

"I think we fucked up." Sofia hiccups with a small giggle. I laugh in reply, taking a sip of the water in front of us.

"I think so too." I reply.

"But who cares?! We're independent women! We can day drink all day if we wanted to." She says, taking another gulp from her Italian margarita. I have no idea what makes the margarita 'Italian', but she can't seem to get enough of it.

"You're so right!" I exclaim in agreement, raising my own glass for a toast. "To being independent women!"

"Hell yeah!" She says, clinking her glass to mine. "Here, let's take a picture. We'll send it to the guys and show them what they're missing." She says with that same mischievous look on her face as before.

She pulls out her phone and immediately goes to Snapchat, taking our picture before we can regret anything.

"You know, the guys are so lame. They really wanted me to go to your office today and try and convince you into going to lunch with them today. Like, all of us going together. But after hearing that Shane actually made you cry, I was like...no way!" She exclaims, sending him our picture and closing her phone.

"Wait, seriously?" I ask with a laugh. It's actually kind of cute that Grayson still wanted me to go to lunch with the two of them.

"Yeah, but it'll be good to keep them waiting. I like hanging out with you, anyways. It gets old just seeing those two all of the time." She groans. Her phone begins ringing and she rolls her eyes. "Speak of the Devil."

She turns the screen and a picture of her and Shane pops up on the screen. Shane is FaceTime calling her, and she answers after a second.

"Hi, baby." She says with mock innocence.

"Where are you?" He asks, seemingly unimpressed.

"Uh, day drinking? I thought you already knew this." She replies.

"Oh god, you're smashed." He groans, causing both Sofia and I to burst into a fit of giggles.

"Yeah, and?" She asks with a laugh.

"Send me your location. I'm coming to pick you two up." He says.

"Oh no, we're going through a tunnel! I-...You..." She says, pretending to lose signal before hanging up the phone.

"Oh my God." I say, throwing my head back in laughter. Almost instantly, our laughter is cut off by my own phone ringing.

"Ignore it!" Sofia says, quickly ending the call on my phone.

"He's going to be so mad!" I exclaim. "I can't just ignore his call. That's my boss!" I say, but still laughing.


"He'll survive." She laughs.

My phone starts ringing once more, but it isn't Shane this time.

It's Grayson.

"Shit. It's Grayson." I say, pulling my phone screen away from her reach.

"Ignore it!" She says in a whisper, but is cut off once I answer his call.

"Hello?" I ask, trying my hardest to sound sober.

"Uh, Nat?" He speaks into the receiver.

"Ohhh, hey." I say, more than likely sounding anything but casual.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm great! Why do you ask?"

"Shane just wanted for me to call you and check in. He said you ignored his call." He answers.

"Oh yeah, my finger must have just slipped." I lie.

"It was me! I ignored the call!" Sofia yells after having her ear pressed against the other side of the phone to hear what he says.

"Is that Sofia?" Grayson asks.

"Yeah, she's here too." I reply.

"Heyyy!!!!" Sofia replies with a giggle.

"Can we come and get you two? Shane is getting worried." He asks.

"No! I wanna keep drinking!" Sofia exclaims, chugging the rest of her drink.

"You guys can drink...here?" Grayson offers. "You two can stay in the apartment and I'll go over to Shane's. He just doesn't want Sofia to try driving anywhere." He explains.

"Oooh, say yes! I know Shane has a lot of good alcohol that we can take." She says with excitement.

"I can call us an Uber or something." I reply.

"No, it's okay. Really. Mind just dropping your location?" He asks gently.

"I'll do it!" Sofia says, quickly sending our location to Shane.

"Thanks. We'll see you two in a few. We're leaving the office, so we aren't far. Just stay put." He says right before ending our call.

"Oh my God. I'm way too drunk to be seeing him right now." I groan as I take a giant gulp of water that has been ignored this entire time.

"Who cares, they'll be fine! Hey, they might even join our day drinking. Well, Grayson probably won't. But hey, who knows! We can always try peer pressuring him into doing it." She laughs.

"Yeah, unlikely." I laugh. Even the thought of Grayson day drinking with us is comical. Hell, I could never imagine that man getting drunk.

"He's too serious. He just needs to let loose for once! You know, go with the flow." She makes a little motion with her hands, pretending to be a wave in the ocean. "It's like he turned twenty five and it sucked all of the fun right out of him."


