《The Thong》Chapter 3: The Lap Dance


The four of us went downstairs and found Aisha waiting on in the living room. She jumped up as soon as she saw us and ran towards me. She kept looking all over me.

I asked, annoyed, "What?"

She replied, "Did they even do anything to you?"

Her sister then placed her hands on my shoulders and said, "It's not what we've done to him. It's what he's gonna do for you"

Aisha seemed confused at first. Padma's friend led Aisha to a chair and Padma began cuffing her. Aisha was still confused by this.

Finally Padma said, "Get ready for your first lap dance, little sis". And she started the music.

I began dancing around as Aisha and the others started laughing and cheering. I gradually stripped my clothes throughout the song. First the shirt, then undershirt, then pants. Each time I took off an article of clothing, their cheering and laughing increased. Finally, the girls gave me the one minute warning, so I gave them the signal to start the surprise. Padma quickly blindfolded Aisha and said, "Alex has got quite a surprise for you!". Aisha smiled in anticipation.

Now I thought at that point that I would hesitate when taking off my boxers. To be honest, I was glad that it was almost over and I wanted to get it done quickly. I just took off my boxers quickly and threw them at Aisha. It landed on her head and as soon as it did, she smiled, knowing what had just landed on her.

They took the blindfold off of her and when she saw me wearing the thong, she completely burst out laughing. I started grinding right on top of her. She was crying from all the laughter and I just wanted to be done with this.


Finally, after what seemed like forever, the song ended, but the laughter didn't. I had finished dancing and began picking up my clothes quickly.

They uncuffed Aisha and the girls began cheering, "Encore! Encore!", while clapping. They followed me all the way to the bathroom. I could still hear them cheering as I took off the thong and put my clothes back on.

I felt so mad and humiliated about it. But at that moment, I promised myself that Aisha was gonna pay. One day, I was gonna make her pay.

Now you're probably thinking that since I wanna get revenge on Aisha now, that whole experience completely ruined our friendship and I never spoke to her again. Well, you're wrong. Sure, that was embarrassing and at the time, I thought I'd never live it down. Whenever I look back on it now, I see the whole thing as a really funny situation.

You gotta understand that I was an eighth grade boy at the time. I was self-conscious about this kinda stuff. Sure it embarrassed me, but I got over it.

Now then, remember when I said I was gonna make Aisha pay for making me do a lap dance? I never let go of that notion, but I kept it in the back of my mind and waited for a perfect opportunity. That opportunity came to me about one month ago and let me just say that I did not let it go to waste.

But before that, let me tell where me and Aisha stand now. We remained best of friends all throughout high school. I occasionally took her out on dates or to school dances. We ended up going to the same college and about halfway through freshman year (this past school year), we decided to try and start a relationship. We thought it'd be kinda awkward considering our history, but in the 7 months we've been together, I think we've got a good thing going.


Aisha definitely changed in the last six years. She became, well, more like a girl. Eighth grade Aisha was a tomboy who'd do guy stuff and choose to wear boxers instead of panties. The Aisha of today is beautiful woman, outside and inside. Granted, she still had a bit of the tomboy in her, but now she did more girl stuff like wear makeup, go shoe shopping etc. One thing that hasn't changed is her love of sports and placing wagers. And it was that love that screwed her over.

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