《Last Girl》Chapter 4


Contrary to my initial beliefs, the marketplace was not how I pictured it to be. Rather, it exceeded my expectations.

Back in my home-world, the markets were jam-packed with shoppers in a claustrophobic and dingy tent. The little sunlight that could wriggle its way inside was scarce. It made for a frightening experience when I was younger. I can recall the times I would cry out for my parents when I got separated from them.

I've grown a lot since then. As such, I don't mind going to the markets now. In fact, I take great pleasure in it.

Experiencing a town's culture only adds to its overall allure. I'm a sucker for the whole sight-seeing schtick. But I would be lying if said I that being an inhabitant in this world hasn't been a culture shock for me. The whole social norms and status quo so to speak, is completely divergent from anything I grew up with.

Being an outsider in a long-time townie's body is something that takes a while to adjust to. In a way, I guess this makes me a foreigner. Well, if that's the case, then I guess I'll need to change it at once! And what better way to do that than by exploring this world itself. If I'm lucky, this might just speed up the whole re-jogging my memories process.

The marketplace oddly reminded me of a Bavarian village. Architecture wise, it's not too rustic, rather, it's bright and filled with playful colours. The streets are relatively lively as it's filled with young boys and their fathers embarking on family outings.

With all the animated signs severing as advertisements, you would think this might be some small carnival for children. The multicoloured flag banners and candy trolleys only reinforce this semblance.

"I'll never have this..." I sigh.


Haruto turns his head to me as he slowdowns his pace.

"What do you mean? You can have anything you wish."

Two boys cut in front of us, as they race against each other in a game of tag. I watch longingly as I wish to be them for just a second. To run wherever my heart desires and to be completely free of restraints.

"I'll never even get to have my own Mother-Daughter outing..."

"I can empathize with that sentiment. I don't exactly have parents myself either."

Oh, that's right. Haruto was an orphan before, father took him in. I never asked him about his parents, seeing as he never met them. I should be more gracious that my own father is still alive, huh.

"But even if you don't have the family you wish for. You still have me" Haruto reassures me.

I look up bashfully at Haruto to smile at his comment. It feels nice to be cherished.

"Moreover, you will soon be wed to Mr Fujiwara. Then you can start your own family. Hopefully, you can give birth to a daughter and make your wish come true."

Why does my heartache after hearing that? I'm not prepared to have children, I myself is still a child at heart. On top of that, I'm not sure if I want to settle down with Kaoru in the first place. If I got married, would Haruto still remain by my side? I can't begin to imagine what my life would be like without him.

"Aside from that, I believe you had some business you wished to attend to today. Would I be correct in saying so?"

"Yes. I wanted to buy a dress for tomorrow's arrangement."

"I see. I have an idea of where we should go. So, if you will allow me..."


Agreeing to Haruto's suggestion, I followed him in his pursuit. Not wanting to stagger behind, I quickened my pace to the best of my ability. Curse you Haruto and your long strides! I can't keep up with you and your physique!

Just as I was about to catch up, I felt a hand grope me from behind.

This wasn't the first time something like this has happened to me. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've experienced several encounters like this in my past life. As scared as I was right now, I knew I couldn't afford to freeze up. Reluctantly, I slowly turned my head around to face my attacker.

Alas, it was a boy that was not much older than me. He resembled your stereotypical street delinquent. He held a cigarette between his lips and smirked at me as if he was issuing a challenge.


I decided to accept his bold challenge and threw back a revolted glare at him. His repose didn't falter immediately, but it did take a couple of seconds before he stepped back in alarm. Initially, I felt happy thinking I managed to make him cower. But then I realised it was Haruto's intimidating glare from behind me that made the boy slowly back off.

Not wanting things to escalate any further, I gently grabbed Haruto's arm to subdue his radiating anger. It would be bad if a brawl broke out in public. Not only would he send the boy to the emergency room, but my father would never let me outside again! On top of that, Haruto might get the blame for this and my father would fire him. I cannot allow such a thing to happen!

"K-Kurosawa-san!" I nervously called out.

My voice falls flat on Haruto's ears, as he takes a step closer to my assailant.

"HARUTO!" I commanded.

It was only when I made my voice more authoritative that Haruto finally snapped out of it. Thank god! I was worried his fist would reach the boy's face before my voice would reach him!

"We mustn't make, father worry. We should hurry along with the errands, okay?"

Haruto was visibly caught in a dilemma. He didn't want to walk away, yet he wished to adhere to my orders. He stood there contemplating what to do until he finally came to a resolution.

He took his shadowy jacket off and placed it over my head. Shielding me with it, he ushered me before him.

Being safe from the naked eye of passing-by men made me feel protected. Breathing in, I could sniff Haruto's scent. It was comforting. I felt more secure travelling in secrecy like this. My female identity wasn't as apparent this way.

It was probably a foolish idea for me to wear this pink sundress in the first place! I should have gone with a more subtle look for today knowing that I would be venturing outside. I just hoped that my appearance wouldn't pose any future threats.

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