

"I'm drunk." I state, laying my head against Sofia's shoulder.

"I know. Let's go home." She tells me.

"Nathan said that I need water. He has a table over here." I say.

"I know. I don't trust him, okay? We have our own table. If you want to stay then that's fine, but I don't think this is a good idea." She whispers.

"Have a seat. We rented the table for the night." Nathan tells us, gesturing towards the empty seats.

"Yeah, we got one upstairs." Shane says as he takes a seat.

"Nice." Nathan says. "Here. Drink some water." He tells me, pushing a glass towards me.

"It's hot." I cringe as the warm liquid runs down my throat.

"It's room temp." Marcus laughs.

"It's also tap." I add.

"We're at a bar, not the Hamptons." Nathan laughs, taking a drink from his own glass. "Drink it so you don't get sick."

"This is disgusting." I complain, taking another sip from the glass.

"Drink the water so we can go home. Please." Shane nearly begs.

"I want to leave." I agree.

"Leaving so soon?" Marcus asks.

"I was thinking that we could all just hang out here for a second. I think we got off on the wrong foot. I want to start over. Hang here for a bit. Marcus has a friend coming over here right now." Nathan says, lifting his glass in acknowledgment.

I turn over to see a tall blonde girl walking towards the table. Her body is barely covered in the short material on her legs. She smiles at all of us and takes a seat right next to me and Shane.

"Hey! I'm Brooke." The girl smiles, offering us her hand. I take it in mine and shake it quickly before letting my hand drop back down into my lap.

"Shane. This is Grayson and my girlfriend, Sofia." Shane says, introducing all of us.

"Nice to meet all of you. How do you know Nathan?" She asks.

"Grayson is dating my sister." Nathan says for everyone.

"Oh wow, that's cool. What was her name again?" She asks.

"Natalia." Nathan and I say in unison.

"Oh yeah, I think I remember her." Brooke smiles.

"She's great."I say at the mention of my girlfriend. I miss her. I want to go home because I know she's there.

The music is the loudest it has been all night. That, or the people surrounding me are just loud. I just want to lay my head against the back of this couch. I want to sleep.

"Gray. Don't pass out on me, man." Shane says, shaking my shoulder.

"I'm not." I grumble.

"Brooke, why don't you keep Grayson awake for us." I hear Nathan say.

"Sure thing. Let's go dance." She says, bringing my attention back to her.


"Dance?" I ask. "I've never danced in a bar before."

"Well, baby. I dance for a living. I'll teach you." She says.

"My sister dances too." I tell her, looking over at Sofia who is giving me a worried look.

"I don't know if we do the same kind of dancing. But I know how to move to any song." Brooke says with a laugh.

"I don't know if Grayson is in the right state to be dancing right now." Shane says for me.

"I can do all of the work." Brooke says before taking my hand up helping me stand.

"Grayson, no." Sofia says, trying to tug me back into the seat.

"Don't worry, Hun. I don't bite." Brooke smiles reassuringly.

"Don't make the poor guy uncomfortable. He's new to something like this." Nathan says, nudging Brooke with his foot.

"Plus, he's taken." Marcus adds.

"I'm not doing anything wrong. Just want to dance a bit." Brooke says with a laugh.

"Sorry, man. She's a lot to handle at times." Nathan says, leaning over to me.

"It's fine. I'm not new to this." I say, not forgetting his words. Although I am new to this, I don't want Nathan and Marcus both confirming that I'm the inexperienced guy that they keep referring to me as.

"You know she's a stripper, right?" Marcus leans over and asks. Brooke is now occupied with someone else, thankfully.

"I mean...no?" I question in a slur.

"He's new to this." Marcus laughs. Nathan doesn't laugh at his reply, but gives me a quizzical look.

"We're taking shots. Want to do one last shot before heading out? You're already more than likely going to be puking tomorrow morning." Nathan laughs.

"Not a good idea, Gray." Shane says in warning.

"Yeah, I will." I answer with a nod. If taking a shot is something that will make Nathan view me as equal, then I will take the shot with him. It's one more drink. It won't hurt me.

"Awesome." He laughs. "Ma'am, can we get a round of...?" He says, looking towards me.

"Get him a lemon drop." Sofia says to the waitress with a smile.

"Yeah. Make it a round of lemon drop." He says with a nod.

"We really don't need anything else to drink." Shane tries to say.

"It's fine, I'll take his shot for him." Sofia says.

"We're all getting a shot." Nathan says with a smile.

"I'll take mine and his." Sofia says to Shane.

