

"Hey, cutie." I hear, causing my eyes to shift up and see Sofia smiling over at me. "Workin hard, or hardly working?" She asks, taking a seat in the chair in front of my desk.

"Hardly working." I groan, shutting my laptop closed.

"Uh oh. What's up?" She asks, taking a sip of the drink in her hand. "Is my brother being an asshole?" She adds, quirking an eyebrow at me.

"Not exactly. I'm afraid I might be the asshole in this given situation." I sigh.

"Uh oh times two. Vent to me. I'm ready to hear it all." She says, sitting up in her seat.

"You're telling me that you don't already know?" I ask, completely unconvinced.

"Well..." She says, trying her hardest to look innocent. "I know the dumb male version of the story. Now, I want to learn the real stuff."

"Dumb male version?" I ask with a laugh.

"Of course. I mean, Shane's an idiot most of the time. Like...he's really dumb. And Grayson is just...well, he's just new to all of this."

"I guess I can't argue with you there." I mutter. We both laugh after a small, silent pause.

"Okay, girl. Tell me what's happening." She says. For only being twenty one, she seems a lot older. Especially right now.

"Are you going to get grossed out if I tell you that I was making out with your brother in this office?" I ask with a small laugh.

"Nah, I think i'm more relieved that he's actually putting himself out there. Like, finally! God, I was beginning to think he would be a virgin for the rest of his life." She groans. "Not that I'm expecting you guys to have sex. Yet." She adds with a smirk.

"Oh my God." I say, covering my face to cover the flush that is bound to be covering my cheeks.

"Turns out, he's not even a virgin. I found that out today! Shane spilled the beans on that one. So like...gross. But also kind of relieved. I don't want my brother to be the thirty year old virgin. Shit, it's been so long though that he might as well be a born again virgin." She adds.

"I feel like I need to know the details on that." I say, leaning back in my chair.

"I guess it's been like ten years. That's insane, right?" She asks with complete surprise covering her face.

"Absolutely." I say with a laugh.

So, he's inexperienced. From the sound of it, that is. The thought of this is actually kind of comforting in a weird way.

"But anyways, you were making out with him and..." She says, waving her hand in a gesture telling me to continue.


"And I guess I was a dumbass and forgot that the window was in plain sight for anyone to look in here. So of course, Shane walks by the second that it's happening and slams his fist against the glass to get us to stop and yells so loudly that we could hear it from the other side." I sigh.

"Hold on, he yells at you two?" She asks, eyes going wide. "These walls are basically soundproof. There's no way."

"Oh, it's possible. Trust me." I groan. "So he yells for the two of us to meet in his office. Now." I say, emphasizing his words.

"So hot." She says, taking another sip of her drink. I give her a look, and she holds her hands up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry."

"So basically, we go into the office and he begins yelling about how stupid something like this was and that it was wrong. He then went on to ask me if I understood how serious something like this was, and that he could fire me right then." I say, earning a gasp from Sofia.

"He didn't. What the fuck! What did you say?" She exclaims.

"I started crying." I say, totally not feeling proud of this confession.

"You didn't." She groaned.

"I know, I know." I reply.

"You know there is no way Grayson would have let him fire you, right?" She says with a laugh.

"Not really, because I was totally freaking out. I just feel bad because I feel like I kind of took it out on him. It wasn't his fault that it happened. It was just bad timing and the wrong place to be sorting our feelings out." I shrug. "I should probably apologize."

"Okay, well Shane is a complete ass for making you cry. I mean, angry or not he should have never yelled at you. Or Grayson! You guys did nothing wrong. See, I wasn't lying when I told you that Shane is like super dumb." She says with a smug look on her face.

"It's not his fault either. It was just blown out of proportion." I sigh. "But now I'm working for him instead of Grayson. So I don't really know how much is going to change. He's having me working up here in the morning and then with the other teams after lunch. Something about not feeling me to feel isolated up here. God, I feel like a homeschooled kid being forced into public school." I groan.

