

"God, we're never going to finish this in time." Brian groans, running a hand over his face. "No offense, but I really don't want to ask Grayson for help. I don't want him thinking that we can't handle this on our own."

"I feel the same way." I mutter in response, squinting at the screen in front of us. "Maybe it's something on the contact page?" I offer.

"No, we already checked that. It must be something in the notes page." He replies. "It's almost time for lunch. Go and take a break and we'll just figure it out when you get back."

"No way. We're going to figure this out together. Plus, I know that you'll definitely not be taking a lunch if I go. We can order in." I say.

"Knock, Knock!" I hear from the door. I look up and see Genevieve standing with a bright smile.

God, this girl gets on my nerves.

"What's up?" Brian asks, attention back to the screen.

"I just wanted to invite you guys to lunch. Grayson and Shane have a meeting or something, so they won't be there." She replies with a shrug. Grayson usually isn't one to have a meeting during his lunch break, but I guess it's not completely impossible. It's probably Shane's idea.

"Oh, thank you. We're pretty busy though." I reply with a tight smile.

"Yeah. Maybe tomorrow?" Brian offers.

"That's okay! Just thought I would offer." She smiles before skipping away.

"She is way too happy all of the time." I mutter once she's out of sight.

"Is someone jealous?" Brian laughs.

"Absolutely not." I laugh in response. "I just think she needs to back off of my boyfriend."

"Oh, so not jealous. Just territorial."He replies.

"Very." I agree.

"Don't even worry about her."

"She literally told me that she thought Grayson was hot and didn't care if he had a girlfriend." I huff.

"And does she know that the girlfriend in question just so happens to be you?" He asks.


"Absolutely not." I laugh. "Keeping it on the low, remember? However, she's making it very tempting to go ahead and remind her about what is mine." I mutter.

"Grayson has you. He doesn't want anyone else. I haven't seen him making excuses to go and see her, now have I?" He reminds me.

"That's true. You're right. It's just annoying. I told him that I wasn't comfortable with her trying to get so cozy with him. You know, they stayed at the office until like 8pm last night." I reply.

"For what?" He asks.

"I guess he was sorting through a glitch and she wanted a chance to learn. Yeah right." I say, muttering the last part.

"She's young. She's like what...twenty one? No way he's going for that. Remember, he's with you. Not her."

"I know, it's just frustrating. He doesn't really think she's trying anything nor does he care. I don't want to turn into a stage-five clinger, but it's hard when a college girl is trying to steal your man." I laugh.

"Like I said, absolutely no competition." He laughs. "Now come on, let's get some food ordered so we can at least have something to eat while we work." He suggests.

"Only if we get Mexican." I say.

"It's like you're reading my mind." He says. "Can we order from your parents place? I know you're probably tired of it, but it's my favorite." He smiles.

"Duh." I say, texting my mom our order. "Plus, she'll probably send someone to bring it to us. No charge. Perks of being the owner's daughter."

"Thank God." He laughs.


Thankfully, our food was delivered quickly and we figured out the problem in the app. Of course, it was right in front of our face the entire time.

"I'm so glad we got that figured out. I was willing to ask anyone and everyone before taking it to Grayson." Brian says.

"Honestly, same. He tends to hover." I reply. "Which I love when it comes to everything but work related issues. If it's work, it only makes me anxious."


"So tell me, what's it like dating someone like him?" He asks.

Someone like him?

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He's stupid rich." He replies with a laugh. I feel relief wash over me at this explanation rather than where my mind was going.

"Oh." I laugh, "It's insane. I live a life no where near to the same way he lives his life. He has like three bathrooms in his condo. A walk in closet. The pool is pretty massive, too."

"I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like."

"But you know, you'd never picture it. Like, he's pretty humble about it." I say.

"Humble? Grayson?" Brian laughs. "Not even."

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"That guy practically sweats money. His entire personality shows it. He doesn't talk to anyone. He acts better than most people. Hell, it wasn't until you came along that I realized he's not really that bad." He admits.

"He's just socially awkward." I say, defending Grayson. "He gets nervous in social situations."

"Well, if that's what you want to call it." He says, raising his eyebrows as though he doesn't believe it.

"Can I be honest with you?" I sigh.

"Of course." He nods.

"I mean...you can't tell anyone. At all." I say.

"I promise." He replies.

"Grayson has Aspergers Syndrome." I sigh.

"Like, autism?" He asks.

"No. It's different. This is high functioning. He's super smart and involved in a ton of hobbies, but it's hard for him to express certain emotions and understand social cues. So that's why he comes off as rude sometimes. Or uninterested." I explain.

When Brian doesn't reply, I begin to get nervous.

"That explains a lot, actually." Brian nods.

"Does it?"

"Yeah. The dude is insanely smart. You almost have to be a genius to understand the level of things he understands." He adds. "That's cool, though. It gives me a better understanding of him, that's for sure. I understand why he wouldn't want people knowing, though."

"Shane told me when he first found out about our relationship. Like, as it was forming. Grayson told me just the other night. I had to act surprised and everything." I say.

"Shane told you? But why?" He asks.

"He didn't want me to think of him differently. And if I were to back out because of it, he wanted me to give off the impression that it wasn't the main reason. To Grayson, I mean." I explain.

"He sounds like a good friend." Brian says.

"He is. He's really good to Gray." I agree. "Speaking of Shane, I need to go and find him. I'm sure there are some things he needs me to send out from his meeting. Usually he has me take notes for the meetings, so it must be serious."

"Right. I'm probably going to head out. I have a doctor's appointment to assist." He smirks.

"I almost completely forgot about that! How is she? When do you guys find out the gender?" I ask.

"Today." He smiles. "I'm hoping for a girl."

"I'm so happy for you." I smile. "Keep me updated!"

"I will." He says as I leave the office.

As the elevator doors open, I see Shane from down the hallway.

"Shane!" I call, causing him to turn and see him.

"Hey, Nat." He smiles, waiting for me as I walk towards him.

"Hey. Sorry about the meeting. I had no idea you had one planned. I was with Brian working through an issue on the homepage." I explain.

"That's fine? But what meeting are you talking about?" He asks with a chuckle.

"The meeting you and Grayson had at lunch. Genevieve said that you guys had something planned during lunch." I say.

"No? If there was a meeting, I was not there." He laughs. "I think we were told that Brian was keeping you in the office today."

"No, I-" I stop when I realize what exactly is going on.

That bitch lied to me.

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