

"It's not a big deal." Grayson answers.

"Not a big deal? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? I walk around this floor to try and find you so we can get some actual work done and of course I find out you're in Natalia's office." He yells in reply.

"It's my fault." I say quickly, hating the way Shane is yelling at Grayson right now.

Although I don't really think this is my fault, I feel as though I need to at least try and take the blame. Shane holds his hand up to me, signaling for me to stop talking. I feel smaller and smaller with every word he spits out.

"Don't." He snaps at me before turning back to Grayson. "What part of leave it alone don't you understand? Do you want to get sued over some shit involving this? Do you even understand how big of an HR issue this is?" He asks.

Grayson doesn't reply. He only stares at Shane with a blank expression.

"And you." He says, turning his attention back to me. "Do you understand how serious this is?" He asks.

"Yes, sir." I answer quietly.

"Do you understand that this is against so many different policies? Do you understand that I could fire you right now because of this?" He asks.

I'm going to get fucking fired over this. This is it.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

"Answer me." He snaps in a volume that is almost a yell.

I know that if I look at him right now, i'll start crying. No, i'll start absolutely bawling my eyes out. I can already feel the tears beginning to burn my eyes, and I'm trying everything in my power to prevent that from happening.


"Yes, sir." I say, still looking down at my lap.

"Shane, stop." Grayson says in a stern voice. Shane completely ignores him as he speaks to me.

"Look at me when i'm speaking to you." He snaps.

I quietly lift my head and lock eyes with Shane, who has the same look of pure anger covering his face. It only softens slightly when he sees the tears pooling in my eyes.

"Yes, sir." I repeat in a voice so small that I'm ashamed of it.

"Shane, stop." Grayson says in a voice so stern, I almost forget that it's him speaking.

"Natalia." Shane says in a tone much softer than before. Instantly, I begin to cry. I don't even try and quiet my sobs in front of the two. I'm losing my job right now. All pride I once held for myself is long gone.

"We're done here." Grayson snaps, standing up from his seat and coming over to me, gently nudging me to stand with him. "We'll finish this conversation. Alone."

"Natalia, hold on." Shane says, ignoring Grayson completely.

"No. That's enough for today. We're done here." Grayson says once more. I stand up from my seat and quickly leave the room, Grayson not far behind me. I try rushing to my own office, but am stopped and steered towards Grayson's. Once we get inside, he quickly locks his door and engulfs me in a hug.

"Don't cry. It's fine." He says in his normal, slightly monotone voice.

"No it's not! I'm losing my job! I'm going to get fired! You heard what Shane said!" I cry loudly, pushing him away.

"He's not going to fire you. I won't allow him to." He says in reply.

"He's just as in charge of this company as you are, Grayson! He can fire me and he definitely will now that I walked out of that conversation! He hates me now!"


"He doesn't hate you."

"You don't know that!" I cry out in frustration.

"He's my best friend. Yes, I do know that. He doesn't hate you. He doesn't hate anyone. He's just..."

"Absolutely furious? Yeah, I figured that much." I say with a dry laugh, absolutely zero humor to back it up.

"You're laughing." He points out.

"It's not a happy laugh." I say, instantly annoyed.

"I'll fix this." He says simply.

"Yeah, you need to. Your job isn't the one that's at stake here. You're the one who came into my office and kissed me! Not the other way around! Yet, i'm the one who's going to lose the job!" I yell at him.

He doesn't seem hurt by my words. He only seems confused.

"This is my fault." He mutters more to himself than to me.

"Yeah, it is." I spit out. "I'm going back to my office. Alone."

I unlock the office door and leave in a rush, still feeling the tears flow down my face.

This is easily marked as the worst day of my entire life.

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