《Just a Kiss》Epilogue


On a warm Sunday evening, a very elated couple stands on a raised platform with twenty of their closest friends and family gather around and staring up at them. The woman is dressed in white and the man in a fitted tuxedo. Oblivious to the world around them, they have eyes only for each other.

The warm voice of the minister fills the small chapel, coaxing a wide smile from every attendant as he starts. Attention shifts, for a moment, to him. An old man, bent near double and white hair sitting like a mop on his head. Before long, focus moves back to the bride and groom, and, despite his age, he notices quickly.

With a quiet chuckle, he rushes through his words, stopping only to have the couple exchange vows. Finally, he closes his book and says, "I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

The groom jerks to attention. With a whispered word to Ginny, Harry sweeps her into his arms and presses his lips to hers. He breaks the kiss off to send a cheeky smirk to the crowd and then twirls Ginny around and dips her low. Ginny's laughter is drowned by the guests who coo and clap. More than a few men let out a sharp wolf whistle, which earned each of them a scolding smack from any female nearby.

Hermione is one of these girls, batting at Draco's shoulder, who sits at her side in the first pew. "Draco, be good," she chides. The impact of the words is ruined when she bursts into a fit of giggles part way through. He joins her, nudging her gently.

"You know he won't mind. I'm his favorite," he taunts, earning himself another smack.

Hermione scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Only because you managed to impress him at the Weasley's Sunday quidditch matches," she shoots back, turning away to look back up at the altar where the bride and groom have finally parted and are making their way down.

"You sound jealous. Are you upset that I stole your best friend, Hermione?" It earns him a sharp jab to the ribs. He pulls a wounded expression as they stand from their seats and rubs pitifully at his side. "You've a terrible addiction to hitting me," he grumbles.

"It didn't really hurt you, did it?" She whispers, peeking at him with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, you know I'd never mean to actually hurt you. I'm not like him-"

Draco shakes his head, sneaking an arm around her waist, and pulls her close. "No, I'm only joking," he reassures. She takes a breath and relaxes, leaning into him.

As the newlyweds walk past, Hermione and Draco fall in step behind them, and as they walk up the aisle, the other guests file behind them. Outside, everyone gathers around Harry and Ginny, showering them in grains of rice.

Ginny ducks behind Harry's back, sniggering as Harry is pelted by her brothers. A handful from George explodes over Harry's chest and, when Ginny peers over Harry's shoulder, George throws another up and over Harry so it rains down on Ginny. It's Draco who manages to catch Harry in the face and Harry glares darkly with a vow of revenge.

When the rice runs out, Harry and Ginny wave then disappear with a pop, heading directly to the reception.

Hermione and Draco arrive just after Blaise and Luna, appearing on the front step of the Malfoy Manor so suddenly that Blaise starts.


"Zabini," Hermione greets, not having had time to speak to them at the church. "And Luna, I've missed you. We should meet more often." She steps forward and embraces both tightly before letting Draco takes her place and do the same.

"You as well, Blaise. You rarely care to come visit anymore," Draco adds, parting from his friend. "My mother is getting concerned."

Blaise snorts, shaking his head. "She's said nothing to me. Are you sure it isn't just you, Draco?"

Draco glares, though there's no heat behind it. "Not a word," he grunts, letting Hermione take his hand and drag him inside. Luna and Blaise follow, laughing quietly over Draco's words.

Narcissa Malfoy is in the ball room, her small group of free elves at her side and waiting for orders. Just as the group of friends enter, she bends and whispers instructions to each of the three elves. Their heads bob in unison and they set off with a pop.

Hermione sends Draco to hep with any arrivals that are unfamiliar with the layout of the manor while she goes to the lady Malfoy. "We'll talk more later," she murmurs to Luna and Blaise. They nod and walk off. "Narcissa, is there anything I can do to help?" Hermione asks, drawing closer to the woman.

Narcissa shakes her head. "No, dear. Everything is under control. The only thing I want is for you to enjoy yourself, understand?" Her smile is warm as she gazes at Hermione. "Go on, I'll be fine on my own," she says, then gives Hermione a small shove.

"If you're sure..." Hermione trails off, biting her lip. She glances around. "I could help with the food, or cleaning. Whatever you need."

