

I rush upstairs and go straight to Genevieve's office. When I see Grayson inside, I'm not even surprised. The two have sandwiches from the Subway down the street. I'm more surprised by the fact that Grayson even agreed to eating Subway. He hates Subway.

"Wow, fancy seeing you two in here. Grayson, how was that meeting?" I ask, barging into the office.

"Meeting?" He asks, looking at me confused. "I didn't have a meeting." He answers.

"Wow, that's so crazy! Genevieve, didn't you say that the guys had a meeting?" I ask.

"I said that I thought I heard something about a meeting from Shane?" She says in confusion.

"That's so weird. Because Shane told me that he had no idea about any meeting." I reply with an equally confused face. "Wonder how that happened."

"No idea." She shrugs.

"I thought you were being kept in the office?" Grayson asks.

"Yeah. I asked if you wanted to come to lunch with us. I invited both of you." Genevieve says.

"We were pretty busy. Didn't have much time for...Subway." I say, looking down at her sandwich with disgust.

"You should have come with us." Grayson says.

I want to be mad at him, and I'm sure I will be later. But right now, I need for this girl to back the fuck off. Grayson is mine.

"I was just busy. I'll have you all to myself later tonight though. And we'll have something much better than Subway for dinner." I say as I lean over to kiss him.

He doesn't pull away, but he doesn't exactly embrace me with open arms. It isn't until a second later that he kisses me back.

"Yes." He answers with a brisk nod, looking stunned.

"Let's leave early today? I wouldn't want any more late nights in the office." I say in the best salty voice I can manage. The tone sounds foreign coming from me, I'm sure. But hey, at least I can try.

"Yes, ma'am." Grayson replies with a small smile.

"See you guys later." I say, smirking over at Genevieve before leaving her office.

I take a seat at my desk and wait for Grayson to walk back to his office. This isn't fucking over. Genevieve knows exactly what she was doing, and I'm about to put a stop to it. About two minutes later, Grayson emerges from her office and walks to his own, closing the door behind him. As soon as the door closes, I leave my office and walk straight to Genevieve's.


"Natalia." She says, acknowledging my presence as I enter the space.

"Drop it." I snap, closing the door behind me.

"It wasn't what it looked like." She sighs.

"Really? Because from the looks of it, you lied to my face about a meeting so you could have Grayson alone at lunch. What part of he has a girlfriend did you not understand?" I snap.

"You didn't ever tell me that you were the girlfriend." She replies, rolling her eyes. "It was lunch. Nothing more, nothing less."

"It's never going to be anything more, got it?" I spit out in reply.

"I wouldn't be so sure. According to him, there have been many fights happening between the two of you. Involving...an ex, I believe?" She adds with a smirk.

I feel my heart race and my cheeks burn with anger. If I didn't have any self control, I would go straight for her throat.

"You know nothing. Got that? Nothing." I reply.

"Like I said, I wouldn't be so sure." She smirks.

"Listen. I'm going to say this one time and one time only. Grayson is my boyfriend. Got that? Mine. The man practically kisses the ground I walk on. There is no way he's going to go for a girl the same age as his little sister." I say. "And if you even so much as step over the line with him, I will beat your fucking ass. Got it?"

"Are you really threatening me right now?" She asks with an amused look.

"Yes. It's a threat, and a promise. Don't fuck with me, bitch." I say before leaving her office.

I already know that this is going to cause problems with Grayson, but I don't care. Hell, Shane will probably be pissed too once he finds out I threatened to fight the new girl. I literally do not care right now, though. If this bitch wants to play dirty, then I am willing to join.

I go to Grayson's office and close the door behind me. When I look at him, the uncertainty in his gaze is cute. He's cute. However, there's no way I'm letting him off the hook for this one.

"Nat." He says as I approach him.

"I locked the door." I say, straddling his lap.

"I can see that." He says, hands going to my hips immediately. "Can I ask why?"

"Because I'm reminding you what you have." I say, leaning forward to kiss his neck gently.


"I never forgot what I have." He says, moving his head to the side to give me more access.

"Just wanted to keep the memory fresh." I say, biting at the skin gently.

"If someone walks by, they can see all of this." He says.

Instead of replying, I quickly get up from my seat and walk to the window. Closing the blinds, I quickly walk back over to him. He watches me carefully as I stand in front of him with my arms crossed.

"What?" He asks.

"Why did you go to lunch with her?" I ask.

"Because she's my assistant and she said she didn't have any friends. I'm not going to make someone feel excluded. That was the whole point in all of this, remember? We want people to feel included." He reminds me.

I roll my eyes, not even wanting to hear that.

"Okay, after I told you that I didn't want you getting close to her? I told you I didn't trust her, and you completely ignored my wishes and went anyways. I mean really? She straight up lied to my face! You never had a meeting. She just wanted you to herself." I say, raising my voice.

"Nat. Stop yelling. Someone is going to hear us." He says in a calm voice.

"I'm not yelling!" I yell, aggravated at this entire situation.

"She's my intern. I can't make her feel left out. Sitting in her office and having lunch is no crime. We were here the entire time. She picked the food up, not me. I stayed here. I wouldn't go off with her somewhere, okay? It's not different than sitting in my office and working on codes. Okay? Nothing was happening. I wouldn't ever do that." He sighs.

"And how exactly does she know that we've been fighting? She sure does know a lot about our relationship. Oh, and it isn't very nice things either." I huff.

"She asked why I was tired, and I just explained that we had a rough night. I didn't say that we were fighting. I just said we had a disagreement. I didn't give her any details. However, I see where you might be hurt by this. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." He says.

"No, please. Don't let me stop you! You must have had so much fun talking about what big arguments we have with your intern." I say, holding a grudge completely.

Something about how calm he is in all of this is frustrating. If this were Ryan, he would be yelling and screaming to match my own temper. He wouldn't give in so easily. He would never admit that he was wrong. I know this isn't something that I should want, but I want for Grayson to argue about this with me. I want to pick a fight.

"I'm not having fun talking about you, Natalia. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm wrong in this." He repeats.

"Yeah, you are. God, I can't believe you." I huff.

"I'm sorry. Will you please forgive me? And go back to kissing me like before? I've missed you." He says, reaching out for me.

I want to stay mad. Hell, I'm sure I'll pick up this fight once again later. I'm not done talking about this. Maybe right now i'm done, but I'm not forgetting this. He'll surely be pissed at me when he finds out what I said to her.

"No." I snap, still keeping my arms crossed.

"Okay." He sighs, dropping his arms and opening to laptop.

"God, seriously? Seriously, Grayson?" I huff.

"What?" He asks.

"That's it? You're giving up that quickly?" I ask.

"You said no. I'm not going to push you into doing or feeling anything that you don't want to be doing or feeling." He answers simply. "However, I am going to get back to work so that I can go home early and hopefully spend some time with my girlfriend, if she's willing." He says.

I sigh and drop my arms as I walk over to where he's sitting. I straddle his lap the same as before and rest my head on his chest.

"Am I forgiven?" He asks, kissing the top of my head.

"Absolutely not." I reply immediately. "But, I still want to be here with you right now. I want to go home." I sigh.

"Home?" He asks, hugging me closer to his body.

"Your apartment. It feels like home." I answer honestly.

"I like that. I want it to feel like home." He replies.

Despite wanting to be mad, it's hard when Grayson is so genuinely sweet. I guess now I'm just waiting for all of this to blow up in my face.

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