

"Natalia! You're late." I hear my mother scold.

"I know, I know. We over slept." I say, although our morning events definitely didn't help in our time management.

"Grayson! I didn't know you would be coming, too! It's great to see you, mi amor!" My mother says, gushing instantly.

"Hola, Mrs. Zamora." He says with a smile.

"No, no, no. You will call me Maria." She scolds playfully. Grayson laughs and nods his head in understanding.

"Maria. It's lovely seeing you again. Thank you for having me."

Grayson sounds so confident while talking to my mom. It's like a completely different side of him that I hadn't really noticed before. I love it.

"Mama, where's papi?" I ask.

"He's with your brother somewhere. You know how those two will run off. But don't worry about that, fix yourself a plate!" She says, motioning for us to follow behind her.

"You're hungry, yes?" I ask Grayson.

"I'm sure I'll have some of whatever they have." Grayson says in reply.

"Natalia, fix Grayson a plate." My mom scolds.

"You don't have to." Grayson says quickly.

"Nonsense. Sit, sit." She adds quickly.

"I don't mind. Stay here. I'll be right back." I say as I follow my mom into the kitchen.

The second that Grayson is out of eyeshot, my mom goes straight to the interrogation.

"You're dating him?" She exclaims.

"What? What made you think that?" I ask.

"He's here. That says enough. Has your brother met him?" She asks.

"No. He'll meet him today, I'm sure." I sigh.

"Have you been to his house?" She asks.

"Yes, Mami." I groan.

"Is he rich?" She asks with a smirk.

"Mami!" I exclaim. "It doesn't matter if he has money or not."

"That's a lie and you know it." She counters.

"Yes, he has money. No, it doesn't matter. Now stop!" I scold.

"Fine. Make his plate and get back out there to him. Otherwise, the family is going to run all over him." She says, pushing a plate my way and walking out of the kitchen.

"I guess Maria is giving you a hard time over the new boyfriend?" I hear from behind me.

Jose grabs a plate and stands next to me, giving me the same smile he always does.

"He isn't my boyfriend. We're just seeing each other right now. Nothing too serious." I reply.

"Well, you brought him over to meet the family. It must be a little more than just seeing each other, yeah?" He says.

"I guess you're right. I don't know. It's all moving kind of fast." I reply.

"He's nothing like your last boyfriend." He points out.

"I don't think that's such a bad thing." I shrug.

It's definitely not a bad thing. The fact that Jose even mentioned my ex makes me want to walk away from this conversation.

"Hey, I don't think it is either. I'm just pointing it out." He says, holding his hands up in surrender. "What does Nathanial think?"

"Why is everyone so concerned with with Nathanial thinks?" I groan.

"I'm just trying to make small talk. You've been MIA lately." He replies quietly.

"I'm sorry, Jose." I sigh, instantly feeling guilty. "I just have a lot on my mind about all of this. Grayson is my boss. Well, technically not my boss anymore but still much higher up than myself. He owns the company that I work for. If people find out about this- no- when people find out about this they're going to question all success I've had. I've already had to give up working on an app that I really wanted to work on. I just don't want even more attention than I already seem to have gotten. This family stuff will just add onto that stress." I groan.


"Hey, it'll be fine. He seems like a pretty cool dude. I'm sure everyone will love him." He assures me. "But I would definitely get back out there. I think I saw your Aunt Costell looking at him like he was a full course meal." He teases.

I put the chicken and beans on Grayson's plate before leaving the kitchen to go out and find that my Aunt was in fact trying to talk to him.

"Oh! Natalia! I was wondering why you left such a handsome man here all alone. You better watch out. I was just about to try and hook him up with your cousin." She says as I walk over.

"Sorry, Costell. He's taken." I say as I set his plate down in front of him.

"You didn't get anything?" He asks, noticing the plate that is only in front of him. Costell seems to notice the lack of communication he offers to her and walks away quietly.

"I'll go back for some. Jose was saying that Costell was after you so I figured you'd like for me to come to your rescue." I laugh.

"She's nice." Grayson replies.

"Yeah, she's nice if she wants something from you. And as much as she would like to hook you up with her daughter, I'm sorry to say that you are all mine." I smile.

He smiles at my reply and scoots my chair closer to him.

"Well how about you sit here while I go and make you a plate." He offers.

"Thanks, but if my Papi sees you making me a plate he will flip." I laugh.

"Why?" He asks.

"It's a Mexican thing. He thinks the woman should make the man his plate and then go back to make her own. It's just the way we've always done it at home." I shrug.

"Oh." He says with a nod. "I don't think I like it done that way." He says.

"Why?" I ask, taking a bite of chicken from his plate.