"Really, Hermione," Narcissa huffs, bemused. "This is a night of joy. You needn't stand around and seek out work to do."

Wringing her hands, Hermione sighs. "It's just, you let us use your home for this. I want to repay you in some way."

A gleam appears in Narcissa's eyes. "You've already repaid me enough, Hermione. Draco has never been happier with anyone, perhaps even me. Seeing my son so pleased is better than any gift." Her smile turns just a little false.

"Draco loves you," Hermione insists, frowning. "You're his mother. He loves you very much."

"I know," Narcissa replies. Her gaze slips past Hermione's shoulder, and Hermione can hear the telling laugh that belongs only to Draco. "I know very well that he loves me. But the way he loves you?" She looks back to Hermione, reaching out and grabbing Hermione's hand. Her fingers are cool around Hermione's. "The way he loves you might just outmatch the love he feels for his mother."

Flushing, Hermione takes a stuttering breath. "I'm sure that isn't true. You're his family," she mumbles, ducking her head. "We've only been together for little over a year."

There is a beat of silence, then, "are you saying you don't feel the same? Because I didn't take you for a liar, Miss Granger." Mrs. Malfoy stares down at Hermione, her face now smooth and impassive.

Head shooting up, Hermione has to reign in the scowl she can feel invading her expression. "I love Draco, very much. Do not doubt that," she says, only just managing to keep the bite out of her voice.

Mrs. Malfoy eyes her, then nods and lets her hand go. Her smile come back. "Very good. I didn't doubt it, I just wondered if you might doubt it yourself," she admits.


Tensing, Hermione has to wait a moment before she's sure she can speak without the words being harsh. Once she's calmed, she lets out a slow breath, and forces herself to relax completely. "I love him dearly and I won't soon let myself forget," Hermione tells her. "Thank you, though, for expressing your concern. Are you sure there is nothing you need help with?"

"No, you may go," Narcissa replies. "Draco's waiting, and I'm sure you'd rather talk to your friends than the old women who's to invasive in her son's love life." It's said in jest, and Hermione finds herself letting out a sharp bark of laughter. Any unease between them dissipates.

"We'll talk later, Narcissa," Hermione says, then turns away. She scurries back to Draco, who's returned to the ball room now that everyone seems to be present.

"Did mother assign you some task?" He asks, taking her hand. He's much warmer than his mother and Hermione grins as she shakes her head. "I was hoping I'd get to spend the evening with you."

"We are at a wedding reception, you know?" She points out as they ease their way through the crowd of people. There are more people here than Harry and Ginny had allowed at the ceremony and navigating through them all is more difficult than they imagined. "We aren't going to have much alone time tonight."

Draco rolls his eyes. "I didn't mean alone. I just don't want to be alone while facing all these dreadful Gryffindors." He feigns a shiver of horror that makes Hermione cross her arms.

"Need I remind you, I am one of those dreadful Gryffindors, and all those people you have to face have been your friends since we became a couple," she chides in a playful growl. "Not to mention the fact that Luna isn't a Gryffindor, and neither is Blaise. You aren't completely alone."

"I was only messing, dear. You know I don't mind them anymore. Though, I wouldn't mind that Creevy boy keeping his eyes off you," he declares, unnecessarily loud as his hard gaze lands on Dennis Creevy. Hermione covers her mouth to muffle her chuckles as Draco wraps a tight arm around her and Dennis suddenly disappears into the crows, his face glowing bright red.

"Must you be so possessive," she jokes, lighthearted. "He's two years younger than me and hasn't said more than a greeting since before the war."

He tucks her against his side and normally Hermione would draw the line here with his possessive nature, but she's spent most of the morning crying happy tears for her best friend and is feeling a little drained. She sinks against him and sighs.

"Come on," Hermione says. "Let's go find Harry and Ginny."

Draco looks around, searching for the newlyweds, and almost groans aloud when he spots them surrounded by a half a dozen people. "Can't we wait just a little while," he questions, though she's already tugging away from him and leading them over. "There is nothing wrong with waiting," he mumbles, more to himself than her.

"There is when it's our closest friends," she responds. He can't reply, though not for lack of wanting. Hermione starts maneuvering through the group around the couple and he has to do his best to stay with her.

