

"I want more wine!" Sofia slurs with a small giggle.

"I think you've had more than enough, love." Shane tells her, pulling down her into his lap. He glances at me and rolls his eyes. I know he's already annoyed with Sofia, but he would never say it out loud.

"I want more though." She sighs. "Don't be a party pooper." She pouts.

"Don't fight me on this, Sofia. I'm not going to be babysitting you all night. I have work in the morning." He reminds her.

"Do you want some water?" I ask Natalia, who has been silent for the most part.

"Some water would be nice." She says with a smile.

I walk towards the kitchen and grab two glasses, filling them both up. I hand one of the cups to Shane who practically forces Sofia to drink, and then hand the other to Natalia.

"You're going to feel all of this in a few hours, baby." Natalia says, laughing at Sofia expense.

"Hey, I'm not as old as all of you. I still have a stomach of steel." She giggles.

"We're probably going to head out. I think I want to get her in bed." Shane says, pushing hair out of Sofia's face.

"Noooo. I want to stay here." She groans.

"Nope. We've overstayed our welcome. Come on, let's go and watch a movie." Shane says, lifting Sofia off of his lap gently.

"Fine. Text me later, okay?" Sofia says, giving Natalia a quick hug.

"I will. Love ya." She says in reply. My heart warms at watching the two get along so well. Whether or not me and Natalia become something, I'm at least thankful for the fact that the two get along so well.

I knew Sofia was having some problems with the girls in her sorority. She never went into too many details concerning the matter, but it was bad enough for her to move back home. I knew she was miserable in Wisconsin from the last time Shane and I went to visit her.

All I want is for Sofia to have a friendship like Shane and I have. She's so carefree and bubbly. I have always envied her personality when we were younger. She seems to make friends so easily. I don't know why any of the previous ones decided not to stick around.

"Love you, too." Sofia smiles. I watch as the two leave the apartment and am once again filled with the silence covering the room.

"I should probably call myself an Uber." Natalia says, breaking the silence.

"Or you can stay for a bit." I say instantly. I don't want her to leave yet. I feel like I haven't had a single second with her alone in days. How long has it even been since the last time I felt her touch? Only a few hours, I'm sure. Hell, I have no idea. Even the hours feel like days.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yes." I answer. "I want you to stay."


"Movie?" She offers.

"Movie." I repeat with a smile. I walk back over to the couch and take a seat next to hear. I can feel her eyes on me as I grab the remote and start scanning for something.

I'll play anything at this point. I really don't even care what we watch.

"Any suggestions?" I ask.

"You pick. It doesn't matter to me." She answers. I see her curl her legs up in the sofa and wrap her arms around her knees. It's such a simple thing that I want to look at for the rest of my life. She looks so carefree and comfortable. She looks comfortable in my home.

"Here, you pick." I say, handing her the remote. She smiles as she takes it form my hand and clicks on the first title listed.

"Ted." She smiles. "I love this movie. Have you seen it?" She asks.

"I think I saw this in theaters." I reply, leaning my back against the sofa.

I have no idea what comes over me at this point. If I were to pause this moment and play it back, I would have absolutely no idea what made me do this. I grab her legs and uncurl them from her body and place them across my lap. She looks at me with surprise as I do this, but doesn't make any move to stop me. Instead, she smiles that beautiful smile and scoots closer to me, making herself more comfortable.

"Is this okay?" I ask as she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, it's perfect." She smiles.

"Good." I say, looking down at her small figure on me.

When she looks up, we both know what is about to happen. She leans up to kiss me softly, and I take all training that I've seen in movies and tv to kiss her back. My hand reaches up to cup her cheek in my hand, and she sighs gently at my touch.

We don't try and rush our kiss. Her mouth moves in sync with my own. She's not doing anything to deepen our kiss, which I'm thankful for.

"I guess this means that we're okay from what happened earlier?" I mutter with her lips still against mine. She laughs and the feelings is fucking amazing.

"Yeah, we're good." She replies. "I'm sorry for overreacting earlier."

"Let's just forget about it, yeah?" I ask, pulling her up and into my lap. "You're here right now. That's all that matters to me."

Never in a million years would I have imagined that someone as beautiful as Natalia would be in my apartment. Let alone sitting on my lap kissing me. Hell, this is something that I will never get used to. Her hand slides up my arm and rests against my bicep. She rubs her thumb against the fabric of my shirt in the most comforting way.