"I just feel like I should be the one serving you. Not the other way around." He replies.

"You're sweet." I smile as I lean over and give him a quick kiss.

"Hermosa! Where have you been, mi amor?" I hear my dad call.

"Papi! We've been around. Where have you been? And Nathanial?" I ask, standing up to give my father a hug. Grayson stands with me and offers my dad a handshake.

"Oh, he's around here somewhere. You know how everyone gets when he's in town. It's good to see you again, Grayson." My father replies, giving Grayson a quick handshake.

"Well he needs to hurry! He wants to complain when I'm not around and doesn't even try to see me while I'm here." I laugh.

"You know the family is going insane over the news of the baby. It's all anyone is talking about." He grumbles.

"Papi." I say in a disapproving tone.

"I know, I know." He replies with a wave of his hand. "Your mother is finally coming around to the idea." He adds.

"Good. She should be happy." I say. "Nathanial would want you guys to be happy for him." I add.

"Si, si." He says with boredom in his voice. "I'm going to go and talk with your uncle. Have fun!" He adds before calling for his brother.

"Your brother is having a baby?" Grayson asks once my father walks away.


"Yeah. Mami and Papi aren't too happy about it." I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because my brother's wife is white. They just aren't big fans. It's pathetic, I know." I shrug.

"But you're happy about it?" He asks.

"Of course. He'll be a great father. And Grace will be a great mother." Just as I mention their names, I see Grace coming towards us.

"Natalia! Thank you so much for coming!" She says with mock enthusiasm. She wants to leave, I'm sure.

"Hey, Grace. Thank you for having us!" I say, giving her a quick hug.

"I haven't seen you since dinner." She points out. She looks embarrassed to even talk about that dinner, and I don't even blame her.

"Yeah, I know. I've been busy. I'm sure you all have been too! How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Good. Tired." She laughs. "Who is this?" She asks, gesturing to Grayson.

"Grayson Parker." He says, offering her a a hand. She shakes is softly and smiles brightly at him.

"And how do you two know each other?" She asks.

"He's my boss." I answer with a smile. He nods in reply, like this is the best way to describe our relationship.

"Oh wow! I hear Nat has really been liking her new job. I guess I can see why." She says in a teasing tone.

"Yeah.." I laugh in response. "Where's Nathanial?" I ask.

"Oh! He should be right behind me! He's probably off talking to Marcus or something." She laughs.

"Marcus is here?" I ask.

"Yeah. Oh! There he is!" She exclaims. "Nathan, come here!" She calls.

I mentally roll my eyes at the mention of his nickname. Nathan. God, I've always hated it. In high school he insisted that everyone call him Nathan. It's as if he hated his own name.

"Look who decided to show up." I laugh as he approaches us.

"Hey, you're the one who went missing for days now." He laughs, giving me a hug. I've missed him. I always miss him. The fact that this is his going away party makes me want to cry. I always miss him when he's gone, and sometimes he stays away for so long.

"I want you to meet someone!" I say, turning around to see Grayson looking extremely nervous next to me. "Nathanial, this is-"

"Grayson." My brother nods, giving Grayson and me a very confused look.

"Nathan." Grayson says, giving him a quick nod and offering him a hand shake.

"You two know each other?" I ask.

"We went to high school together, yeah?" Nathanial laughs, quickly shaking his hand.

"Yeah, we did." Grayson adds.

"Oh wow! What a small world!" Grace says with excitement in her voice.

"Yeah, it sure is. Natalia, can I talk to you for a second?" Nathanial asks, gesturing for me to go to the kitchen with him.

"Yeah, sure." I say, giving Grayson an unsure look.

"I'll stay here." He says with a tight smile.

"I'll stay with him!" Grace smiles.

"Thanks. I'll be right back." I say, quickly following Nathanial into the kitchen.

Once we're out of sight, he gives me a look as if I'm insane.

"What the hell, Nat!" He exclaims in a whisper.

"What?" I ask.

"That's the guy? Really?" He groans.

"Excuse me? What are you even talking about?" I ask.

"That Grayson guy went to high school with me." He says.

"Okay? And?"

"And he's fucking weird. Like...blow up the high school weird." He replies.

"What the fuck, Nathanial. No he isn't. You're being an asshole, stop." I snap.

"You don't know him, Nat. He's a fucking weirdo." He laughs.

"I clearly know him more than you do. He's nice, Nathanial. Much nicer than Marcus." I counter.

There's nothing that Nathanial hates more than when I bring up the short amount of time that I dated his best friend.

"At least I was never afraid of Marcus shooting up a school." He says, rolling his eyes.

"You're such a dick." I say.

"Listen, I just don't think this guy is your type. He would only hang out with one other person and that guy was just as bad as he was." He laughs.

