《Metal Fight Beyblade Truth or Dare 2020!》Noone gave suggestions 😣 -Part 9-


Lily: Hi everyone! Today we are doing pair dares! Since we didn't get any 😣I decided we should dare each other! Just a reminder, the pairs are:

Yu and Lily

Kent's and Tithi

Tubasa and Masamune

Hingis and Madoka

Nile and Demure

Benkei and Kyoya

Hikaru and Hyoma

Mei Mei and Chao Xin

Chi Yun and Dashian

Wales and Sophie

Julian and Klaus

Ok! Now that we remember the pairs, let's get started! Madoka you can start, but you can't pick your partner.

: (before Kenta could even say anything) Dare!

: Ok..... I dare you to to swap bey s for the day!

: Hey! Well at least it's just to Kenta. You'll look after Quetzalcoatl right?

: Of course I will! Here is Sagittario. Please look after it.

: Ok Tithi your turn!

: Truth

What's you biggest regret?

: the time where I decided to watch a movie with my mom. It was all romantic and gross.

: Ew. I don't blame ya. Demure?

: One day when I decided looking with Benkei for a bull. We found one then he trampled on me in happiness.

: after what happened last time, definitely truth

: How did you to meet?

: Well that's easy. We met after we qualified after an audition for Konzerns twin jewels.

: Yep

: Dare!

: Dump confetti on Kyoya

: ugh

: Yes I have been waiting for this!

: Ok Kyoya your turn

: I will not allow any blood to be spilt onto the Konzern family name, so I pick truth.

: Well the question is actually for Klaus so......

- Were you the sub because you were worse than Wales and Sophie?

: No but they work better together so... yeah. We all tied at auditions.

: Gdpt

: Gdpt?????

: (facepalm) it means good point!

: oh....

Lily: ok! I don't know what's gonna happen this week cause I have all my exams, so until Sunday, I won't post, but it will be hols next week so. Yay!


Ok let's do 2 more!

: Hikaru and Hyoma: Truth or Dare?

: Dare

: Ok I dare you to to create a photo like this (shows on iPhone)

: (bursts out laughing) HAHAHA look at your faces! Let's go!

The shot is so cool!

Ok last one!

: Dare!

: Your lucky Yu, you'll love this! Lily and Yu must share an ice cream sundae!

: Ok! Let's go Lily!

(The two sit there eating ice cream happily. Hikaru secretly takes a picture.)

: This is going on insta😈

: Ok that's all for today! I'm sorry that was SO short. It's the hols next week so I'll be uploading frequently then! 😄

And make sure to check out my other book to! The start of a new era! Yay! Thank you for all your support😄




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