《My Rogue Alpha》50


Harry pov

The place looked beautiful. It was already evening, but besides the darkness and the cold, the front yard of the pack house was decorated with gold and white details.

Fairy lights were hanging everywhere to light up the place, and on the beautifully decorated stage, stood my mate, wearing a white button up shirt and some black pants. I knew he wasn't going to dress up fully, he'd be shifting in a bit anyway.

As soon as I made eye contact with my mate, I felt his love and pride through the bond. On his left and right stood Jace and Jasper, and on my left and right were Thalia and Fred. It was tradition the Alpha was accompanied by his Beta and Gamma and the Luna was accompanied by her Beta female and Gamma Female.

We slowly made our way to the front where zayn helped me up the steps.

'You look beautiful, love.' Zayn linked.

I smiled, 'Thank you, you clean up nice as well.'

Zayn winked and we made our way over to the middle of the stage.

Jace started speaking, "Today we are together to initiate our new Alpha and Luna." Jace continues to go through

some traditional words while I focused on zayn. The entire pack is watching, making me a bit nervous, but zayn's energy and emotions calm me down.

"Now then... if our new Alpha and Luna could step forward." Jace says.

We did as told, holding hands. Jace took out a knife, and I felt my heart beat faster. I've done the knife thing before, but back then it wasn't this serious. Back then I didn't know that zayn was my mate, or that I was a Luna. Back then there was no pack looking at us.

"Alpha Zayn Malik and Luna Harry Styles, Will the two of you work hard to help the pack prosper? Will the

two of you set the pack's needs before your own if needed?" Jace asked.

Zayn and I made short eye contact, a moment of reassurance and determination.

"We will." We spoke at the same time.

Jace glanced at zayn, "Alpha Zayn Malik, will you protect our pack? Will you be a strong leader that we can

rely on in times of need."

Zayn nodded firmly, a determined look in his eyes, "I promise."

Jace smiled and looked at me, "Luna Harry Styles, will you guide the pack as our Luna? Will you help pack

members in times of need?"

I smile, "Yes!" Jace nods in confirmation before holding out his hand, "Your hands please."

Zayn gave my hand a quick squeeze before guiding our hands towards Jace's. We unfold our hands so our palms are up, and Jace slowly brings the knife towards them.

"Under the watchful gaze of our moon Goddess, I shall now initiate our new Alpha and Luna into the pack." Jace

speaks before he slides the knife across our hands.

I wince slightly, but don't have time to dwell on it. Jace creates a blood bond with zayn first, making him the

Alpha. He then grabs my hand and zayn's hand and connects them, creating the blood bond between me and the pack.

It's like a white light flashes in my mind, and suddenly, I feel the people around me. I can feel their energy. The pack together like this is like a powerful hum.

'Welcome to the pack, Alpha, Luna.' Jace links us, making me grin.

The pack starts cheering, and some link me their congratulations. There are a lot of voices I don't recognize, but there are some familiar ones like Jasper, Marcel and some of my students.


Eventually, the messages get a bit much, and I start having a headache from all the new voices in my head.

Zayn thankfully senses it and sends out a message to give me some rest.

People instead start to get ready for the next part of the ceremony, the pack run.

I gulp as zayn helps me off the stage, grinning at me. "It's gonna be alright, love." He says before starting to undo the buttons of his shirt.

I shamelessly stare at his torso when he takes his dress shirt off, and he sends a wave of lust and mischief

through the bond. 'Watch it, love. Don't make us skip this run to ravish you instead.'

My face is as red as a tomato by the time zayn is shifted. Cade pushes his head into my stomach and lets

out a purr. The sound makes me more relaxed and Cade ducks down so that I can climb onto his back.

I take in a deep breath before climbing on him. The cloak I'm wearing drapes down Cade's back, but he doesn't give any form of complaint.

When I finally feel steady enough, I look around, only to see everyone else also shifted and ready. Harley is on Will's back and Fred is on Jasper's back. I see a couple of kids who haven't reached the age to shift yet on their parents backs as well.

Cade lets out a powerful howl, which the rest of the pack joins. In chorus, the howls are incredible. Cade then sets off. Running into the woods. I hear the rest of the pack follow, and I duck down slightly to get used to the wind hitting my face.

