

"I'm still waiting for that date, you know." Jose smirks. "You left for a year and I waited."

"You're the sweetest." I laugh. "But as I've said before, you're like family to me."

"Yeah, but....yeah, you're right." He sighs. "What am I going to do now?"

"What about Estephany?" I ask, nodding towards the hostess.

"Steph?" He asks, cocking a brow. "I mean...she's pretty and all." He agrees. "She doesn't see me that way."

"Oh please. She's been sneaking glares at me ever since you started talking to me. She's totally into you." I laugh.

"You think?" He asks, glancing over her way and giving her a little smile.

"Oh, absolutely. She's impressed with the way you can carry 10 plates on your arm, I'm sure." I laugh.

"Hey, it's a talent." He shoves jokingly.

"Go get her, tiger." I say, patting his arm in encouragement. "I'll see you later, anyways. I have to get going."

"So soon?" He asks with slight concern. It seems like everyone has the same concerned look on their faces as of lately.

"Yeah." I frown.

"Have you seen...you know." He mutters nervously.

"Grayson?" I ask.

"Yeah." He nods.

"No, I haven't. I probably won't, either." I admit.

"Why not? You guys didn't end badly." He adds.

"Yeah, but...I don't know. I don't feel it would be appropriate." I sigh.

"Who cares?" He asks with a laugh.

"What?" I ask.

"I said who cares." He states. "You and that guy were pretty good together. Yeah, you both had some ups and downs, but who doesn't?" He reasons.

"I was terrible. His sister hates me. His best friend hates me. His-"

"First of all, it's impossible to hate you. They don't hate you. Plus, it's been like an entire year. Who cares what was done before." He shrugs.

"Everyone cares." I reply.

"You're being dramatic." He laughs. "Just go and see him. Don't give yourself time to back out now." He says.

"But...what if-"

"Go." He says, grabbing my shoulders and leading me towards the door. "And don't come back until you have a story to tell." He smirks.

"What if he tells me to leave?" I ask.

"He won't." He replies.

"But what if he does?" I ask again.

"He won't." He assures me.

"But how do you know?"

"Natalia, if that guy had any sense at all, which I'm sure he does, he'll be glad that you're there. Any man would be lucky to call you theirs. Do you really think that he'll give up that title?" He asks.

"Yes." I admit. "I do."


"I don't. But neither one of us will know unless you try. Now, go. It's probably almost time for his lunch break, yeah?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Go. Hurry." He urges.


The building doesn't look any different. If anything, it looks like no time has passed whatsoever. I walk into the doors and see the same people that are usually there. The guy I would walk past every day is still sitting in the window with his laptop and coffee. The only thing that feels different is me. That, and my sense of unease while walking in here.

As I approach the elevator, I get a wave of panic. There's no way I can do this. I can't just walk back in here after a year of being gone. After a year of being gone, It's unfair for me to walk back in and expect anything. Grayson loved me more than anyone in a relationship with me ever had. I let him go and he was the best possible man in my life. I loved him, but never deserved him. It's unfair.

Before I can ever make up my mind to leave, the elevator doors open in front of me and I go wide eyed as Sofia and Shane walk out. Sofia looks surprised but replaces It with a giant smile.

"Nat!" She shrieks. "I've missed you! How are you?" She asks.

"I'm good! I've missed you, too!" I say, hugging her tightly.

When we pulls away, Shane gives me a tight smile and pulls me in for a side hug.

"It's good to see you, Natalia." He says honestly.

"It's good seeing you, too. Taking care of my girl?" I ask teasingly.

"Everyday." He says, smiling at Sofia. "What are you doing here?"

He doesn't ask this question in a harsh time. He seems genuinely curious.

"Oh. I'm...uh-"

"She's here to see Grayson, idiot." Sofia says, shoving him with a roll of her eyes.

"Oh. I-"

"He's in his office. We invited him to lunch but he said he was just going to stay in." Shane tells me. "We can walk you up if you want?" He suggests with a smile.

"Really?" I ask in a soft voice.

"Of course. Come on." He smiles, gesturing for all of us to get back into the elevator.

The ride up was anxiety inducing. I have no fucking clue what I'm doing right now, but I could throw up with how nervous I am. I'm reminded of the first time riding this elevator up to Grayson's floor. I was nothing but an intern at the time and completely unaware of the impact that errand was going to make.

