《Kidnapped by the Alpha》Chapter 9: Nightmare


Isabelle ran through the woods, just like she was told to do. She didn't dare look back in fear that she would be frozen in place and wanting to go help him. But she wasn't trained, she didn't know how to fight. How would she be able to help him if she couldn't even protect herself?

She took deep breaths, trying to get as much air as possible as she ran. Her heart was beating loudly and she heard the howls behind her. All she was thinking was, need to get back, need to get back. Need to get him some help. There was no other way for this to happen, if she wanted him to survive. She needed to get him some help before he died trying to protect her.

Her feet thumped against the forest floor, her heart beat speeding up with every passing second. If only she could just make it and tell the others about it, they'd be there soon to save him. There were just too many of them for even him to handle. Isabelle ran faster, knowing that if she made it in time, he could be saved.

She heard the rogues following closely behind her and that made her run even faster. If she got caught, who would be there to go back to send help for him? No one, and she knew that. She looked back for a moment to see them hot on her trail, but that was a mistake because right when she turned her head away, she tripped over a root and fell.

Isabelle screamed as they got closer, and closer, her heart picking up in fear and she knew that there was no way she would get to the house now. She closed her eyes and felt the warm breath of a rouge on her skin and-


Isabelle woke up with a start, her breathing heavy and heartbeat faster than normal. She looked around widly and tried to move but couldn't. At that moment, she noticed that Jared was holding her down after waking he up and he had a..... worried expression in his eyes? That was one thing she wasn't expecting.

Jared's lips were moving but she couldn't hear him, all she could hear was the howling in her dream and everything else in it. Her ears were ringing and she couldn't stop it.

Isabelle took deep breaths, trying to control herself but it wasn't working. Instead her breaths came out in short burst, about one every second. She kept thrashing around, trying to get away from the things that were chasing her, but she couldn't. Her legs were tired like she had been running a great distance and she didn't think that she would be able to handle this anymore, whatever this was.

Slowly, Jared's voice started to seep through into her ears and she was able to feel his touch on her. It was tingling but it started to calm her down much more than she was already.

"Isabelle, Isabelle! It was only a nightmare. Please stop, it was only a nightmare sweetheart," Jared said soothingly. It relaxed her and she started to calm down. "That's it, now take deep breaths." Isabelle did as instructed and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths again, this time working for her.

Isabelle's heartbeat slowed down after that and kept her eyes closed. She continued to let him hold her, her just wanting to take in the comfort right now and forgetting about him kidnapping her. She cuddled into, feeling like if she did this, it would make the dream go away and stay away.

After a while, Isabelle opened her eyes again, remembering everything that had happened. She pulled away from him, from his comfort, even though she felt like it broke a little piece inside her and she didn't know why.


Jared's face seemed to drop when she did that and she wondered why. He shouldn't be feeling like this, if that was actually emotion, it was probably just an act, but really, he did kidnap her after all. So why would he even look like that?

Isabelle turned around, away from him and he reluctantly let go of her and moved over a bit. Isabelle was to tired, to tired even to say thank you. Once she closed her eyes again, she seemed to be out like a light and falling back into darkness.


I know it's short but I didn't really know what to do with chapter. But I hoped ya'll liked it.




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