After a while I start to look around. Cade is in the lead, making his way through the woods as if he's always lived in them. Jace and Jasper are following close behind. Fred gives me a careful wave and I smile in return.

Harley and Will are racing Jace and Thalia it seems, as they're playfully

nipping at each other and Harley is yelling for Will to go faster.

We ran for a solid hour, all across the pack lands. When we returned to the podium, everyone slowly shifted back

and either headed to the party or back to their homes. Some people have kids that need to be put to bed, while others were just tired.

Zayn shifts back and puts his pants and dress shirt back on before we head to the party area. It's at the back of the pack house instead of in the front, but the entire place is decorated in a similar theme as the ceremony area.

Fairy lights are hanging from the trees and white and golden accents are all around the place. Music is already

playing when we arrive and the first pack members have already gotten ahold of a drink or some food.

The entire night is spent talking to people and partying. It isn't until well into the night that people start heading to bed. Zayn hasn't left my side for a minute, even when I was talking to my students, Marcel and his mate or Fred, Harley and Thalia.

His possessiveness from mating is clearly still at its peak, but I don't mind at the moment and zayn doesn't seem to mind listening to our talk either.

When it's around 4AM, zayn and I make our way inside the pack house. We've been sleeping at the pack house

for a few days now, since we didn't have much time between all the paperwork and pack stuff.


Zayn quickly discusses some things with Jace before heading in. We're flying to Oregon tomorrow, so he

wanted to make sure everything was in place for us leave for a few days.


He's beautiful.

The more time I spend with him the more I realize how beautiful he is.

So far, nothing has fazed him. Getting used to werewolves, getting kidnapped, and now, becoming Luna.

Our mate sighs as he enters our temporary bedroom.

Zayn chuckles, "Tired?"

He nods, "I had a great night, but I don't think I've ever spoken to this many people before in one night, not to mention the linking thing is still something I have to get used to."

We hug him from behind, relishing in the sparks spreading through our body. I don't think we'll ever get enough of those. I don't think we'll ever get enough of him.

We nuzzle his neck to get closer to our mark, "I'll teach you how to block it out sometime soon. That way you

won't get a headache." Zayn suggests.

"Thanks" our mate says as he escapes our grasp and sits down at his little table.

'Zayn, let me take over.' I tell him.


I growl in the back of our mind, 'Why not? You've had him for the past few days.'

'You just went on a run with him, Cade.'

'That's nothing compared to the time you've spend with him!' I whine.

Zayn sighs inside our mind, 'Cade, he's tir-

Right as he says that, our mate starts taking off his shirt and pants Oh hell yes.

I take zayn's distracted mind as a perfect opportunity to take control. He immediately starts complaining but I don't budge when he starts fighting the barriers of my mind. He's not getting control back for the rest of the night, that's for sure.

Instead of focusing on my human counterpart, I start focusing on my mate.

"You like what you see, Alpha?" He says with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I let out a growl. I love it when he calls us by our title.

"Watch it mate. You're playing with fire."

Harry blinks a few times, trying to figure out why I'm the one in control. I chuckle at his confusion.

"Zayn has been hogging you for too long. I want to have some fun." I say as I start making my way towards him.

"And who says we'll be having fun tonight?" My Luna says with a grin. He tries to act all tough but I can smell it on him. He wants us.

Nonetheless, I give him the choice.

"You, of course. Aren't you tired? We can just go to sleep too." I suggest as I hug him. His hugs are the best.

I prefer them in my normal form though, this human body is useless.

'If you don't like it, give it back!'

Zayn manages to break through my mental block as he pushes for control again. I ignore him, it's fun being the stronger one of the two.

Our mate kisses my chest, making me rumble with content. "I'm tired, but not that tired."

I hum, trying to hold back my grin. "That's what I figured. Especially after smelling your arousal." Our little mate blushes, the red looking adorable on his round face.

"Cade! That's embarrassing."

I pull away and look into his eyes, slightly confused. "How is that embarrassing? It's a natural thing?"

"Not for humans! I can't smell whenever you're aroused!" our mate pouts.