"Stop, Nathanial." I warn him.

"Come here." He says, pulling me back out to the party.

"What? Stop dragging me." I snap, pulling my arm out of his grasp.

"Marcus! Come here!" Nathanial calls.

Marcus Griffin turns his head and sees the two of us before walking over.

"Hey, Nat. Long time no see." He smiles.

"Dude, look over to where Grace is sitting and tell me that you remember that guy." He says.

Marcus turns around and stares at Grayson. I know Grayson can feel us looking over at him when he glances over and stares at us. He looks uncomfortable and I just want to take him away from here. God, I would rather be anywhere else than here.

"What the hell is he doing here?" He asks with a confused laugh.

"Fuck both of you." I snap as I walk away and head towards the table Grayson is at.

"Come on, let's go." I say.

"What? You're leaving already?" Grace pouts.

"Yes." I snap, instantly feeling bad for coming at her rudely.

"Is everything okay?" Grayson asks.

"Yes, I just want to leave. Come on." I say, waiting impatiently for him to stand up so we can leave.

"Grayson Parker, is it?" I hear Marcus say as he walks over with Nathanial.

"I...yeah." Grayson says, fighting between leaving with me and being polite to Marcus.

"I remember you. We had class together." Marcus says.

"Yeah, we did." Grayson says, shaking the hand that Marcus extends.

"You're here with Nat?" He asks with a look of amusement.

"Yes." He nods. "You know her, too?"

"She's my ex girlfriend." Marcus smirks.

Grayson looks surprised but plays it off well.

"How do you know her?" Nathanial asks.

"She works for me." He answers.

"Oh, so you guys are just friends." Marcus says, giving Nathanial a look.

I know exactly what they're doing.

"We're seeing each other." He replies, giving me a look of approval.

"Are you serious?" Marcus laughs.

"Yes." Grayson answers.

"Are you two done?" I snap.

"I was really hoping you were still available, Nat." Marcus tells me. "I'm not sure this guy is too much competition, though." He laughs.

"She's taken." Grayson says, putting a protective arm around me.

Right at this moment, Marcus notices the bruise on the left side of Grayson's neck.

"Shit, I guess she is taken. That's a pretty decent sized hickey you've got there." He laughs. "I bet if we look hard enough, we'll find the matching one of Natalia's neck."

"Can you guys stop?" Grace says, stepping in-between all of us.

"What ever happened to that friend of yours?" Nathanial asks, pulling Grace towards him.

"Shane?" Grayson asks.

"Is that the guy who was like eighteen and refused to touch his own dick? Utah dude?" Marcus laughs.

"His name is Shane." Grayson replies. His grip tightens around me, but he doesn't come off as rude or aggressive. I know he's probably pissed, though. Hell, I know that I am.

"Where the hell did that guy even end up?" Marcus laughs.

"He's dating my sister now." Grayson replies.

God, I really wish he would just stop talking right now. Please, Grayson. Just walk away.

"Oh so he's probably still not getting his dick touched." Nathanial laughs.

"Go to hell." I snap at the two of them. "Grayson, we're leaving." I snap.

"Oh come on, we're just messing around." Marcus laughs. "You know that, right, man?" He asks.

Grayson looks so unsure on what to do, but I wish he would just follow me instead of stalling.

"Have mom and dad met him?" Nathanial asks me.

"Yes." I reply simply.

"And I'm sure he was a hit with them." He laughs.

"Actually, they really like him. Mami loves him." I say, crossing my arms.

"Not likely." He laughs. "No offense." He adds for good measure.

"She does. Papi, too." I defend.

"Nathan, come on. There's people waiting to see you." Grace says as she tries pulling Nathanial away.

"We're leaving." I say, grabbing Grayson's arm and pulling him away from my brother.

"It was good seeing you again, Grayson. I'm sure we'll see more of one another." Nathanial laughs before walking away with Grace.

Grayson follows me without saying anything else and the second we exit the building, I turn to look at him. He looks at me with confusion and embarrassment written all over his face.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I say, running a hand through my hair.

"Why?" He asks.

"Marcus and my brother. They're just...fuck them. They're assholes." I say, walking towards my car.

"I didn't know Nathan was your brother." He mumbles. "I didn't know you dated Marcus, either." He adds.

"He's not my ex." I reply quickly. "We talked for a bit, but that's it. It was years ago, too."

"Is that the kind of guy you usually go for?" He asks with slight disgust in his tone.

"No." I say.

"Okay." He replies with a quick nod.

"This was not how today was supposed to go." I groan.

"It's fine." He assures me.

Something tells me that despite his words, nothing about what happened today is fine.

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