《Last Girl》Chapter 24


Stop it.

I said STOP IT! As I slammed my fist down on the desk, everyone's eyes were on me. Ah jeez, I didn't mean to cause a scene on my very first day of school! But I couldn't help it, the voice in my head was only getting louder.

"Miss Uchida, are you alright?" The teacher asked as he stopped drawing on the chalkboard.

"I eh..." I trailed off with my voice. "I just have a headache. Could I please go and excuse myself?"

"Of course." The teacher replied as he turned his back to continue drawing on the chalkboard.

As I quickly gathered my belongings I made eye contact with Haruto before leaving the room. He was probably worried about me, but there was simply nothing he could do for me. It was just inside my head...

The school itself was quite large. I probably should've expected as much considering that many wealthy families send their sons here. If things had been different, I wonder if one day my Father would've enrolled me here?


Probably not. He'd most likely maintain that parents only send their children here because of the school's prestigious reputation.

As I walked endlessly down the school hallways, I finally came across the infirmary office. To my surprise, it was completely empty.

"I guess I'll just take one of the open beds?" I said to myself while looking around the room. I had no specific preference, so I just took the bed closest to the door.

As I closed the curtains around my bed, I curled myself up into a fetal position. I didn't want to admit it, but the voice inside my head might be right. I could be thinking too naively here.

If I'm really the last girl in all of Japan, then shouldn't I be hunted down right now? There's no way that big corporations and other families aren't looking for me as we speak. I know there are still surviving girls in other countries, but eventually, they're going to have to come after me, right?


As I felt the anxiety start to set in, the sound of loud boisterous laughing invaded my personal thoughts. It seems like a group of boys have entered the infirmary...

"What if you get caught?" A boy said while trying to hold back his laughter.

"Unless one of you dicks rat me out then no one will know about it." Another boy asserted.

"I won't say a word, but let me have a round with her when you're done, alright?"

Disgusting. I felt like I was going to vomit. They were talking about me; I just know it!

"Anyway, go grab the chloroform, I'll handle the rope, got it?" The ringleader of the group ordered.

As several boys left the room, I covered my mouth as tight as I could. Please... Come save me Haruto or Kaoru! I don't know how much longer I can stay hidden...

Despite not making a sound, the ringleader grew suspicious of the drawn curtain. "Hey, is someone already in here?"

I didn't move a muscle. One noise and I'm done for! As the silence persisted, the voice spoke up once more. "Go check that shit out."

And just like that, the curtain was drawn across and my presence was made known to the two remaining boys.

"Would you look at that..." The bleach-blonde boy started. "It's the woman of the hour!"

Without saying a word, I made a run for the door, but I was unfortunately caught in the arms of the brunette.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked tauntingly.

I knew something like this might happen one day. So, at times like this, I was glad that Haruto gave me some basic pointers when it came to self-defence. Keeping what he said in mind, I started to wiggle as much as possible until I could free one arm from his hold. With that free arm, I elbowed him right in the face as I made my escape.


At times like this, I really wished more people would ditch class. As it is right now, I'm being chased down an empty corridor by two psychopaths. As they started to gain on me, I noticed a tall figure slowly descend the stairs.

"HEY!" I yelled. "HELP ME!"

The figure looked up from his book as he slowly came to a halt. On instinct, I hid behind his back as my two attackers attempted to catch their breath as they caught up to me.

"We were only messing with you. Chill out!" The bleach-blonde boy maintained.

"THAT'S A LIE!" I yelled once more, but this time I was filled with uncontrollable rage. "YOU WERE PLANNING ON VIOLATING ME!"

As the tall fair-haired glasses boy listened to me, he slowly redirected his gaze back to the boys. "Is this true?" He asked the boys.

"Of course not! This bitch is a liar!" The brunette rebuked.

As the boy standing before me closed his book, he straightened up his posture before proceeding. "Are you sure about that? I'm sure the principal would be more inclined to listen to her story first."

"What the fuck, Watanabe?" The bleach-blonde boy said in surprise. "I thought you were cool."

The glasses boy merely stared blankly in response. "Get out of my sights before I cause a scene." The boy slowly turned his back on my assailants before adding, "you disgust me."

The boys merely clicked their tongues as they quickly darted down the hallway. I sighed in relief as I was finally free. I'll need to try and not isolate myself like that again in the future.

"I'll need to report this..." The boy remarked to himself as he wrote something down on his notepad.

"Thank you so much! I don't know what I'd do if you weren't there." As I straightened myself out, I put on my best charming smile. "My name is Aiko Uchida, I'm a new second-year student. Pleased to meet you!" I said with an outstretched arm.

The boy looked at it hesitatingly before he cleared his throat and decided to shake it. "Shinya Watanabe. Third-year and student council president..."

"Third-year? In that case, I should be calling you Senpai, right?" I said jokingly with a smile.

"Aiko?" A voice called out from behind me. I turned to see both Kaoru and Haruto looking at me in concern.

Noticing that I was still holding hands with Shinya, Haruto took it upon himself to quickly break us apart as he pulled me into a protective hug.

"He wasn't bothering you. Was he?" Haruto asked as he narrowed his eyes at the boy.

"No, quite the opposite actually," I said, coming to Shinya's defence.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kaoru probed as he eyed Shinya suspiciously.

"Two second-years were bothering her. I was just on my way to report the incident." Shinya explained as he gestured towards the stairs.

"It was Minato and Akira, right? I saw them run past us..." Kaoru said.

As I looked up towards Haruto, I saw his face darken. I knew what that look meant. I had to stop him before he went ahead and did something stupid.

"Let's let the school handle this. Okay?" I pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

Despite how much he wanted to refuse, Haruto couldn't say no to me when I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Fine..." He relented.

I felt relieved that I managed to keep Haruto in line. But at the time I failed to see Kaoru who was clenching his fists as his eyebrows started to twitch.

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