Sofia laughs and rolls her eyes. "Okay, and it's probably for the best. He's dumb when it comes to female emotions. But, he's good at his job. Both of them are. It may seem like it sucks now, but it'll pay off. I promise." She assures me with a soft smile.


Despite only knowing her for a short amount of time, I feel like I can trust her with this kind of stuff. I feel long I've known her for much longer than a few days.

"Thanks, Sofia." I say, feeling better about the situation I've been stressing over for an hour now.

"And as for Grayson, don't even worry about it. He's into you. Rightfully so, too. I mean, look at you. You're like way out of his league and you don't think he's a total nerd. So that's cool, too." She adds with a laugh. "Just like, don't break his heart or whatever."

"Don't worry. I won't." I say, giving her a small smile.

"So how about we ditch this day and go day drinking instead?" She asks, standing up and giving me a mischievous look.

"I can't go day drinking. I'm still at work, you know." I laugh.

"Oh please. Shane had plans on ditching after lunch. Plus, Grayson won't care either way." She says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up from my seat.

"Sofia, I really can't. I don't want it to seem like I'm taking advantage of them."

"Then let me do the talking. Shane can't say no to me." She smirks, pulling my out of the office and down the hallway. She walks into his office without knocking. I cringe internally at this, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"Hey, loser." She teases, leaning against the doorframe.

"Oh lord, what could you possibly want?" He asks, giving her a smile that tells me he already has an idea of what se's up to.

"Just wanted to see you." She smiles innocently.

"I highly doubt that. What can I help you with?" He asks, trying hard to keep it professional.

"What did you have planned for today?" She asks.

"Well, Gray was talking about lunch plans. We're probably going to head out of the office in a bit." He says, checking his watch for the time.

"Wow, that's so crazy. Natalia and I were just thinking the same thing!" She exclaims, giving me a look that says I told you so.

"Would you guys like to join us?" He asks politely.

"You know, I actually think that Natalia and I are going to go and do our own thing. She's had a rough day, and I just want a little girls day. You know?" She adds, wrapping her arm around me and leaning her head on my shoulder like a best friend would do.

He gives her a quizzical look, communicating something that I don't quite understand.

"A girls day?" He asks, not convinced in the slightest.

"Yeah. I mean, since she works under you now, I was thinking maybe we could cut the day short. I mean, I'm sure you have to make a lot of changes to her schedule. Especially with her working with the other teams again. This gives you some time to kind of sort all of that out." She says with an innocent smile.

The couple stares at each other for awhile. It seems as though they're waiting for the other one to break. After a moment, Shane claps his hands together and lets out a sigh.

"You're right. It's been a long day for you, Natalia. You deserve to take the rest of the day off. Hopefully I'll have a better schedule for you tomorrow. I'm guessing I won't be seeing you for the rest of the day?" He asks, turning to Sofia.

"We might stop by later today. We'll see." She shrugs, walking over and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"No kissing at work." He tells her in a try hard stern voice. She rolls her eyes and gives her a long kiss on the mouth.

"Yeah, whatever." She winks, walking out of the office with me following quickly behind her.

When the door closes, she turns to me with a smirk.

"I don't know how you do it." I say with a laugh.

"It's a talent, I know." She laughs. "Now come on, let's go get drunk."


Okay, I'm finally getting back in the swing of updating! Life has been pretty crazy lately, but I'm glad to get out of my writers block and get back to doing what I love! Thank you for the patience and I look forward to getting this story started (and finished!)

I've been going back and forth with a cast list for this story, and I think I'm going to go ahead and complete one! Probably the next update or so. For now, here is the person who I envision as Sofia!

Anne Winters!

She's literally a goddess and has the personality that Sofia would have! She's sassy and smart and beautiful. Really, she's the full package and one of my absolute favorite characters. She's the voice for Grayson in a lot of situations, giving an insight to how her functions and the way he is. You'll see their relationship in full effect later in the story. She's a key character to the development in all of the characters.

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