"Hermione!" Ginny exclaims when her gaze lands on her friend. "Merlin, we've been looking all over for you." She snatches Hermione by her forearm and drags her forward. Draco has to let Hermione go or he'll be knocked off balance. He bites his tongue on a curse when some Hufflepuff girl whose name he can't remember accidentally elbows him. Thankfully, Ginny catches sight of this, and raises her voice. "Do you all mind if Harry and I have a moment alone with these two? We've got to talk about something important," she inquires. Her tone leaves no room for argument, and the people around them disperse quickly. Once the last is out of earshot, she lets out a breath and Harry looks very much like he could kiss both Hermione and Draco in thanks.

"I thought they'd never leave us," Harry mutters, running a hand through his errant hair.

"They came under the guise of wanting to catch up and then didn't let us have a chance to speak more than a few words. You'd think they'd act different with the bride and groom," Ginny adds, dropping her head onto Harry's shoulder.

Draco, having gathered himself, steps up and claps Harry on the shoulder. "Don't tell me that little group was enough to tire you out after years of dealing with adoring fans and pressing journalists like Rita Skeeter," he taunts. Harry smacks his arm away with a dark glare.

"I'd still like some breathing room on my wedding day," Harry says, a bit snappishly. "I can deal with worse, but it doesn't mean I want to today." Ginny nods her agreement, opening her mouth to speak, but a small elf tugs at her dress, insistent for Ginny's attention. Ginny peers down, smiling.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

The house elf grins, happy to be addressed so kindly, though Hermione has never heard Narcissa speak poorly to any of her elves. "Mistress wanted Pippy to inform Misses and Mister Potter that Dinner is ready," the elf states, then bows and backs away with Ginny and Hermione waving goodbye.

The group shares a look, and then Harry's stomach growls, making the other three snicker at his expense.

"Let's go sit and eat; We can talk more at the table," Hermione proposes. The others are quick to agree, walking together toward the table with their place cards. More than once, they are forced to stop and listen as a guest congratulates Harry and Ginny. When they finally manage to reach their table and settle down, they stare at their full plates with an almost loving expression.

"I've never been more hungry," Harry bemoans, tearing into his meal.

"You're over-dramatic," Ginny teases, but she doesn't hide the fact that she's eating with a fervor.

Hermione and Draco are no different. "Being fair," Draco says between one bite and the next. "None of us had the stomach to eat all morning. Last minute preparations for your wedding were stressful."

"I know," Ginny groans, pausing to sip her champagne. She slows eating, having satisfied the initial frenzy. Harry hardly bothers, and his plate is nearing half empty. "I must've yelled at Percy at least a dozen time, and George double that. They kept charming the flowers to scream out the bride's march, though Merlin knows how George convinced Percy to act like that."

Draco guffaws into his fist, choking on a piece of chicken. Patting his back, Hermione shoots him a warning look. He clears his throat and takes a swig of his drink, then ignores Hermione's look. "It's too bad they didn't ask me for help. I could have given some good pointers, and gotten those flowers to keep on singing no matter what you tried."

"The day I let you meet my brothers is a day I will forever regret," Ginny says, scowling at George and Percy, sat two tables away.

"George thinks I'm great," Draco protests, catching the man's eye and waving. George waves wildly in return before turning back to Angelina. "Percy is...well, he's Percy, but he approves as well."

"That's worse!" Ginny exclaims. "I could stand them tolerating you, but they actually like you! You're too smart for your own good and you catch any slips in their pranks."

Draco smirks, looking far too pleased with himself. "You're just upset that I told them how to get your hair to stay purple for weeks after they got a hold of your shampoo."

Ginny flicks a piece of chicken at him. "I had to play a game with vibrant purple hair," she growls, though she's smiling. Harry doesn't even bother hiding his grin at the memory.

Taking a bite of his food, Draco waits until he's swallowed before saying, "you distracted the seeker long enough for your team to catch the snitch."

"Not the point!" She cries, before Harry and Hermione completely dissolve into laughter. There is little talk after that.


"Ginny, Harry," Hermione calls, spotting the pair attempting to sneak out the ball room. "It's time to cut the cake."

