《No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanfiction)》Four


At sunrise, Hiccup was already up for a quick morning flight.

He hollered as his Night Fury companion took him higher above the clouds, where neither human nor dragon could feel the cold.

Two years had passed since the duo settled on the Isle of Edon; a utopia for both humans and dragons.

Hiccup never wanted to leave such an incredible place where people were just like him.

So he decided to make Edon his permanent home.

Ever since he settled here, he's been working as a blacksmith apprentice for the local blacksmith, Bjorn.

The people were very welcoming. Sure, there were a minority who weren't accustomed to newcomers, but he's managed to fit right in.

"Woohoo! Let's try free falling!" Hiccup shouted over the wind, "Just like we practised,"

That earned a grunt of protest from the Night Fury.

They were three hundred feet in the air, and Toothless really was more concerned about his rider's safety than anything else.

He couldn't let him plummet to his death.

The last thing he wanted was his human to lose another limb.

Losing one foot was enough, and it certainly had been such a tragedy.

About six months ago, Hiccup and Toothless had been exploring several islands around the archipelago.

They stumbled upon the Dragon's Nest for the second time.

Remembering Berk, his former home was still at war, he knew if he fought the monster-the Dragon Queen, then perhaps it would be the end of it.

Although he was not wanted on Berk, he knew they were suffering.

So killing off the queen was doing Berk a favour.

Now, the dragons could fly elsewhere, and Berk no longer had raids.

The people of Edon had heard of his act, and considered him as an honorary hero.

"Toothless, it'll be fine!" Hiccup reassured him, unclicking his harness that connected him to Toothless' saddle.

Toothless roared, desperate to stop his rider from killing himself.

Being the stubborn Viking he was, Hiccup leapt out of his saddle.

Letting out a holler, the auburn haired teen doved down, passing through clouds.

The cool breeze brushed past him, rustling through his hair.

His hood slipped off his head, revealing his unruly auburn-brown mane.

In the span of two years, his hair had grown remarkably.

It was now up to his shoulders and was in uneven angles.

His freckled face had matured slightly, but his youthful face still remained.

He still wore his green tunic with a chainmail attached around his torso, protecting the most sensitive parts.

Layered over his tunic was a loose navy blue shirt with iron shoulder pads attached.

Connected to his shirt was a hood, which was comfortable to wear as well as protective against the cold.

Toothless quickly raced after his rider as the small shape shot through the clouds.

Once he eventually caught his rider, Hiccup hopped onto his saddle, attaching his harness.

"See? I told you," Hiccup leaned forward, chuckling, "Nothing to worry about,"

The dark dragon grumbled in response. He moved his massive eyes, which resembled an annoyed eye roll.

This was probably the fifth time this month his rider had to be saved.

The first time was on Changewing Island, where the duo was chased by a gang of Changewings.

They both knew how territorial these dragons were, yet it had been a near death experience.

"Hey! We've been looking all over for you," Hiccup whirled his head to a familiar voice.

Perched on a creamy brown Timberjack, Ingrid removed her hood, revealing her tangled mess of chestnut brown hair.

"Going for a morning flight without us, eh?" another voice yelled over the wind.


Gunnar, the hope and heir of Edon leaned over his olive green Monstrous Nightmare, Fangshot, grinning.

He was a brute of a boy with a mess of jet black hair beneath his helmet.

His eyes were a sea green and minor freckles trailed along the bridge of his nose.

Gunnar was a year older than Hiccup, who excelled at fighting, especially with an axe.

His outfit was made up of a pale blue tunic covered with chainmail over his chest. Dark brown leggings fitted around his torso with leather knee pads attached.

Strapped on his back was a double axe. His father's prized double axe he received on his recent eighteenth birthday.

The chief had been welcoming to both Hiccup and Toothless. He was a strong leader and also very compassionate towards his people.

When the chief asked where he was from, Hiccup had hesitated to respond.

He knew he wasn't ready to tell anyone he was an outcast. Not yet anyway.

Gunnar was similar to Hiccup in many ways.

For one thing, both their fathers were chiefs. Well, in Hiccup's case, used to be.

Gunnar was stubborn to his father, which reminded Hiccup of his relationship with his former father.

"Okay, how did you know I went out for a flight?" Hiccup shouted over the wind.