"I'm fine." I grumble, leaning my head against the leather. They're babying me right now. Normally, I wouldn't really mind. With Nathan here however, I would rather not be treating like a child by my little sister.

"You're drunk." Shane says.


"God, can you guys just stop? I'm fine." I snap.

"We're just trying to take you home, Gray." Sofia says softly.

"I know. Just stop. We'll go home in a bit. Stop treating me like a child. I'm a grown man." I tell her.

"Fine." She bites back in reply.

"Don't be a dick, man." Shane tells me.

"I'm not. You guys just won't stop hounding me about leaving. I didn't even want to go out tonight in the first place. You dragged me out here and now I want to sit here and take one last drink. If you want to leave so badly, leave. I'll get an Uber home." I say.

"I'm not fucking leaving you here." Shane snaps, rolling his eyes at me.

I don't mean to piss them off, but if I'm being frank they're pissing me off a little bit right now.

"Shots are here." Nathan says, bringing a tray over to our table. I didn't even notice that he was gone.

Maybe I am too drunk.

"Here." Nathan says, handing me the small glass.

I watch Sofia and Shane both take theirs and look at it with slight disgust.

"To a fresh start." Nathan says, holding his glass up in a toast.

I raise my glass and then throw it back quickly, feeling the cold liquid warm my stomach once more.

I can feel it almost instantaneously. Shane and Sofia were right. I'm way too drunk right now.

"I'm running Sofia to the bathroom and then we're leaving." Shane tells me as he stands from where they were sitting. I nod and lean my face against the couch. This leather is so cool against my skin. It feels amazing.

"Fuck, I feel like puking." I groan, running a hand over my face.

"You won't. Here, drink this." I hear a voice say. I feel a glass being shoved into my hand and I raise it to my lips, praying that it's water. Thankfully, it is.

"Come here. I'll take care of you." I hear as I'm tugged closer to the warm body. I could fall asleep right now and be completely okay.

"Nat." I mutter, wanting nothing more than to be with Nat right now.

"No, Hun. It's Brooke." She tells me.

The music gets louder. Everything is so loud. It's hot in here, too. I can tell that I'm sweating but can't find anything to make it any cooler in here.

"Why don't you give him a dance?" I hear a male voice ask. It doesn't sound like Nathan, so I'm assuming it's Marcus.

"Oh baby, I'm great at those. I do those for a living." Brooke laughs.

As soon as the words fall from her lips, I feel a pressure sitting on me. I open my eyes to see Brooke about an inch away from my face. She begins grinding against me and pulls my face in her hands. I feel her lips press again mine and pull back, only to find no where to go.

"What the fuck?" I hear Shane roar as he approaches the couch and pulls Brooke off of my lap. I can't even hold my head up to see everything play out.

"Come on man, she's just messing around." Nathan says.

"Just messing around? Are you fucking kidding me? He's drunk off his ass right now, and he's also dating your sister. The fact that you're okay with letting this girl take advantage of him is absolutely insane." He yells.

"I want Nat." I mutter, trying to be heard over the voices and the music.

"Come on, Gray. Let's go." Sofia says in my ear. I can feel her tugging at my arms to help me stand up, but I can't even seem to pull myself up at the moment.

"We're leaving. Now." Shane says in a sharp tone.

He grabs my arms and pulls me up with much more strength than Sofia. I stumble as I stand and have to grab onto Shane for support.

"Thanks for the fucking shot, dick." Shane says to Nathan as we leave their table.

As we walk out of the club, the wind hits my face and feels amazing. I've never felt something so amazing in my entire life.

"Shane." I slur.

"Hmm?" He asks, still holding my body up for me.

"Did I fuck up?" I ask.

"No." He sighs. "You didn't."

"Did that girl kiss me?" I ask, trying to remember what just happened. I don't even know where I'm at right now.

"No." Him and Sofia both say in unison.

"Okay." I mutter in response. "I miss Nat." I say for what seems like the hundredth time tonight.

"We're getting you home, Gray. Don't worry. We aren't far." He says.

The car pulls up and Shane shoves plastic into my hands.

"It's a bag. If you puke, do it in this. I don't want to pay the Uber fee." He tells me.

"I'm fine." I slur.

"I'm sure you are. Hold it just incase." He says.

"I'm sorry I ruined your night, Sofia." I slur my apology quickly.

"You didn't ruin it, Gray. Nathan did." Sofia replies.

"I love you both." I say, hugging the two closer to me as they stand on either side of me for support.

"Love you, too. Now shut up and try and sleep during this Uber ride." Shane replies.

"We'll wake you up when we get there." Sofia adds.

The second that I get into car, everything goes black.

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