

Instead of going to Grayson's as I would normally do after work, I figured it would be good to go and visit my parents. I spend so little time with them the older that I get. Sometimes it's nice just to get to go out and see them.

"Mami, Papi." I say, running towards them and engulfing them both into a hug.

"Hola, Mi Amor." My mother says, kissing my head and rubbing my shoulder in the most comforting way. "What's wrong? You're upset." She says with concern.

I can always depend on my mother to notice when something is wrong. Even if it's only the slightest bit of a mood change. She always takes notice.

"Why am I such a fuck up?" I cry, burying my her in her shoulder.

"Natalia Alejandra Zamora." She hisses in reply.

"It's true. I can't do anything right and i'm making everyone's life difficult because of my own insecurities." I sob.

"What is this about, Mija?" My father says, brushing the hair out of my face.

"Ryan started texting me again. And calling. And threatening me." I sniffle, wiping my nose with my sleeve.

"Dios mio." My mother groans. "We're calling the police." She says in a threatening tone.

"No!" I say immediately.

"Si! Listen to your mother, Natalia." My father replies.

"Papi, no!" I say.

"Why are you defending him? He's nothing but a problem!" He replies.

"Because doing that will make it worse!" I cry.

"Doing that will make it stop!" He replies, raising his tone.

"Stop yelling at me. Can't you see this is hard enough?" I cry.

He lets out a sigh and pulls me in for another hug.

"Maybe you should go and stay with Nathanial?" He offers once again. He offers this every time Ryan is in the picture.

"No! I don't want that either."

"We have to do something." My mother adds.


"I just need to talk, okay? I have it under control. I can't just leave LA. I have a career and a relationship here. My life is here. You guys are here!" I say.

"Does Grayson know about this?"

"No. Well, kind of. Some of it." I sigh. "He knows enough."

"Why haven't you told him all of it?" My mother asks, looking concerned.

"Because this isn't his battle to fight. This is my own issue that I have to deal with on my own." I reply.

"But it isn't! He can help you. Let him try." She says with hope.

"No, Mami. He can't. He'll only get stressed out by it all and see that i'm nothing more than the insecure girl that Ryan always said that I was. I just can't tell him. Not yet, at least. It's too early." I say.

"Does he still know where you live?" She asks with concern laced in her voice once more.

"Ryan? Yes." I sigh.

"You need to tell someone, mi amor. You're going to get hurt. Mal."

"No, I'll be fine. I just need to get over the emotional trauma he caused. It's effecting our relationship and it shouldn't be."

"I'm going to leave you two girls to talk. I'll cook you some dinner, si?" My father says, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before walking towards the kitchen.

He's always had a hard time listening to anything involving my relationships. Especially the one involving Ryan. He can't stand Ryan.

"What do you mean?" She asks, pulling me towards the couch in the living room.

"I'm having a hard time trusting Grayson. I know it's insane and he's an amazing guy. He's honestly the best, Mami. I don't want to lose him. He's good for me." I say.

"Then what's the problem?"

"I just can't get over the shit that Ryan did. He ruined me. I can't do anything without living in a constant fear that it's going to happen again." I say with a tear filled voice.


"Is Grayson getting angry with you?" She asks in a serious tone.

"No! God, no." I reply instantly. "He has this intern working for him and she's beautiful and confident and everything that i'm not."

"Has he taken an interest in this girl?" She asks, still confused.

"No. I just accuse him of taking an interest in her." I sigh.

"Mija." She sighs.

"I know, I know." I say, brushing her words off. "I know it's insane."

"Not everyone is bad, Natalia. Not everyone. You found one bad man in the world. Don't let that ruin your chance with one good man." She replies.

"You're right." I mutter. "But what do I do? I feel like i'm ruining everything without really meaning to. Now it's causing issues between his best friend and him. It's also causing issues between his best friend friend and his sister. They're dating." I explain.


"Me and his friend's girlfriend are pretty close already. So, she takes my side in all of this even if she doesn't truly believe i'm right." I sigh.

"She sounds like a nice friend." She smiles.

"She's the best." I reply with a sad smile.

"So you don't want to do anything to hurt them, si?" She adds.

I already know where this is going. I just have to hear her say it.

"Si." I reply.

"So you must apologize, Mija." She sighs. "It's the only way to make a change."

"You're right." I mutter in response.

"And it will all be fine." She assures me. "Make a difference. Don't allow Ryan to ruin your life. He has no part any more, si?" She says.

"Si." I smile. "Te amo, Mami." I say, hugging her quickly.

"Te amo, Natalia." She replies.

"Will you tell Papi that I need to go and fix this? If I wait, i'm not sure i'll end up doing it." I explain.

"Si. Vamos!" She says, ushering for me to leave.

I leave their house and rush towards my car, pulling my phone out and finding Grayson's contact. I know he doesn't deserve any of the drama that i'm causing him. Hell, he doesn't deserve any of the attitude either. I owe him much more than an apology. I owe everyone an apology and I need to change my actions before it's too late and I lose all of them.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hey." I reply in a breathless tone.

"Hi." He says. I can hear the uncertainty in his voice. I would assume he's confused after I refused to even speak to him today. Thankfully, he knew that I needed space and didn't attempt too much conversation to begin with.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

"Of course." He replies nervously.

"Can you come over?" I ask.

"To your apartment?" He asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

"I actually...can't." He replies with a pause. "Sofia is here." He says.

"Oh." I say. "Well, that's fine. Never mind." I say in a rush, embarrassed for assuming he would be at my apartment with no notice whatsoever.

"But you can come here? If you want to, that is." He offers instead.

"Okay." I reply. "Yeah, only if you're sure."

"I'm positive." He says.

"Okay. I'll head that way."

"I'll see you soon." He says.

"Bye." I mutter.

"Bye." He replies before hanging up the phone.

As the call ends, I start my car and drive towards the apartment as fast as I can.

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