《My Rogue Alpha》28


Zayn pov

This sucks.

I seriously don't get why some wolves use wolfsbane as a party drug. Everything is hazy, my thoughts, my vision, my memories. I barely remember what I've done an hour ago, though, knowing that Harry is in bed with me, I think we've just

been laying around.

He's been doing good, I think. He hasn't been in visual pain much, and I don't think his fever is that high

anymore. I wouldn't know for certain, I honestly don't know anything for certain right now. Except for the fact

that I love my mate. That's the only certain thing in my life.


I blinked and was shot from my daze when my mate spoke. "Yeah?"

I looked down at him, goddess he's beautiful. I've never seen someone as beautiful as him. His hair hasn't

been brushed in two days, but the way it messily spread across the bed gave him an angelic look. His green eyes look tired but they still shine like emeralds.

"I asked if you were feeling ok?" Harry apparently repeats.

"I'm good. Just... out of it." I respond.

Harry giggles. I love his laugh so much. "You've been out of it the entire day."

I give him a lazy smile, "I guess that's true, sorry."

"It's ok." He tells me wearing that beautiful smile on his face.

"I love you." I blurt out.

His smile widens as his eyes sparkle with excitement, "And I love you."


I don't really know when I fell asleep but it was sometime after that. I faintly remember waking up again to take more wolfsbane but I think I fell right back asleep after that. When I woke up again it was the next morning, and I could feel Cade stir within me.

Harry was still sound asleep in my arms, and through the slight fuzz that was still in my mind I enjoyed the feeling of laying next to him immensely. I don't know why, but this

has quickly become my favorite part of my day. Waking up next to him, seeing him still asleep, content in my arms. Knowing that he feels safe to be with me. It all makes me feel incredibly happy and content.

I let out a content sigh as I puller him closer to me. I stiffened, however, when I got a whiff of his sweet scent.

Fucking hell. Suddenly reminded of why I took wolfsbane in the first

place, I regretfully pulled away from him. I wasn't going to be able to control myself like this.

Harry groaned in disapproval but snuggled into my pillow and remained asleep. I smiled down at my beautiful mate. He's incredible. Heat hasn't really fazed him. I know he must be in pain even when I'm close to him. But he hasn't complained at all and seems more worried about me than his own health.

I decided to make him breakfast while I wasn't as hazy. Harley already had a glass of orange juice ready in the

fridge. She had done that every evening before she left.

While the eggs were cooking I checked my phone. I had to call in work today to tell them I was still 'ill'. I saw I had a text from Jasper asking how I was holding up and I gave him a quick reply telling him we were ok.

The people at work obviously weren't impressed. I've been working a few weeks and I'm already out for two days. Thankfully this would be harry's 4th day of heat. So either today or tomorrow will be his last. I suppose harry must be feeling similar. He has missed a full week of work.


When I was done cooking I had taken one sip of the orange juice. As Cade was waking up more, harry's scent

was getting stronger and stronger. It was driving me insane. Thankfully, the little bit of wolfsbane helped dim

down the scent to a manageable level while still staying level headed enough to take care of harry.

As I was preparing plates someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder, making me jump and react. Natural instincts took over and I didn't realize what happened until I heard my mate whine underneath me.


"Harry!" I breathed out as assessed the situation. I had his arms behind his back in a lock as I held him towards the counters. I let go as if he'd burn me with his touch.

"Shit I'm sorry."

Harry winced as he held his arm but gave me a smile anyway, "It's fine. Sorry for sneaking up on you."

I shook my head, "That's no excuse." It must have been the lack of senses. Usually I would have smelt and heard

him from miles away. "I'm not used to people being able to sneak up on me." I mumbled as a poor way of saying


Harry kissed my cheek and then grabbed our plates before sitting down at the breakfast table, "It's fine zayn, really."

He gestured to my plate before giving me another warm smile. I'd die for that smile. "Come eat."

I sighed as I sat down, feeling incredibly guilty for hurting my mate, who was already in heat. I ended up just picking at my food before harry grabbed my hand, "zayn, it's ok.

You didn't mean it."

"I still hurt you." I mumbled in reply.

Harry chuckled and stood up. I frowned eying his still full plate. Did he not like the food? Did I mess up even more? He surprised me by pushing me back from the table too and sitting down on my lap before engulfing me in a hug.

He still had a clear fever, and his scent, besides the wolfsbane dimming it, was intoxicating. I relaxed instantly, and as soon as I realized that I did I knew that he was

trying to calm me down.