I guess he's right about that. My poor mate doesn't have senses like mine. I wonder what that must be like. You

can't hunt like that. No wonder they have those buildings where there is a bunch of food for them to take. I guess

some hunters collect it for the humans with weaker senses like our mate.

An idea pops into my head and I grin.

"I guess I'll let you know through the bond then, my Luna." I say before

sending my desires straight through the bond.

He moans my name and I have to hold back my hungry growl. I manage to keep most of it in, only letting out a

soft grumble as I bury my face into her neck to kiss his mark.

"I want to ravish you, mate." I tell him.

Our mate's emotions surge. A mix of desire and interestingly, courage surges through us. He surprises me

when he meets my gaze head on. Lust swirls in those beautiful green eyes of he's.

"Then why don't you?" he challenges.

I promptly meet his challenge, grabbing his chin and roughly placing his lips on mine. We both let out a groan as the sparks that erupt through our bodies, and I pull our

mate closer, needing more contact between us.

He's only wearing panties and a tank top, and I'm fully taking advantage of the fact I can feel his soft skin.

Our mate melts into us, and I deepen our kiss. I'm already getting impatient, having him so close and with so little clothes, but I also want to treasure every moment. So far,

Zayn has been the one in control whenever we've done this, so I'm making good use of my time.

Stingy bastard, that's what my human counterpart it. Hogging our mate all to himself.

It seems that our mate gets impatient as well, as he starts tugging off my shirt. I gladly help him out and tear

through the thing. Clothes are uncomfortable anyway.

Our mate gasps, "Cade! Don't rip them!"

"I really couldn't care less" I growl as I pick him up. He wraps his legs around me and I groan with satisfaction.

Annoying human body aside, he fits perfectly when we're holding him like this. I guess it's not so bad after all.

I grab onto his ass and Harry grinds into me in return. I growl in satisfaction once more and move towards the bed.

After I set him down I notice how uncomfortable I've gotten. Fucking hell who made humans cover themselves?

I send Harry a mischievous glint before tearing the pants. He rolls his eyes but pulls me closer after that.

His scent gets stronger, so I guess our little mate has a thing for me ripping clothes. I decide to explore my new findings and rip through his top.

This time, he gasps. "Cade! That was one of my favorites!"

"You looked stunning wearing it, but I prefer you without it on." I tease.

Harry pouts as I lay down and pull him on my lap so that he's straddling me. "You could have just taken it off" he continues.

"I'll buy you a new one." I say, too focused on other things to continue this argument right now.

"You better, Alpha." He says, that mischievous glint back in his eyes.

I grin and start kissing down his neck.

I promptly start to give his chest attention. As I trail kisses down his neck and chest he pushes my head into his nipples making me groan.

I suck and lick, making sure to mark every part of his chest. Screw zayn and his thing about not being

possessive. He's mine and I'm sure as hell letting everyone know it.

Our mate is holding onto my neck as he grinds into me.

The sparks that fly between us are driving me wild. When I move my hand towards his ass, he pauses.

"Don't you dare." he breathes out.

I grin against his chest as I take a nipple into my mouth and suck on it, effectively distracting my mate from my actions as I tear through his panties.

"Cade!" he whines but it comes out as a moan.

"I love it when you say my name." I grunt as I move back up to the mark on his neck and cup his dick with one of my hands. Hmmm... maybe I should grab a taste later tonight.

Harry moans but doesn't lose focus, "I was trying to scold you!"

I hum and bite down on his mark, making him gasp. It seems that did distract him, as his hips start bucking mine while he writhes in pleasure.

"Shit." I say as I swiftly rip through my boxers, needing to feel all of him.

I grab my mate and roll us over, so that I'm on top. The sight in front of me makes me growl with hunger and need.

The way his lips was pink and swollen from our kiss, his brown hair spread across the pillow and those beautiful emerald green eyes that are focused on me.

"Beautiful." I say as I grab onto his hips with one hand and move towards his ass with my other hand.

My fingers plunge into his hole as I bring my lips back to hers. Harry lets out an almost primal moan which makes my chest rumble.