"Oh, I figured you would," Ingrid replied, once she caught up with the auburn haired teen, "I mean that's a routine for you right? You wake up, get your dragon and run off without us knowing," her tone was dripping with sarcasm.

Hiccup gave a nod, "Yes...only it's the other way around," he patted his dragon's head, "I wake up to find Toothless jumping on my roof then we run off without you guys knowing,"

Ingrid chuckled, "Well, close enough,"

After being friends with Ingrid and Gunnar for two years, Hiccup felt their friendship had gotten closer.

He glanced around, realising somebody was missing.

"Where's Runa?"

"She's feeding Echo. And she has archery practice soon," Ingrid replied, brushing a few strands from her face.

Runa was another villager Hiccup had befriended. She rode a Thunderdrum and was one of the best archers in Edon.

"Oh, that reminds me," Ingrid added, sounding serious, "Dad needs you at the workshop. Customers are beginning to overpopulate the shop with orders. So you gotta get there quick,"

Ever since Hiccup was hired as Bjorn's apprentice, there were frequent visits from customers wanting weapons repaired.

Some even came to purchase new weapons at reasonable prices.

A few weeks ago, Hiccup had discovered Gronkle iron, which was the strongest kind of iron to craft weapons of sorts.

Thanks to his craftsmanship and accuracy, Hiccup crafted the finest looking weapons that could endure any battle.

"Yeah," Hiccup nodded, "I've noticed. It's always busy at the shop,"

"Hey, anyone up for a race around the island?" Gunnar suggested with a devilish grin.

Ingrid and Hiccup exchanged looks of determination.

They leaned over their dragon, looking eager as ever.

"Dragon racing? You're on," Ingrid declared, smirking, "But just letting you know, Arrow and me have been training every morning. So our training will finally pay off,"

Hiccup let out a snort, "Not unless you ride a Night Fury. Thor, they're not known as the fastest dragon for nothing," he peered over his dragon, "What do you say, bud? Do you think we can beat them?"

Toothless snorted happily, making the lanky teen grin.

Ingrid rolled her deep blue eyes.

"It's not fair. You ride a freaking Night Fury," Ingrid looked at her dragon apologetically, "No offence, girl. You're fast but not as fast as Toothless,"


Hiccup crossed his arms, looking a little smug.

"Okay, guys whoever reaches Bjorn's workshop last is a rotten cod head!"

Gunnar darted past them, laughing as the others yelled in protest.

"Hey! You cheated!" Ingrid shouted, and then glanced at her dragon, "Come on, girl. Let's show that show off what we got,"

"Ha! You better catch me first!" Gunnar yelled in the distance.

Hiccup raced past her, leaving her trailing behind the lanky teen and the fastest dragon.


Hiccup and Toothless were the first to reach Bjorn's workshop.

The others made it moments later, grumbling to themselves with Hiccup smirking.

It wasn't a surprise, though.

After all, Toothless was the fastest dragon on the Island. Perhaps the whole archipelago. Thanks to his supersonic speed and recent adjustments made to his tail.

Hiccup hopped off Toothless just as Ingrid and Gunnar landed.

"Told you Toothless is the fastest," he peered down, rubbing his dragon's head, "Aren't you, bud?"

Ingrid rolled her eyes, hoping off Arrow.

"Well, he's a Night Fury. That gave you a bit of an advantage," she declared.

Gunnar snorted in agreement, "I used to think nobody could train a Night Fury. But I guess I was wrong," he looked at Fangs, smirking, "Between you and me, Fangs, no dragon is as awesome as you. Not even Hiccup's Night Fury,"

Hiccup rolled his eyes. He crouched on one knee, adjusting his prosthetic foot.

Gunnar dismounted off Fangshot just as Bjorn stepped out of his workshop.

"Now, look who decided to show up," he said, eyeing the auburn haired teen.

Hiccup whirled around, pulling down his hood.

"Sorry. Got caught up," Hiccup replied then quickly slipped into the shop.

He opened the shutters near the counter, revealing a queue of Vikings shouting orders for weapons to be prepared.

With a sigh, Hiccup got straight into mending weapons.

Even though the pay wasn't much, he was grateful to put his useful skills into practice.

Bjorn turned to the other teens, who were taking a breather.

