《》The Shack



The blob still hasn't moved so I assume that it is just supplies so I make my way out of the hiding spot but as soon as I have it moves. I run back, clutching the knife against my knife, ready for attack. I look through the doorway and notice that it isn't a blob but a girl. Still, she might be a danger to me. I won't let her hurt me.

In truth, I was terrified. I've dealt with many monsters but none that resembled my own kind. How can they be so cruel? If she really is a human, how dare they bring her here?! How dare they!!

I was taught that the women were supposed to take care of the household while the men worked and provided for the family. Over the years, women were allowed to work, but only because the men had to go oversees to fight for the country. I am proud that women are allowed to work. They don't just have to work in a kitchen and slave over an oven all day but not everyone agrees. The times are changing but not enough.

She looked around the exhibit a while and finally spots the shack. She walked towards the shack not knowing that I am inside, like I intended. As soon as she got to the front step, I pounce on her and she goes flying back, with me on top of her.

"Get off me!" She screams.

I hesitated. Maybe she isn't a threat. No, she has to be. Why else would they send her here?I have survived all of the other things that they have put in here, maybe this is just another challenge. She ends up pushing me off of her while I am still clutching my knife. I am too afraid to use it. I have killed many people and monsters but I can't kill her. Not her too. She looks at me and then at what I am holding. She immediately checks her body to see if she has any cuts before she looks at me again.

"Who... who are you?" I said, hoping she didn't notice the stutter. She kinda looks like she is in a daze. So I say it louder. "I said 'who are you?!'"

" I heard what you said." She replies in a sweet but sassy tone. Her voice sounds just like silk and I can't help but notice her brown, wavy hair.

"Who are you?"

" I asked first. Now. Who are you?" I say, pointing the knife towards her. I want to seem threatening; maybe she'll just leave me alone and go back to where she came from, but I know that isn't possible. I have tried way too many times and each time I have failed.

" I'm Isabella, who are you?" Isabella asks, as she leans against her arms, looking up at me.

" I'm Drew. What... what species are you?" I say in a shaky voice, again. Dang it! I seriously need to stop stuttering. I hope she didn't notice. Isabella looks at me as if she is confused. Maybe she is confused about me holding a knife against her throats and acting tough but having a shaky voice. I hope she doesn't see me as weak.


"Umm....what? I'm human. Why? What are you?" She replies, looking as if she is about to roll on the ground laughing. I don't understand why. It's a valid question.

I realized that I was tense and that I haven't breathed in a while. I exhale, and notice it mix with the air. Every night they do this. It's to save energy for the ship and also a signal that we need to head to our respective chambers, mine being the shack.

Isabella starts to shiver and like the gentleman that I am, I invite her in. She hesitantly gets up and walks to the shack. I follow in behind her noticing how her wavy hair sways left and right down her mid-back. Her navy blue tank top matches the jeans that she paired with it. I can tell that she has good fashion sense.

We walk through the door and I head to the fireplace where I left a kettle boiling. I take it off of the fire and put it on the small table that I had carved when I first got here. I see her looking around the room and her face shows that she is concerned. Concerned for what? I don't know. This place seems great to me, considering that we are in a freaking zoo exhibit. Maybe she doesn't know.

" Would you like a seat?" I say, curious to know if she knows that we are in an exhibit and we are the "animals" in it. If not, then I am gonna have to break it to her. Please tell me she already knows. I would hate to break it to her. This isn't the kind of news that anyone would take lightly.

All I can imagine is saying: Hey, guess what? You got kid napped by a bunch of smelly aliens and now you are a freaking zoo animal where a bunch of other aliens stare at you and poke the glass repeatedly. I mean how could you break that to someone?

Seriously I'm asking. How?

"Sure." She says. She picks the red chair, but before I could warn her about the dust, she starts coughing. I wait a minute before I ask her any questions. After she stops coughing and the dust has settled, I offer her a drink so that way she won't see me as being rude.

She gulps the warm water greedily. As if it was her favorite drink in the whole entire world. Well, ship.

Wiping the excess water from her lips, she stares at me.

"So.... how did you get here?" I would honestly like to know. Or at least know how she thinks that she got here? Does she still believe that she is on Earth or has she already seen the horrible monsters here?


