented in the ground.

And flying down towards that lake was Toothless.

He was fast. And strong. And muscular. And smoking hot. He had a face chiseled from perfection, with totally cute, soft ears. His wings were long and broad, his shoulders riddled with muscles. He was a perfect perfection.

I melted at the sight of his hotness, leaning my face up against a tree to support me.

By oden's beard, he was gorgeous.

Maybe he was worth a chance?


He landed with grace on the soft grass. And that's when I noticed.

He. Had. That. Obnoxious. Human. From. Before. On. His. Back. Ugh.

Moment of melting ruined!

Ruined I tell you!


He was so perfect.


Why cruel world did he have to love humans?

But less importantly, why was he here? Was he looking for me? Did he miss me?

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! WHAT AM ITHINKING!!!!!!!! I'VE NEVER FELT THIS WAY ABOUT ANYONE BEFORE!!! THIS WAS BAD!THIS WAS REALLY BAD! HE LOVED HUMANS AND I DESPISED THEM!!! IT WAS WRONG TOFEEL THIS WAY ABOUT HIM!!! But was it? Was it so wrong to feel this way about thelast available male of the Night Fury species? Maybe there was a way to makehim change his mind about humans. I mean, if you can tame a dragon, that meansyou can wild it too.

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