《Just A Human》Experiments


The door was kicked down and Josh was there "Oh Sh*t" all three of us said "What is going going on in her- OMG!" my mom said "Mom, it's Josh!" we all yelled! She grabbed a knife and said "Get out of my f*cking house!" "Whoa, take it easy." he said and grabbed the knife out of my mom's hands. "I'm just here for the humans!" "I won't let that happen, there my kids." mom said firmly "Ahhh! Your not getting my tinys" Sam screeched as ran up to Josh and started punching him "Ow! This brat is strong!" Josh said in pain. Josh the grabbed Sam with what appeared to be his mind and threw him to the other side of the room, my mom went and checked if he was okay. Josh walked up to me, Oliver, and Jake "Get behind me," I whispered, they ducked behind me "Give me Matt and I'll leave your family alone." he said as he picked up my mom and Sam with his mind. I stepped forward and held out my arms "Good choice," he said.

"Matt don't do this!" Jake pleaded. Josh grabbed Matt and started choking him. Then put Matt in his mouth and swallowed. "NOOOOO!!!" me Jake yelled together. Josh had then placed our parents back down on the ground and walked out the door. Rage built up inside me I started to fly towards Josh "This is for hurting my friends!" I used my mind and made him fall over. "This is for making people suffer!" I gave him sprained ankle and wrist, "And this is for doing experiments on me!" I used my mind and pulled Matt out back through his mouth then made him forget his identify and everything else, and teleported him somewhere random on earth.

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