I continue my movements, going faster every minute until our mate cries out my name as his orgasm hits him. His feelings overwhelm my own, and I let out a hungry growl as I pull his body impossibly close. Making sure he's satisfied, I take my hands away from his ass and move in, only to be interrupted by zayn.

'Cade! Protection!'

I growl back at him, 'Did I interrupt you while you were having sex with him?'

'Grab a condom, Cade. he's not ready for pups!' Zayn continues, ignoring my words.

I let out a frustrated growl but do as he says, hoping he'll shut up afterwards.

He does as I slide the thing on and harry starts giggling. I lock eyes with he's and raise an eyebrow.

"Zayn?" He asks.

I let out a grunt before bringing my lips to he's. He doesn't waste a second and grabs onto my shoulders to pull himself up slightly. In response, I wrap my arms around his body and hold onto his shoulder as I line

myself up to him.

Not being able to wait any longer I plunge into him, groaning with pleasure as I feel his tight walls clench

around me.

This is everything, he is everything.

I mercilessly trust into him and he meets my trusts with his hips. His breaths come out in pants and his moans make me go faster and faster.

His scent is so incredibly sweet, I can't get enough of it. I move my head to his mark as my teeth lengthen and our mate tilts his head, giving us more access. I nibble and kiss as I feel us getting closer to the edge. Our trusts

become sloppier and harry digs his nails into my back. That sends me over the edge as I bite down.

The bite sends our mate over the edge as well as he comes undone screaming my name. I growl in pleasure as I bite down deeper.

When we come down from our high I pull my teeth out and kiss and lick the wound clean. Our mate is breathing

heavily as he holds onto me. I pull out and take the condom off and make a quick run to the bathroom to grab a wet cloth.

As I return Harry's breaths haven't slowed and his eyes are set on mine. I kiss his forehead before bringing the

cloth to his ass to clean him. He gasps but doesn't complain as I take care of him.

While cleaning him I gently kiss his thighs and stomach and I watch his eyes flutter a few times. I discard the

cloth and shift before joining him in bed. Screw this human body.

Our mate's breaths have finally slowed and now he's fighting sleep. When he notices I'm in wolf form he

gives me a tired smile and cuddles up to me.

I lick his cheek before linking, 'Sleep, mate.'

He hums in response, "I love you."

My chest rumbles with happiness, 'And I love you.' I link as I get closer, relishing in the sparks that fly between us.

I end up with our Luna laying on top of me. His soft breaths hitting my fur as I enjoy the feeling of us cuddled

up together.

Zayn seems to be content too, he's in the back of my mind satisfied. I'll probably let him shift back sometime

tonight, but I want to enjoy this a while longer.

I can't believe that a few months ago I was ready to give up and go rogue. A few months ago I didn't see a future

for zayn and I, now I do and it has our beautiful mate right at the center.

Building a new house, an official

mating ceremony and having pups. Living by his side and holding his every single day. That is our future now. I can't thank the moon goddess enough for pairing us.

"Harry! You better get your lazy ass out of bed! I'm not missing our flight because you wanted to bone your

Alpha!" My sister's voice woke me up as she banged on the door.

Next to me, zayn groaned, "If she doesn't shut up I'm killing her."

I gasped, "You wouldn't kill my sister!"

Zayn glanced at me and then grumbled, "Just make her stop."

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, quickly looking around for clothes. It seems like I would fail this mission.

Cade was definitely a lot more wild than zayn, and he had torn through basically all his clothes and my clothes.

I glared at him for a moment and zayn grinned while his eyes sparkled with mischief. I then ran towards one of

Zayn's bags and pulled out a shirt, quickly pulling it on before opening the door which my sister was still

pounding on.

"What?" I asked.

"Grumpy." Harley mumbled, "Listen, we have to leave in an hour and I know the two of you have Alpha and Luna things to do before that, so hurry up and get out of bed."

I just nodded, "Sure, Beta-female. We'll be right down."

Harley rolled her eyes, "Just hurry." She said before walking away.

I sighed and closed the door. Turning back towards my mate, who was still casually laying in bed. "You heard my

sister, we've gotta get up."

Zayn raised an eyebrow, "I don't take orders from her."

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