《Taken by a Maniac》Authors Note


Hello there, thank you so much for reading my story, I began working on it late 2018 and finally finished it, this is the first book in the series. So no worries to everyone who loves this story, there will be more books!

Also, I will be trying to publish this as a real book and if you want a hard copy they will be available for purchase at some point in the future, it will be announced and the story will still be available on Wattpad for free.

However, the story that will be a hard copy book will be updated grammar wise and better proofreading will be done.

Again thank you to everyone who read this story, stay tuned for the Second Year book!


Second announcement:

I will try to make these announcements here in this section for each story and book so it's easier to keep track of them.

I will be posting the first chapter of the second book here in this first one. It will be labeled 2:1 for easy finding :)

This story includes characters Oliver and Marie POVs, But this story is mainly about Marti and Trevor. This story includes a timeskip of two years where Marti is now 21.

If you have any questions about the story, feel free to ask in this section.

Thank you all for your support


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