

"So you and lover boy are official? Finally." Brian says, handing me my coffee.

"Yup! I think this is something that I'll need to keep on the low. You know? I don't want people to view me any differently." I say.

"Yeah, I totally get that. I doubt anyone even suspects anything if we're being completely honest. I mean, you aren't like this chick right here." He says, whispering the last part and eyeballing towards the person a few feet away.

"No! He's so hot! For real! He might be older than me, but I don't care. I'm going for it." The girl says to another person next to her.

"I could never imagine talking about someone like that while at work." I mutter, turning my attention back to Brian.

"Well, we have talked like that while at work. However, we are in the comfort of our office." He laughs.

"Yeah, but that's only because it's you. Literally no one else." I reply.

"Well you also aren't fresh out of college either." He laughs.

"Who are they?" I ask.

"One of them is on my team, I know that." He says, giving me a mocking smile.

"Good luck with that one." I laugh.

"I think the other one is on Justin's team? At least I think so. Hell, I have no idea. At the team leader meeting there was discussion about hiring on quite a few new people. Something about interns and temp positions." He replies as we walk to our new office. Thankfully, Grayson was able to get us a room to work on Brian's app overnight. It's bigger than what normally is given to newer app teams, but I don't think either one of us is going to complain about that.

"Justin has his hands full, that's for sure." I say in reply.

"Grayson really hooked us up with this room." Brian says, setting his things down on his new desk.

"I know. This place is nice. I've never had somewhere like this to work." I say, looking at the desktops and office chairs covering the area.

"I've been a team leader for years now, and I can honestly say I haven't seen this either. It's awesome." He smiles. "Now let's talk about the rest of this team." He says.

"Yeah! Have you put any more thought into who you want to join?" I ask, pulling my laptop from its case.

"A little bit. I would take all of my team if I could, but we already have a whole series of things that still need to be done there. I want to split my time 50/50. So I was hoping that maybe you could construct a team for us. I know you'll be able to find some pretty good ones, you know?" He says with a confident smile.

"You want me to put the team together? Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah! You'll be great at something like that. Hey, think of it this way. You're my right hand in all of this. Anything I plan on doing, I'm going to check with you first. Your ideas are always good. You'll help me in making this app launch going smoothly." He smiles in reply.


"Okay, cool." I smile. "I'll see who I can find. But hey, I'm going to head back upstairs and finish the work that Shane has for me. These are the last few assignments, but hopefully I can get them done quickly." I say.

"Oh please, I know you're wanting to see your boyfriend." He teases.

"Well, that's a plus." I laugh. "I'm leaving my laptop here. I'll be right back down. I think it's just a few documents that need to be printed off. Nothing too special." I add.

"Well, i'll be right here. You know where to find me." He smiles.

As I leave the office, I see that the lobby is less crowded than earlier. Despite the excitement I feel from new hires joining our team, I can't help but feel relieved knowing that I can go upstairs without a million introductions being said. I know i'll have to have these introductions soon, but not quite ready for it yet.

I hear laughter and chatter fill the hallways the second that the elevator door opens. I can tell that it's Shane who is laughing accompanied by Grayson's own laugh.

I walk down the hall and turn the corner to see the pair standing next to a smaller figure.

"Natalia! Just the person we wanted to see. Come here, I want to introduce you to someone." He smiles, gesturing for me to join him.

I look and see the girl from the coffee bar earlier. She's tall. Much taller than I am. Although, when you're only 5'2 it isn't very hard to beat.

"I'm Genevieve! It's nice to meet you. I guess we'll be the only girls up here, huh?" She asks with a polite smile.

I smile and extend my hand to her, giving it a small shake.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Natalia. I'm Shane's intern." I say, introducing myself.

"I've heard so much about you already! Both Grayson and Shane were talking about what an amazing engineer you are! Hopefully I can pick your brain sometime." She says with a bright smile.

"Yeah, absolutely." I say. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your position here?" I say, trying to figure out her role on this floor.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry! I'm Grayson's new intern!" She replies.

I felt my smile falter at her words. Grayson's new intern? What the hell. I knew Grayson would be getting an intern after I left...but I had no idea that intern would look like Genevieve.

"Oh! His...I didn't know that Grayson was getting a new intern." I say quickly once she notices my confusion.

"Shane recently hired a whole group of people. Every leader that didn't previously have an intern has been assigned one. Genevieve starts her first day with us today. I was thinking that you could show her around. Maybe she could shadow you?" Grayson speaks for the first time since this entire interaction.

"Yeah, for sure!" I say, quickly recovering from the shock of Genevieve.

"Natalia was Grayson's old intern, so she has a pretty good idea of what it is that you'll be doing." Shane informs her.

"Oh! I didn't know you were his intern, too." Genevieve replies with confusion.


