

"You piece of shit!" I scream as I push against Nathanial's chest. "How could you lie to me like this!"

"What the hell, Nat? I didn't lie to you!" He says, grabbing my wrist in his hands to stop my assault.

"Yes you did! You knew that Grayson cheated on me and you didn't say anything until tonight? Are you fucking kidding me!" I scream, ripping my arms away from him.

"Listen to me, Natalia!" He yells over me, "I know I should have told you sooner. But in my defense, you wouldn't have listened to me!"

"You should have told me the second that it happened! You were with him that night and you took a picture, but didn't bother to tell me? I would have-"

"What? You would have driven to the club and done what?" He yells.

"I don't know!" I yell.

"I knew you would have reacted uncontrollably. Just as you are right now! This is why I didn't tell you that night!" He yells in reply.

"I can't fucking believe you! I'm an idiot! I've already told Dustin that his boyfriend can move in! I have to find a new place to live! Which I'm completely fucked with now!"

"What the fuck were you doing moving in with him this early anyways?" He asks.

"I thought I could trust him!" I defend. "I thought that I could trust you, too. Clearly I can't trust anyone! God, I'm going to have to move back in with Mami and Papi." I groan to myself.

The fact that I'm in my mid twenties and having to move back in with my parents after seven years of being out of the house is going to be awful. Completely terrible.

"What about your job?" He asks.

I don't even want to think about that right now.

"Well, the fact that I told my boss, my boyfriend, and his sister to fuck off...I would say I'm out of a job." I mutter.


"God, Nat." Nathanial groans. "Why do you have to act out like this."

"Because you didn't tell me! I could have done it with Grayson alone if you had just told me sooner!"

"Okay, well that has come and gone. It's done. Let's move forward. What are you going to do." He says slowly.

"I don't know." I snap.

"Well it's time you figure it out, Nat! You're always worried about what guy you're with and how you're going to keep him. God, will you ever just stop? First, it's Ryan! Now, it's Grayson! They're all the fucking same, Nat. None of these guys are going to be good enough for you. When will you understand this?" He yells.

I stop my yelling to stare at my brother who has so much frustration in his eyes and his tone. At this very moment, he looks just like Papi. Whenever he would get mad, he has the same exact crinkle in his forehead and flare to his nostrils. Maybe he's right.

He's right.

"Why am I like this?" I ask in a whisper, feeling the tears burn my eyes.

"Stop." He groans. "Come here." He says, opening his arms for me.

I go to him and wrap my arms around him, feeling his comforting embrace.

"I don't know how I let this happen." I mutter.

"It's not entirely your fault." He whispers in reply. "It's his fault, too."

"I think I'm unemployed right now." I laugh, but feel the tears stream down my face.

"Yeah, I think so too." He laughs. "Now what?" He asks.

"I don't know." I mutter.

"I know." He says, pulling away from our hug. "Let's go to Mexico."

"What?" I ask, wiping my nose with the back of my shirt.

"Let's go to Mexico. We're both in LA and we both aren't working currently." He points out. "Fuck it. Let's go to Zacatecas." He says with a smile.


"I...are you serious?" I ask, looking at him as though he's insane.

"Yes. Completely. Hell, Mami and Papi will probably want to come with us." He says, pulling his phone out.

"What are you doing?" I ask, looking at him type on his screen.

"Searching flights." He says casually.

"We can't just go to Mexico right now." I sigh.

"Why not? What do you have going on?" He asks with a knowing laugh.

"I mean, nothing." I mutter.

"I don't either. Grace knows that I'm still here for the next week or so. Might as well just spend that week back home instead of LA. You know we haven't seen Abuelita in years. Other than FaceTime." He reminds me.

"I can't just...I mean, what about my clothes? I haven't packed anything at all." I argue.

"Valentina more than likely has something you can borrow to hold you over. You two are the same size and she loves it when her favorite cousin wants to wear her things." He laughs. "Plus, we can always just get you some new things." He shrugs.

"Nathanial, this is insane. I can't just leave. What if Grayson-"

"What? What if he....apologizes?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow at me.

"I don't know, Nathanial." I groan.

"Well, you better drop that worry because we're going to be in Mexico in less than twenty four hours. I found a flight. Mami and Papi can meet us down there if they want to." He smirks.

"Wait, Nathanial. No." I say, trying to grab his phone.

"Nope. They're already paid for. My card is on file and these flights are going to look really good for my rewards program." He laughs.

"I can't believe we're doing this. Oh my God." I mutter, pacing around the kitchen of this Airbnb.

"It's fine. Just pack a backpack and we'll figure the rest out on the flight." He says, "Which is in...four hours." He laughs.

"Four hours?! Oh my God." I exclaim. "How do you expect me to pack for Mexico in what...half an hour?" I ask.

"Better hurry, Natty Light. No time for panic." He says, going to the bedroom and packing up the clothes that he brought from Miami.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and quickly pull it out and look at the screen.

I'm begging you to talk to me. Please.

Grayson's text breaks my heart. I want to go to him. I want to talk to him. I miss him. I really, really miss him.

But I just can't.

No Grayson. I'm going away for awhile. I just need time and space from you and everything else. I reply quickly.

No. Let me see you first. Where are you going? Please, just come home. I promise, it isn't what you think. He replies within the minute.

Mexico. I won't have service when I get there. It's last minute. I have no idea why I'm even explaining this to him. I have no idea what I'm even doing right now.

Natalia. I'm begging you. This is NOT what it looks like. Please, let me explain everything. I promise I can fix this. I love you, please.

My heart breaks at his text. My heart continues to break with every word he says. I can't do this. I can't handle this. I should just see him before I leave. It's the least I can do.

"Why are you looking at with such seriousness?" Nathanial asks, breaking my eye contact from my phone.

"I..nothing." I shrug, turning my phone off and tossing it on the bed. "Let's get to packing." I say with uncertainty.

"This will be a great idea. I promise." He assures me with a smile.

I can't help but worry that this is going to be a terrible mistake.

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