

"Oh my God." I say, looking at the man being dragged into the apartment by Shane.

"He's absolutely fucked right now." He says in a strained voice.

"Nat." I hear Grayson say as he reaches for me.

"Hey, love. are you okay?" I ask, taking his hand and helping Shane get him to the bed.

"Nat, baby." He slurs, running his hand against my cheek in a very drunken state.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, taking his shoes off when he gets to the bed.

"So fuzzy. But good...so good." He slurs.

"He almost puked like three times in the Uber. He isn't feeling good." Shane corrects him.

" Do you want some water?" I ask.

"No!" He exclaims, rolling over onto his stomach.

"Are you good to take over?" Shane asks me, looking at Grayson with concern. "I can stay here if you want to go back to my apartment. He's a lot right now."

"I'm not a lot. You're a lot." Grayson says, pointing a finger at Shane.

"You're a fucking mess." Shane laughs. "Do you want me to stay?"

"No, no. Go back to your place and get some sleep. I'll take care of it from here." I assure him.

"Be good. Don't give her too much shit." He says, giving Grayson a small pat on the back.

"Love you, man." He mutters into the pillow.

"Love you, too." He calls over. "Give him water. Make sure he drinks it." He whispers to me before leaving the apartment.

"Nat, my baby." Grayson calls, reaching out for me.

"Hi, baby." I laugh, crawling into bed with him.

"I've missed you. So much." He says, hugging me to his body.

"I missed you, too. Did you have fun?" I ask.

"I would have had more fun if you were there." He slurs.

"I'm glad you had a good time." I smile. "I like seeing you like this."

"Drunk?" He laughs.

"Carefree." I add.

"You're so pretty. Have you always been this pretty?" He asks, leaning closer and brushing his lips against mine.

His breath smells like a full bar. It's not a bad thing, but it's completely foreign to me.


"You look pretty good right now, too." I say, kissing him gently.

"Why haven't we had sex?" He asks out of no where.

"What?" I ask, pulling away slightly.

"I want to have sex with you." He says, kissing me once more.

"Wait like...now?" I ask, freezing under his touch.

"I don't think I can lift my body on my own right now. Or get my dick up. I can't feel anything." He laughs.

"Oh." I mutter, pulling away.

"So, no. Not right now." He adds.

"I don't know what to say right now." I reply honestly. If we're being honest, I've thought about having sex with Grayson more than I'd like to admit. Even before we were together and I had seen him in passing, I always imagined what it would be like to be with him. I'm sure other people look at him and wonder, too. He has a sex appeal that he is completely unaware of.

"Move in with me." He says, changing the subject completely.

"What?" I ask in surprise and disbelief.

"Move in with me." He repeats.

"You're drunk. You need to get some sleep." I say, pulling his shirt off and unbuttoning his jeans for him so that he can sleep more comfortably.

"No, I'm not." He laughs as he kicks his jeans off.

"You're going from one extreme to the next." I reply.

"I want to live with you." He pouts.

I laugh at his attempt at a pouty face. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"You aren't going to remember any of this in the morning.

"Yes I will. I'll remember all of it." He replies.

"Gray." I sigh, covering him with the blanket, which he kicks off immediately.

"It's too hot." He groans in complaint.

"I'll turn the AC on for you." I reply.

"And the fan!" He adds.

"And the fan." I agree.

"I have so much space for you here. I was talking to Shane about it and-"

"You've been talking to Shane about this?" I ask.

"Yeah. We were getting ready to go out and I asked him what I needed to do. He told me that I needed to have sex with you first." He blurts out.


"Why would we need to have sex first?" I ask.

"I don't know, it's just what he said so I thought that I would just throw both things out there and hope for the best." He admits. I can barely understand him as all of his words slur together.

"We don't need to have sex in order to live with each other. That's not how that works." I laugh.

"That's what I thought!" He exclaims. "I knew Shane was wrong."

"You really want to live with me?" I ask quietly.

"Well, yeah. You cuddle with me in your sleep sometimes. Plus, when you wake up in the morning you always play with my hair. Your shampoo smells good, too. It always makes the bedroom smell good. Oh, that banana lotion you wear makes the entire place smell good." He rambles.

I smile at his answer. These are things that he's never told me about or even acknowledged. I didn't know that they were things he noticed about me.

"I might get annoying, though." I reply.

"I could never get annoyed by you. You already live here for the most part. I just want it to be official." He shrugs.

"Isn't it too soon?" I ask.

"That's what Nathan said." He sighs.

"Wait, what?" I ask. Nathanial knows about this too? "Like...Nathanial? My brother?" I ask.

"Can I tell you something? I don't want you to be mad at me." He mutters.

"What?" I ask nervously.

"Don't be mad at me." He replies sadly.

"I won't be, now what is it?" I ask.

"Promise?" He asks.

"I promise, now tell me what it is." I ask with a bit more frustration in my tone.

"I don't like your brother." He admits.

"Is that it?" I ask.

"Yeah." He nods.

"God, Grayson. Don't scare me like that." I sigh in relief, shoving his shoulder gently.

"You aren't mad?" He asks.

"No. I know you don't like him. It's obvious to everyone." I reply.

"Oh." He mutters. "Well...good."

"You don't have to like him. He doesn't live here, remember?" I remind him.

"But that's your brother. You love him." He says.

"I do." I agree.

"Why doesn't he like me?" He asks sadly.

"Because he doesn't know you." I sigh in reply.

"He does, though. He still doesn't like me. He thinks I'm weird."

"That's not true. He's just scared that you're going to hurt me. That's all." I reply.

"I won't, though." He says.

"He doesn't know that." I reply.

"Yeah, you're right." He sighs.

"What else happened tonight?" I ask, wanting to know about his night. I know he didn't want to go out to begin with. Something right had to have happened for him to come him this wasted.

He thinks for a second and looks confused, as though he's searching for an answer.

"I don't think I remember." He replies.

"You're wasted." I laugh, snuggling closer to his body.

"Yeah." He says with a lazy smile.

"You aren't going to remember any of this conversation tomorrow, are you?" I ask.

"Probably not." He admits. "So when I ask you again, just act surprised." He laughs.

"Okay, I will." I smile.

"But when I ask you again, will you say yes?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

Living with Grayson doesn't seem like such a bad idea. I know that it's early and people may think that we're jumping into this, but I don't think it's going to be a mistake. I don't really care what Shane or Nathanial think about this.

"You said that you told Nathanial about this. When did you do that? I didn't think that you talked to him." I ask.

Instead of a reply, all I hear are light snores coming from Grayson. I chuckle to myself and pull the blanket over his body, knowing he'll more than likely be cold despite wanting all of the fans on him.

"Goodnight." I whisper as I curl into his sleeping body.


Oh Grayson. Grayson, Grayson, Grayson.

What are we gonna do with you?

Okay, clearly we have some problems with Nathan. Trust me, I KNOW. However, we're going to get to the bottom of all of this. However, this is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more.


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