I move one of my hands down and place it on her thigh. She kisses me harder at this but doesn't do anything to change our pace. She moans ever so softly when I rub the top of her thigh with my thumb.


I only stop when she hiccups into our kiss.

"I'm sorry." She giggles.

"That's okay." I laugh, loving the way her own laughter fills the silence of the apartment.

"I think I'm still a little drunk." She states.

"Do you want some more water?" I ask.

"Maybe that's a good idea." She smiles.

"I think so, too." I add before scooting her off of me and standing up from the couch. I feel her absence immediately and want to get the water as quickly as possible. Anything that will bring her back into my arms as soon as possible is my goal.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to see a text from Sofia.

How's the girlfriend? Miss her already ):

I roll my eyes, annoyed that my little sister has to be so nosey all of the time.

Not my girlfriend. I quickly send in response.

"Did Sofia just text you?" Natalia giggles.

"Yeah, why?" I ask, filling her glass with ice.

"She just texted me and said she missed us already." She laughs. "She's so sweet, I love her." She adds.

I smile at her comment as I fill the glass with water.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"She's so much fun. I haven't had a real girl friend like her in a long time. Like, since college."

"I'm glad you like her. She's my best friend. I just wish she had more people to hang out with, you know?" I say, walking back over to the sofa and handing her the glass. "I mean, there's only so much she can tell me. I'm sure there's much more she would rather say to a girl friend instead of her brother."

"Does she not have many friends?" She asks as she sets her legs back into my lap.

"She's had a rough year. She wasn't getting along with the girls in her sorority anymore. Something about a guy and the formal. I honestly have no idea. She doesn't really talk about it. She plays it off like everything is okay, but I know she would have stayed in Wisconsin if she felt like she were able to. It must have been bad enough for her to move back to LA, that's for sure." I explain. "I don't know. I just wish she had more friends she could talk to. Me and Shane have always been here for her, but now that Shane's her boyfriend things are just different. I know she's glad to hangout with you. It's been awhile since she's had a friend."

"I didn't really get along with the people I went to college with, either. Things are just so different when you leave for college, you know? I mean, the circumstances are forced so quickly. I went from living with my parents to living with a group of girls that I didn't even know. It can become super tense and uncomfortable. I'm glad she got out while she could, though. It's better to leave and find somewhere new than to live everyday with a group of girls who make you miserable." She explains.

"I guess you're right. I'm glad she's back. We missed her. I know Shane is glad she's back, too. Hell....especially Shane." I say, still trying to grasp the fact that my best friend is dating my little sister.

"How do you feel about that?" She asks.

I think this is the first time someone has asked me how I really feel about it.

"Honestly? It's weird. God, it's so weird. I mean she's dating a guy as old as her brother. We're not exactly young anymore. We're both pushing thirty." I cringe. I hate the idea of turning any older than what I am right now. "Sometimes I just think she's too young." I mutter at the end.

I feel guilty the second that the words leave my mouth. Sofia is happy. She's happier than i've ever seen her. Shane is just as happy as she is. He's never been the type to date. He's never been the type to sleep around either, though.

He's always just been so fine with being single. Until she came along, I guess.

"It's okay." Natalia assures me. "I totally get it. In a way, it is kind of weird." She agrees.

"But I wouldn't want her to be with anyone else, either. I mean, I know Shane is going to treat her well. Plus, he'll always be able to provide for her. I don't have to worry about her having to stress about living arrangements or money." I add.

"He seems really into her." She says.

"Yeah." I agree. "I guess I just don't want to know when those feelings started, you know? Like was it when she turned 18? I mean, she was in high school. She's always been beautiful. Always. But when did that become clear to him? I guess I really don't want to know. It just seems like it moved way faster than feelings that just happened over night. One minute he asked for my permission to take her on a date and literally the next day he tells me that they'll be living together. I just think this relationship went on longer than I was aware of. So it's all just kind of weird." I shrug.

"Yeah, but think of it this way. Would you want her to be moving this quickly with someone that you don't know?" She reminds me.

"Nope. Definitely not." I answer immediately.

"Then just ignore the rest and assume the best case scenario." She shrugs with a smile.

"You're right." I say, patting the top of her leg in acknowledgment.

"So how about we go back to doing something a little more fun?" She asks, scooting closer to me once more.

"I think that sounds like a great idea." I nod, leaning in to her full lips and kissing her once more.

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