"There was a policy change and it was better for Natalia to work for me instead of Grayson. She wanted to learn more about the Operations side of things, too." Shane explains. Although what Shane just said is a lie, I can't just tell her the truth. Hell, she'll think i'm different instantly. Everyone would.

"Oh that's cool! Well, I'm glad that I won't be the only one up here." She smiles brightly.

"Well, we'll leave you girls to it! If you could just give her a quick tour and rundown of the place, then you guys are good to check back in. We don't have too much planned for the day." Shane tells me.

I look over at Grayson and see the tight smile he offers me. I know this is only because we both agreed to keep this relationship between us. If any of the guys from work found out about this relationship, we would surely be talking behind both of our backs. It would be endless, too. Even Brian felt this way before he even knew. I'm sure deep down, he still believes that same way.

"Natalia. Genevieve." Grayson says with a brisk nod before walking away.

I guide Genevieve towards my office and shut the door behind us.

"Well this is nice! I wonder if I get my own office."

"I'm sure Grayson will be able to find you something. We're the only four people that stay up here, so there's plenty of space." I reply.

"So it's pretty private, yeah?" She says with a smile.

"Yeah, basically."

"That's so cool. I hope I get one with a view like this one." She says, staring out the window.

I doubt Grayson will give her an office like mine. I'm sure that if I were originally Shane's assistant, I wouldn't have anything this big. Nor would I have anything this nice. According to what Shane has told us before hiring Genevieve, we learned that she is an unpaid intern receiving college credits for all of this. There's no way they would go to the trouble of setting up an entire office for her. Not yet, at least.

"Maybe." I say in agreement. "So, you're a college student, yeah?" I ask.

"Yeah! I go to CSUN." She smiles.

"That's cool. What kind of things are you involved in?" I ask.

"I'm in a sorority at my school!" She beams.

"Oh really? What chapter?" I ask with true interest.

"Alpha Phi!" She smiles.

"Oh, that's awesome. I think Grayson's sister might have been an Alpha Phi, too. I was Tri Delt." I reply.

"That's so cool! I didn't know that Grayson had a sister!" She replies.

"Yeah, she just moved back home."

"Do they live together or anything?" She asks with curiosity.

"No." I laugh. "She lives with Shane, actually. They're dating."

"Oh, wow." She says with a nod. "What about Grayson? What all do you know about him?" She asks.

"Well...what do you want to know?" I ask, scanning the desktop for the files Shane had wanted me to print out. Instead of explaining the work that I'm doing with this girl, I'll leave it. She won't really ever need to do something like this for Grayson, I'm sure. He'll probably just let her do her own thing, like with me. Hell, he might even send her to other teams like Shane is doing.

"Is he single?" She asks with a smirk lacing her tone. This gets my attention easily. I look up quickly and see the mischievous smirk covering her face.

"Grayson?" I ask, clearing my throat.

"Yeah!" She laughs.

"I don't...I mean...I'm not sure." I mutter in response.

"Oh, well he's super attractive. I mean, have you seen the arms on that man?" She shrieks.

"I think he has a girlfriend." I say, changing my answer instantly.

"I don't really care. He's attractive and I see no girlfriend in sight." She smirks, wagging her brows at me.

I feel my face get hot at her words. The girl who I once viewed as sweet and curious is now someone that I want to absolutely strangle right now. There's no way in hell I'm going to let this girl flirt with my fucking boyfriend.

"He's very professional. If I were you, I would keep it strictly business." I lie. I know Grayson's level of professionalism when it comes to in-work relationships isn't the best, but still.

"Oh I will. Doesn't mean a little flirting would hurt." She adds with another smirk. "Anyways, what do we have to get done with today?" She asks, changing the subject.

I print off the files Shane wanted and bring Genevieve downstairs with me to work with Brian. This girl is so kind and so friendly, it's hard to be annoyed with her. Still, her earlier comments about Grayson have me nothing but concerned for the next few weeks.

The end of the day couldn't get here soon enough. I watch the clock on the wall and pray that the next time I look up, it will be 5PM and we can just go home. I wonder if there is any way I could convince Grayson into letting us go earlier.

"Well, I think that this might be all we have to do today." I say, gathering my things up.

"Oh! Okay! She smiles, packing her own laptop up into her bag. I glance over and see the Michael Kors laptop case she's slipping her MacBook into. It's much nicer compared to my case, which I ordered off of Amazon for $15.

"Nat, mind staying back for a minute so we can talk about the team?" Brian asks as Genevieve walks towards the door.

"Right now?" I ask with a slight cringe, not walking Genevieve to go alone.

"Is there something else you need to do?" He asks with curiosity.

"No, no." I reply, quickly shaking my silly thoughts away. She's going upstairs to get the rest of her things. There's no way damage can be done in that short amount of time.

"Okay, good." Brian smiles as we go over the rest of this weeks plans.

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