"What was he like? You know, when he was..."

"Younger?" She suggests.

"Well, not that he's old." I defend.

"No. They're old. Both of them."

"Yeah, and you decided to date one." I laugh.

"Hey, at least he's attractive." She adds. "Grayson has always just been kind of awkward. Socially, you know? He has a hard time making friends, which makes me really sad because he's honestly the best guy around. Although I give him a hard time and tease him, he's my best friend. I just wish he would be more outgoing sometimes. That's why he has Shane though, I guess. Shane is definitely the most outgoing of the two. I don't really remember too much of their high school stuff, because I was so much younger than the two. But, I do remember a huge change in Grayson. We went from spending a ton of time together to him and Shane spending a ton of time together. I'll admit, I got really jealous." She explains.

"There you are! You didn't answer my text." Shane says as he approaches our table. Grayson is following behind him.

"Hi, baby." Sofia says, looking up at him with a smile. "I'm so glad you're here."

His concern softens at her loving tone and sweet smile. "I hate it when you go off and get drunk when you know you're the one driving." He says. I can tell he's trying hard to sound stern, but it's obvious that Sofia has the say in most things concerning their relationship. There is no way he doesn't all but turn into a puddle with just the tone of her voice.

"That's why you're here! To save me. You always save me." She says innocently, taking a sip of her water. "We ordered one last drink. It should be here any time now."

Although I don't really remember ordering a drink, I'm sure she gestured for another round when our waiter was passing. Sure enough, as soon as she spoke the words our drinks arrived.

"We'll take the check now, please." Sofia adds before our waiter leaves. Shane pulls his wallet out of his pocket and hands the man his card.

"I'll get it." Shane says.

"Thank you, baby." Sofia says. She pulls the seat out next to her and pats it gently. "Sit, boys. We were just talking about your adolescent days." She giggles.

"Oh God." Grayson says with a groan. "And what did you say?"

He pulls out the seat next to me and sits quickly, giving me a small smile. I feel my face heat up and my stomach flutters at the look he sends me. How is it possible for someone to be so perfect?

"Nothing embarrassing! Yet." She smirks.

"Oh please, you know nothing of our embarrassing stories." Shane laughs. "Don't listen to her, Nat. She's bluffing." He teases.

I'm relieved to hear the teasing personality that I was so used to seeing from Shane. I can't help but look at him differently after today, though. Not only from his angry words, but mainly because he's now my boss.

"I totally know the stories!" She argues.

"You were eleven. How would you know?"

"Yeah, and even then I knew you were a loser." She jokes.

"I was not!" He laughs. "Gray, back me up." He adds.

"He wasn't a loser." Grayson says, agreeing with Shane.

"See!" Shane exclaims.

"You were both total dweebs."

"The kids at school just thought that he was weird because he grew up as a mormon." Gray tells me.

"And I was trying to get away from it!" Shane adds in defense.

"Why would that matter?" I ask.

"Because I was going to a school full of mormons in Utah. Hell, I didn't even tell them that I was mormon! They just found out because I lived in Utah."

"I'm confused." I say.

"Basically, they thought he was weird because Shane hadn't ever touched his dick at the age of seventeen." Sofia says with a giggle.

I can feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment. Grayson lets out a laugh at Sofia's words and Shane just rolls his eyes.

"It's not like that was any of their business anyways." He huffs.

"Yeah, and now you touch your dick all the time." Grayson says with a laugh. Laughter fills the table at Shane's expense.

"Okay first of all, fuck all of you." Shane says with a smirk of his own.

"Aw, it's okay. No need to pout, baby." Sofia says in a mocking tone. He rolls his eyes but gratefully pulls her in when she leans her head on his shoulder.

"Ha, Ha." He says. "Now, finish your drink and let's go. I want to get back to the apartment before traffic gets too bad."

"You're coming back too, yeah?" Grayson asks.

"Yeah. I mean, only if that's okay with everyone." I say.

"Of course." He nods. "I want you too."

"Only if we can keep drinking!" Sofia pouts.

"Yes, you can keep drinking. However, I don't think that you'll want any more after what you've already had." Shane laughs. "Now come on, let's go."

As we all stand up, I begin to wonder what I can possibly say to Grayson to help mend out already tense relationship. Or hell, whatever we are.

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