The elevator opens and Shane leads me to the office that I know all too well. Before I can stop him and back out, he knocks on Grayson's door.


"Look who I found wondering the hallway. Quite to my surprise, as well." He smirks, patting my back to lead me inside.

The second that I walk in, I can see the difference in his posture. He stands up and wipes his hands down the front of his shirt nervously.

"Natalia." He says, smiling instantly.

"I'll leave you two to....catch up." He says, smiling at the two of us. "It was great seeing you. I'm sure I'll see you soon." He tells me.

When Shane leaves, Grayson walks over to me and gives me a tight hug.

"How have you been?" He asks.

"I've been good. Great, even. I'm glad to be back, though."

"How was it? Miami?" He asks, leaning against his desk and offering me the chair in front of him.

"Amazing. God, it's beautiful out there. Nathanial had an extra room in their house so I had my own little space. Plus, with everything that went on earlier in the year, I was able to work from home. So, it's all pretty good. I'm still working from home and that's kind of how I'm here right now."

"What are you doing now? For work, I mean." He asks.

"Same thing as I was doing here. Making apps and conquering the world." I tease.

"That's great, Nat." He smiles.

"How about you? How have things been with you?" I ask.

"Things have been good." He smiles. "I'm also making apps and conquering the world." He teases.

I laugh at his response and look him over. He looks just about the same as he always has. The only thing that has changed physically is his facial hair. It's a bit fuller now, but it's a really good look for him. There's something else about him, too. He seems confident. Actually, he seems like the most confident guy in the room.

"That's awesome, Gray." I smile.

"You cut your hair." He adds.

"Oh, yeah." I say, hand automatically going up to touch the short strands.

"It looks great. I love it." He smiles.

"Thank you." I smile in reply.

A silence falls over us, but it's not uncomfortable. It's just...normal.

"So what are you doing here?" He asks, taking a drink out of the tumbler sitting on his desk.

"I have no idea." I admit. "But I'm here."

"I'm glad." He says.

"You are?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes." He says. "You left so...unexpectedly. I really had no idea. And our last conversation was....also unexpected." He says with a sigh.

"I know." I say. "But, I had to go."

"I know." He says. "I think you needed to go, too."

"It was good for me, though. I got a lot of therapy. You were right, you know. I did need it." I laugh.

"I did too." He says. "Get a lot of therapy, that is. Truthfully, going to the same therapist my entire life wasn't really helping me. I have a new found confidence after I switched and...it's been really good for me." He says.

"I can tell." I smile. "I'm so happy for you, Grayson."

"I'm really glad that you came by my office." He smiles.

I smile in reply, not really knowing where to go from here. His words sound like a goodbye, in a way.

"I am, too. Thanks for talking to me." I laugh.

"Any time." He laughs.

This wasn't a complete fail. Actually, it's the most ideal outcome for me and my closure with Grayson Parker. I don't need a big extravagant love story ending for our conversation today. Grayson was the past. He was an example of the kind of man that I need to aim for. He set the bar high. Really, anyone that I ever see in the future has some really big shoes to fill.

Right as I'm about to get myself together and leave his office, he clears his throat to speak once more.

"Ms. Zamora." He says, holding his hands together in his lap.

"Yes?" I ask nervously.

"I would like to see if you would be interested in getting some lunch with me today." He says in a teasing tone. I'm reminded of the first time that we went to lunch together. I had invited him, but this role change is something that I love.

"Oh? And what did you have in mind?" I ask with a laugh.

"Well, you see. I know of this really nice restaurant right down the street from here. It's a pretty hole in the wall place. You probably haven't ever heard of it." He teases.

A smile grows across my face and I shake my head in laughter.

"You know, I think I know exactly where you're talking about." I say with a laugh.

"So, what do you say?" He asks confidently.

"I would love that." I smile.

"Great." He smiles.

It's a fresh start. It's a redo. But at the same time, it's just a continuation of something that I never really wanted to end in the first place. Instead of replaying, we're just hitting resume. But this story that plays isn't a tragic one. This is just two people who found their footing in the world and are ready to conquer it fully.

"Ready?" He asks, holding a pair of keys in his hand as he smiles down at me.

"Ready." I smile.

I'm more ready than I've ever been before.

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