Who knew dragon racing was tiring work?

"Ingrid, mind telling me where you were?" he questioned his daughter.

Ingrid stared at the ground sheepishly. Her father seemed slightly annoyed, and she knew why.

"We were racing each other," she replied, scratching the ground with her boot, "I managed to find Hiccup. But we got caught up. Sorry,"

Bjorn lifted an incredulous brow. He sighed and shoved broom at her.

"You got work to do. The chores aren't going to do it by itself," he declared.

Ingrid gave a nod, "Yes, father,"

"Oh, and make sure you clean out Arrow's pen!" Bjorn called after her, "There's dragon dung everywhere!"

With a sigh, Ingrid led Arrow around the back of her home.

Turning to Gunnar, he gave the young heir a stern look.

"Your father is looking for you, Gunnar,"

Gunnar scratched his neck nervously, "Oh, really? Gee, I wonder why,"

Of course he knew the reason. Yet, the idea of being stuck with his father for the whole day was not really exciting.

"Chief training," Bjorn announced, chuckling heartily, "He's waiting for you by the docks,"

Gunnar let out a groan and made his way towards the docks, Fangshot trailing behind him.

To him, chief training was probably the most agonizing thing he had to do.

Even though he was almost at that age where he would be chief, Gunnar didn't feel ready.

All he wanted was to live a few more years of freedom.

Once the two teens left, Bjorn stepped in his workshop, monitoring his apprentice.

"So a little birdy told me you were out flying," Bjorn whispered in Hiccup's ear.

Startled, Hiccup jumped at the sound of his mentor's voice.

"What-really? Really, Bjorn?" Hiccup rolled his eyes, annoyed, "Ugh, you do not scare a guy like that!"

Bjorn crossed his arms, chuckling.

"Well, I should have known, lad,"

Hiccup grunted as he pounded a bent sword.

"Yeah, well, it wasn't my idea," he shouted through the clanging of his hammer, "Toothless wanted to go for a flight. Can't even get a shut eye with all his whining,"

Bjorn swung his head back, laughing.

"Well, you got work to do!" he roughly patted the young apprentice's back, before slipping into the back room.

With a sigh, Hiccup turned back to his sword, ignoring the painful sensation on his back.

In the span of two years, Bjorn and Hiccup had grown close.

The blacksmith had kindly helped Hiccup settle into Edon by building him a lodge large enough to fit him and Toothless.

Bjorn would generously pay for meals, knowing the young Viking had so little to spend.

Hiccup could never forget that day when Bjorn repaired Toothless' tail fin.

If the storm hadn't swept them here, Hiccup wouldn't know what would have happened to them.

They would probably be out stranded, starving and shivering in the cold. Perhaps lost somewhere without a home.

For a moment, the lanky teen stared out to the bustling village.

Villagers passed by with yapping terrors and dragons of sorts trailing behind them.

Riders on the backs of dragons hovered around the village, conveniently completing daily chores.

Children weaved through the crowded village playing a game of tag.

During his stay, Hiccup had learned so much about the Isle of Edon.

For one thing, this race of Vikings weren't dragon killers. Instead, they were a curious tribe, believing in the power of reasoning rather than fighting head on.

Edon was home to him. It was the only place where he actually felt wanted.

Yet, from time to time, he would recall his memories of Berk; his birthplace.

It had been two years since he was banished. He had to admit, there were some things he missed.

Gobber, Astrid and his fath- Stoick.

Stoick had disowned him, but that didn't mean he still cared about him. He was his father by blood and Hiccup loved him.

Now, he may never see him again.

He pulled up his sleeve, revealing a silver band, engraved with a Night Fury's symbol.

Bjorn had given this to him two months ago when he turned seventeen.

The blacksmith did treat him like a son, and that made him realise his home was no longer on Berk.

It was here, where no one can shun him for being different.

The lanky teen drew a sharp breath. He pulled down his sleeve, grabbing the next weapon needed mending.

By now, the queue outside the workshop had grown considerably.

Most of the weapons given were mangled, blunt or so damaged that it was useless.

A brute of a man stood behind the counter, covered with ink black dragon tattoos over his enormous arms.

Leather armour clads his muscular frame. Spikes shot out from his wrist bands, making him look threatening.

The man's face was stern that Hiccup couldn't help but feel intimidated.