The couple freeze, hands on the door, and peer back at her. To her left, Draco snickers and holds out a large cake knife. With a sigh, Ginny drags Harry back to them and snatches the knife from Draco. "You couldn't give us ten minutes?" Ginny hisses under her breath before turning to face the crowd that's gathered around a white wedding cake.

"You have Harry all to yourself for three weeks after tonight," Hermione replies, lips hardly moving. Harry flushes but Ginny perks up, looking a little over-eager now.

"Come on, Harry, we've got to cut the cake!"

Side by side, both with a hand on the knife, they slice out a small piece of the cake. The crowd claps, and it grows to a roar when Ginny swipes a finger through the icing and smears it onto Harry's cheek.

Harry yelps and jumps back. "Ginny," he chides, wiping off his cheek with the back of his hand. She's not listening, though, instead choosing to eat the cake they'd cut. He narrows his eyes, and Hermione can tell what he's going to do.

"Watch out, Gin'!" Hermione warns, but it's a second too late. Harry has already dug into to beautiful cake, scooping out a large handful, and smears presses it into Ginny's face. She gasps, white cake dripping down her cheeks and plopping onto the floor. The room falls deadly silent. Not even Draco dares laugh.

Stepping back, Harry looks triumphant, but as icing falls away and reveals fiery eyes, he gulps and smiles warily. "Now darling, I was only getting back for what you did to me and-"

Ginny speaks directly to Hermione. "Hermione, dear, would you mind getting me another slice of cake? I've gone and dropped mine."

Nodding, Hermione rushes forward and cuts out a piece from the untouched side of the cake. Into the silence of the room, she says, "here you go, Ginny." She steps away, back to Draco's side, and leans up to whisper in his ear. "I hope your mother won't mind the mess that's about to be created." Draco's eyes go wide and he opens his mouth, to stop them maybe, but Ginny is already moving.

Picking up the cake on her plate, Ginny pulls her arm back and then lets the cake fly. It smacks against her husband's chest with a squelch, icing splashing out over the front of his tuxedo jacket. With no mind to the crowd staring on in shock, Ginny licks the sweet icing from her fingers with an innocent smile. Harry looks between his chest and his wife, a smirk growing.

"I think now is the time for a truce," Draco proposes, though not a soul seems to be listening. Noticing this, he steps far away from the couple and everyone follows his lead.

"Ginny, you've gone and dropped your cake again," Harry says, far too sweetly. He takes measured steps forward, and Ginny falls back with each one, until she's pressed against the table the cake is sat on. Everyone holds their breath as he leans forward, reaching around her. "I'll just get you a new piece." He grabs a handful.

Ginny tilts her chin up, a daring glint in her eyes. "Don't you dare-"

He slams his palm against her chest, smashing the cake into the dress. Ginny squeals, though doesn't run. Instead, she spins around and uses both hands to scoop up a large heap of the destroyed cake. Turning back around, she watches with glee as Harry backs away, running from her as best as he can without slipping on fallen bits of cake. She gives chase, bobbing between one screeching guest and the next, loosing small pieces of her cake along the way.

"Draco," Ginny bellows as Harry nears Draco, "grab him!" Not risking the wrath of the cake-bearing woman, he latches onto Harry's arm and drags him back towards his wife.

"Let me go, Malfoy," Harry pleads, struggling to escape.

Draco shakes his head, holding him firmly while Ginny stalks closer. With no attention being paid to her, Hermione sneaks closer to the cake and scoops some onto a plate. She circles back around, walking with Ginny, and the crowd bursts into cheers.

"Ginny, sweetie, I'm very sorry. I promise I won't do it again. Can we just forget about it and move on?" Harry begs, thrashing in Draco's hold. Hermione snorts and hold out her plate to Ginny, who takes some to add to her diminished handful.

"See, Harry, I would love to. But you started a battle you could never win," Ginny replies. Then, quick as lightening, she lifts her hands and drops her load of cake over his head. It hits with a thump, coating his hair and rolling down to cover his face and shoulders. Taking the plate from Hermione, she slaps it against his chest, like he had done to her, and smears it in. Hermione takes the plate back. Ginny steps back, tilts her head considering, then smile. "Now we can forget it happened."

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