

"Okay. You listen here. We're looking for Natalia, and you're going to tell us where she is." Shane says, pointing to the waiter in question.

"I'm not telling you anything. Now either get a table or get out." Jose replies, offering us the two menus in his hand. I know that this is a bad idea, but right now it's my only option.

"Jose...please." I say.

"If Natalia didn't tell you where she was going, then I'm not going to be the one to tell you. It's none of your business. Now, either take a table or leave. I have a job to do."

"Fine. We'll take a table." Shane grumbles, grabbing the menus from his hand and walking towards the first table by the window.

Jose rolls his eyes and walks away. I watch as he greets other tables and completely ignore ours.

"That guy is a prick." Shane mutters. "I thought that playing Bad Cop would work."

"Yeah...didn't work out like you planned." I mutter.

"Fuck him. We'll get it out of someone here." He says, searching the place for anyone. "How about them?" He asks, nodding his head to someone behind me.

"Oh my God." I mutter, standing up from the booth. "That's her Mom." I say before heading over to the entryway of the kitchen.

"Grayson! What are you doing here, Amor?" She asks, giving me a bright smile and a quick hug.

"I just...I...Natalia. I'm looking with Natalia." I explain quickly.

"Oh." She says with a sad smile. "You haven't talked to her, no?"

"No. She won't talk to me. We left the house after everything got bad and went back to the apartment. It just didn't....it didn't go the way I thought it was going to." I reply.


"Grayson, what happened? Nathanial was saying that you kissed another girl at the bar." She asks.

"I did." I nod in shame. "I'm the worst. I know. I cheated on her. I know. But please trust me when I say that I didn't know. I had no idea. I don't even know that they knew each other."

"Didn't know that who knew each other? Come, come! Sit." She says, patting the table of the booth next to us.

"Brooke. She was with Nathan. I don't know her. I really don't even remember her. I just know what people have told me. The picture that Nathan had was all that I knew about it, really." Reply.

"Wait..Brooke?" She asks, still confused. "Why was Nathanial with Brooke?"

"I don't know. I don't even know why I was out. I should have just stayed at home. Or, I shouldn't have been drinking so much. Maybe a little bit of both." I say more to myself than anything. "Please, will you tell me where Natalia is? I know she's going to Mexico but...I just need to know where. I'll figure out the rest from there. Please. Do you know where she's going?" I ask.

"Mexico, yes. She's going to Zacatecas. With Nathanial. Her Papi and I were going to meet them there Tomorrow. Grayson, what is all of this about? I'm still confused. Are you two not together?"

"No. She left me. So I'm going after her. I have a plane ticket to Zacatecas. It's a one way flight. I'm not leaving until she comes home with me." I say, trying my best to stay confident. "I mean, unless she just...doesn't want me anymore. If she doesn't want me, then I'll just go home. But I have to try...right?"


"Hold on, you're going to Zacatecas?" She exclaims.

"Yes. I have to tell her how I feel. I have to explain what I can, at least. I can't lose her. Not yet. I love her." I reply.

"Natalia and Nathanial are both staying with her cousin for now. Once we arrive, we're all going to stay with their Abuelita." She explains.

"Can you tell me where that is?" I ask.

She sighs and looks at me with concern.


"Please. I'm begging you." I say.

"Si, si." She says, waving me off. "I'll send you the address. But wait until we can get there first, okay?" She suggests.

"Okay. Yeah, that's fine. I have a flight tomorrow afternoon. I'll just wait." I tell her.

"Si. Just wait." She agrees. "And Grayson?" She asks.


"Nathanial isn't all that bad. I know you two have some tension. I don't know why, but I know it's there. He's my son. My first baby. Ultimately, he means well. Just try and remember this, okay?" She asks softly.

"I know." I reply, although the words feel bitter. "I just don't know why he hates me so much."

"He doesn't hate you." She replies.

"He hates me." I repeat.

"He's just protective." She says, defending her son.

"Sure." I nod. "I just need to see Natalia. I don't care about anything else. Only Natalia."

"Here." She says, handing me a napkin. "Write your number down. I'll send you the address once we get there. If something changes, I'll let you know." She says, giving me a small smile.

"You're really helping me out right now." I reply. "I'm sorry that my friend was interrogating Jose." I reply.

"Oh, don't worry about him. He's protective too." She laughs. "You have a lot of people that care about her. That should be a relief." She assures me.

"It is." I nod. "But it's an inconvenience when they all hate me." I shrug.

"No one can hate you, Amor. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Just give it time." She assures me. "Now, I need to get back to the kitchen before the wait staff starts another argument with the cooks. Dios Mio!" She exclaims with a laugh and a roll of her eyes.

"Thank you again." I reply.

"Of course. Now go back to your friend! I'll bring you guys something good." She replies.

I finally feel myself begin to relax for the first time since Natalia left. For once, I feel like things are going to be okay. This will be fine.

"How did it go?" Shane asks as I take my seat across from him.

"Good. I'm going to Mexico." I sigh in relief.

"You're going to Mexico." He replies with a brisk nod. "But for now- we eat."

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