Hiccup noticed a violet terrible terror was perched on the man's shoulder, squawking.

An eye patch covered the terror's left eye. That made the boy awfully suspicious.

Eyes turned to the man and his terror, but neither seemed to care.

"Are you the lad who brought a Night Fury here?" the man spoke, his voice husky and grim.

Hiccup's green eyes widened, shocked. He stood silently then gave an affirm nod.

"Yes," he wasn't sure whether this man wanted to start a conversation, or there was something he wanted to say.

The man leaned forward that Hiccup could almost smell his foul breath.

"We don't usually welcome outsiders, especially one who rides the Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death," the man spoke in a whisper.

Hiccup stared at him, perplexed, "Uh...Who are you exactly?"

The man smirked, "Megadon,"

He looked at the auburn haired teen gravely. He obviously knew something about Night Furies, which made Hiccup weary.

"Bad things tends to happen," Megadon declared, "Things that you may not be aware of,"

Hiccup stared at the man incredulously, "Bad things? What do you mean?" he crossed his arms, "I doubt Toothless would harm anyone,"

Megadon lifted a brow, "And you call a Night Fury Toothless?"

He then threw his head back, laughing.

"Craziest thing I've ever heard,"

By now, a crowd had gathered around the workshop, murmuring among themselves.

Many grumbled in protest at such a false proclamation. Others grunted in agreement.

Hiccup's eyes darted to the crowd nervously.

As the voices projected around him, Hiccup struggled to process what this man was talking about.

"Hey! What's with all this commotion?" Hiccup whirled around as Bjorn stormed to the crowd.

He turned to his apprentice with a questioning look.

Hiccup shrugged, not knowing exactly what Megadon had been on about.

"Bjorn! Are you aware your apprentice keeps a Night Fury?" Megadon questioned with a sneer.

Bjorn nodded, crossing his arms.

"Yes. Have you got a problem with that, Megadon?" he retorted, raising his brow.

"Are you aware keeping that dragon brings bad luck to all of us?" Megadon eyed Hiccup pointedly, "Are you not aware of the Black Curse?"

Hiccup shook his head. He wasn't one to believe in superstitions, but the idea of a Night Fury being part of a curse really made him intrigued.

"Black curse?" Hiccup exchanged a look with Bjorn, "What is it?"

"It's just a myth," Bjorn waved it off, "I don't believe in curses," he sneered at Bjorn purposely, "Not from a crazy lunatic like you,"

Megadon narrowed his eyes as the crowd behind him shouting protests.

The dark haired man rolled his stern blue eyes, clearly fed up with the crowd.

Hiccup glanced over at the raucous crowd, then back to Megadon.

"The Black Curse is believed to exist for centuries," the tattooed man ushered the apprentice forward, "Ever wondered why we rarely see any Night Furies?"

Hiccup knew the man had a point. Though, he didn't agree with his accusation that a class of dragons would be associated with anything evil.

For centuries, the people of Berk had feared the Night Fury being a creature being so lethal, so unholy, and so vile. Yet, nobody knew anything about them, assuming the Night Fury was the devil's spawn.

Until Hiccup met Toothless, that's when the most terrifying beast was misunderstood.

So perhaps Megadon was crazy or the village of Edon has yet to know more about Night Furies.

"I thought their race died out," Hiccup furrowed his brows, "Toothless is the only one left,"

"Yes, but there is a reason why they died out," Megadon spoke with a hideous sneer.

Ingrid squeezed her way through the crowd, puzzled.

Business wasn't always this hectic. Unless there was a reason why most of the village were huddled around her father's shop.

"Hiccup! Dad! What's going on?" Ingrid shouted over the crowd.

She hobbled to the counter, glancing around the hectic crowd.

"Apparently this guy thinks Night Furies are dangerous," Hiccup replied as Ingrid stepped inside the shop, "And he thinks they're associated with some curse,"

"Many believe Night Furies are hostile creatures who refuse to get along with other dragons," Megadon patted his finger on his terror's head, "They believed they were brought here, long ago as a curse. They believed they were being punished by the gods. They believed these black winged...beasts can bring bad luck to anyone. So they killed them,"

Hiccup eyed the man up and down incredulously.

"How do you know so much about this?" he asked, growing suspicious.

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