"I don't know. I can't remember. All I remember is this lumpy doctor guy wheeling my in a wheelchair down a hallway. After that I blacked out and woke up in a room with him tapping on a fancy computer," She says. What the heck is a computer? Why would you tap on it? What would it do if you tapped it?


"What the fuck is a computer?" I say. She looks taken aback by what I just said. Then she starts laughing. "Why are you laughing!? Is it going to attack us?!" I get up and clutch my knife. No "computers" will attack me. Us? Still I won't let them attack. They won't even have a chance.

She laughs some more and then she gets up. She puts her hand on my forearm and looks up at me. I look down at her and notice that she has tears in her eyes. What am I not getting here? What does she know that I don't?

"No... no.. please tell me you know what a computer is?" She says, laughing in between her words. I look at her seriously and her whole facial expression changes to shock.

"You're serious?! Oh God, I'm so sorry." She says, disbelief is in her eyes and tone. "Wait. You have to know what a computer is. They have been around for a long time, at least 40 years."

" I have literally never heard of a computer, in my whole entire life." I say, staring at her with confusion evident on my face.

"Are you serious? It's 2020 and you've never heard of a computer?" She says. I look at her as if she is crazy. What does she mean it's freaking 2020? It's 1949.

"No, it's not. It's 1949. But seriously what is a computer?" I answer. She can't be serious about it being 2020. That was 71 years into the future. That is impossible. She has to be pulling my leg.

"Seriously? It just turned 2020 a month ago. Ok if you are serious what was the last war that had happened around that time?" She says.

" World War 2. I was a part of it. I got drafted in when I was 17. It ended in 1945 after Japan surrendered when we dropped the bomb in Nagasaki. It formally ended on August 14, 1945. After that I went home, where my mom was and I moved out soon after." I said, looking back at how I left my mom. I shuddered. I'm glad that I am not living with her or her dead beat boyfriend again.

She looks at me in shock at how I would know all of that information and know the exact dates and what happened. But her face masks over and focuses.

" I don't believe you." That's all she says. ' I don't believe you.' How could she not? It's the truth! I need to prove to her that I am but how? Oh yeah...

I walk over to the right corner and get my knife. I wedge the knife between two of these floorboards until they pop open. Inside is where I keep all of my momentos. I have photos, clothes, a pocket watch, and a few letters.

I take one of the photos and one of the letters and hold it out to Isabella for her to see. She grabs it and looks at it. She looks at it as if it was all forged and fake. She looks up at me and then back down at the photo. Up again and then down. She does this for the next minute until she moves over to the letter. As she reads it, her eyebrows shoot up and then her face scrunched up and then her face is back to her original state of focused.

"Alright I believe you." She says, looking up at me. Suddenly, she squints her eyes at me. " but shouldn't you look like a 90 year old by now?"

Alright time to break the news, I guess.

"Ummm yeah about that... ummmm. I'm a vampire." I say, trying to hold back the laughter that is about to come from me.

"Wait? Seriously!?" She says, getting up and backing up to the door.

"No." I laugh so hard that I am falling on the floor. The look on her face was priceless. "No, I'm 23. I'm not old. I've only been here for a few months or I guess now, decades." She looked at me still with slight fear.

I sigh. I shouldn't have made that joke. It didn't even really make sense.

"No the reason why I look 23 is because I am 23. We.... oh I hate this.... ok...we are on a space ship or a transporter ship," I say. I wait for her to start screaming or freaking out but nothing happens. She just stands there.

"Ok you are lying. Tell me the truth." She says.

" I am telling you the truth. You seriously will believe vampires but not alien space ships?" I say, the look of shock and fear now sets in on her face.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. You said nothing about being on an alien space ship." She says, now pacing on the floor. She mumbles something under her breath while she continues to pace.

While she paces, I look outside and see it get dark. It's almost pitch black.

I should have broken the new to her in a more gentle way. I thought funny would have been a good way to break it but I guess I was wrong. She is literally freaking out.

I go over to the door that is barely hanging on its hinges and bolt it shut, I go over to the windows and close them, then finally I go back to the fireplace where I put the fire out. The creatures always come out at night in order to hunt. I can't do anything about the holes in the ceiling but luckily these nightcrawlers can't fly or climb very well.


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