《Broken Together (Dramione)》Chapter 11: Flour


I slowly woke from my deep sleep. I was exhausted. I didn't have the slightest idea why I just got over the worst pain in my life, but I would make Draco explain in a few.

I opened my eyes and realized I was on Draco's lap. His arms lazily rested around my waist and his head was in the nape of my neck. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I was surprised how content I felt at this moment.

I sighed making Draco tighten his grip on my waist a bit.

"Hermione?" He asked sleepily.

"Draco?" I whispered.

I closed my eyes again. He didn't move when he started talking.

"How do you feel?"

"Tired and hungry," I replied.

He tried to move but I tightly held him in place.

"I can't get you food or a sleeping drought if I can't get up," he stated tiredly.

"Timmy," I mumbled.

He sighed and called the elf. Once I'd eaten, I snuggled back up to Draco and took the sleeping drought. It wasn't seconds before I passed out.


"I'm fine Draco; I can walk by myself!" I complained as he carefully pulled me to my feet.

He kept his hands hovering around my waist as I tried to walk.

"Better safe than sorry," he retorted.

I stumbled and fell into him. He quickly caught my waist and held me to his chest. He opened his mouth to speak but I got to it first.

"Not a word."

He laughed and picked me up. I sighed dramatically as he carried me to the bathroom and let me take a bath in peace.


"Are you sure you'll be alright while I'm at work; I could take the day off?" Draco asked for the millionth time today.


"Honestly, Draco, I'll be fine," I replied again.

He pulled me into another hug.

"Be safe, and if you need anything, owl me."

"I promise if I have any trouble, I'll owl you," I smiled.

He pecked my lips before, hesitantly, apparating to work.

I laid back on the bed, thinking. I made Draco explain everything. It had cleared up a lot, like how he'd been clingy these past few weeks. It wasn't hard to believe that he's a Veela, as he's attractive.

I started to think about him. His beautiful platinum blonde hair. It's so soft it's unreal compared to his hard, steel grey eyes. His amazing body covered in muscle, definantly from playing Quiddich.

I sat there almost the whole day thinking about how amazing Draco Malfoy was.

What is wrong with me?

I looked through the papers on my desk. I had a case for an old death eater tomorrow: Dolohov. I had to defend his case but secretly hoped I would lose. That man commited more crimes than my father.

I looked through the papers. He was being accused of a lot. Good.

"Mr. Malfoy," Percy said, "the court needs a lawyer."

I stood up and walked beside Percy to the court. He handed me the files.

"Names George Weasley, he has a line of criminal cases before this. He's being accused of vandalizing the outside of Gringotts bank," Percy explained.

I glanced over the sheet and went inside. I immediately went to sit by the man. I looked at him. He hasn't loomed the same since his twin's death. His hair was dyed black and he had piercings all over his face.

"I did it," he whispered quietly.

I sighed.

"You just legally gave a confession, by law, I have to turn you in."



I got home from work and looked around the room.

"Hermione?" I called.

"Master," Timmy said, popping beside me. "Missus is in the kitchens."

I nodded and went downstairs. Hermione was rolling out dough on the counter. Her hands were covered in flour. I snuck up behind her, like I had before, and put my arms around her waist.

She yelped and jumped, throwing flour in the air.

"Malfoy!" She growled.

I blow some flour off my face and nibbled Hermione's ear. She swatted me away with her flour covered hands. She smeared the flour across my face. She laughed, not noticing I grabbed a handful of flour until I dropped it on her head. She glared at me and grabbed the bag of flour.

I yelped and tried to run but it was too late. She threw handfuls of flour at me. I laughed and pulled her close to me. We were both covered in flour. She leaned in like she was going to kiss me before she blew a handful of flour in my face. She tried to escape but I grabbed her waist.

"No you don't, you're not leaving that quickly," I laughed, pulling her into a kiss.

Her hands went up to grip my hair while mine rested on her hips. She pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. We pulled back, gasping for air. I pressed my forehead to hers.

"Granger," I whispered.

"Malfoy," she whispered back.

I pulled her in for another kiss, it wasn't as long as the other.

"What are you cooking?" I asked.

"Oh... Cookies," she replied, turning back to the cookie dough.

She started pileing the dough on the pan. She popped it in the oven and turned back to me. I was shocked when she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. It was a moment before I hugged her back. It was odd to me. I'd never really just been hugged. She held me tight and sighed.

"Draco," she whispered into my chest.


"I'm scared," she muttered.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I asked pulling back from the hug.

"Nothing, I'm just... I'm not ready to be a mum yet," she said quietly.

I pulled her back into the hug. She put her face on my chest. Before either of us knew it, we were asleep.

Sorry the update took so long. I've been moving and I'm not in my new house yet so I've been slacking off on writing! I'll get back on track eventually but everything is a bit crazy. Updates will be every week or so... Bye.

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