"It's ok. I love you." He whispered in my ear.

I pulled him closer to me, "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you come in so I just reacted on instinct."

Harry hummed, "I figured that's what happened. I'm not mad or anything. It happened and it was an accident"

I nodded, trying to climb out of the sad hole I had dug myself into. He's right. It's an accident. I let out a breath. He isn't mad at me. I was so into my thoughts that I hadn't realized that harry had cupped my face and had brought me closer to him.

That was until the spark erupted between us as our lips touched. My sadness suddenly forgotten, I kissed him back. God, I love kissing him. His lips taste amazing.

Our kiss slowly got more heated and harry started to let out beautiful moans of pleasure. I groaned and pulled back, Harry resisted as much as he could before pouting at me. His eyes were filled with lust as he looked at me,

"Harry we can't. remember?"

"We won't go too far." He spoke softly, his voice laced with hunger, "We can kiss."

"Harry, that's the heat talking." I told him.

Harry shifted on top of me and I groaned at the friction. Admittedly, the kiss did make me hard. I mean, come on, i hadn't kissed him a whole day and the heat is still affecting me wolfsbane or not.


Harry took a deep breath, "Just kissing?" he asked.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry harry. I will never forgive myself if we go too far." Two days ago, he just jumped

me and when I tried to stop him he didn't really let me. I couldn't let that happen again.

Harry pouted but got off my lap. After a few minutes he sighed, "You're right. Thanks for stopping." he murmured.

I gave a sad smile, "We'll get through this harry."

Harry nodded, "I hope this is the last day."

"Me too." I responded as I took his hand in mine. I then frowned as I finally seemed to realize that he was out of bed, "Are you feeling better?"

He smiled, "I am. The cramps are a lot less."

I hummed in response before checking his temperature, "Your fever has gone down too." I mumbled, "That's a good sign."

We ate breakfast and I sent harry back to bed after that. The rest of the day was spend in a similar fashion as the days before that. I took more wolfsbane and was out of it while holding harry in my arms.

When Harley and Will came by for dinner Will pointed out that harry's scent had become less strong, announcing the end of his heat.

We were both relieved, finally, this mess would be over.

Harley made another drink mixed with wolfsbane, though she said she only put in a little bit this time. Since his heat was almost over Will had told us it would be fine to put in less.


When I woke up my head felt surprisingly clear. I tried to shift when I found out I had no control over my body. I panicked, 'Cade?'

'Shhh... I'm just holding him.' Cade answered. He sounded slightly dazed. I suppose wolfsbane affects our wolves more so he would feel the effects way longer.

'Will you be able to control yourself?' I asked.

Cade pulled him closer and placed our nose in the crook of his neck. ' His scent is back to normal.'

I frowned and focused, finding that his scent was indeed back to normal. His beautiful normal scent, the scent

that's slightly mixed with ours now.

'His heat is over' I concluded as I also noticed his temperature had gone


'Yes, we got through it.' Cade confirmed.

I let out a sigh of relief, 'We're never taking wolfsbane again.'

Cade growled in approval, 'I agree with that.'

Our mate stirred in our arms and he snuggled closer to us. Cade purred in approval as he started peppering kisses around his mark.

Harry hummed and he opened his pretty green eyes, "Mornin," He murmured with a sleepy smile on his face.

Cade beamed as he kissed him forehead, "Morning, mate."

Harry blinked a few times before it clicked inside his head, "Cade?"

He hummed in response. "How are you, mate?"

Harry seemed to think for a second before answering, "Surprisingly good? My cramps are gone."

"You're out of heat my little mate." Cade spoke up.

"Really?" Cade nodded in response. Harry let out a deep sigh, "Thank God."

I suppose right now wouldn't be the right time to tell him the heat will return every three months from now on. No, right now we should just relish in this moment. The relief

and happiness of us being able to be together again without restrictions.

Cade kissed our mate, a soft, loving kiss which harry immediately returned. It wasn't hungry as our kisses had been during heat, it was passionate and gentle. When Cade broke the kiss we were both ready to burst with excitement and love. Our mate is so strong, and we were

proud of him.

"How are you Cade?" Harry asked, slightly out of breath.

"Happy to be here again." He dipped down to nuzzle into his hair, "I missed you."

Harry giggled, "I missed you too."

We laid wrapped up in each other's arms for a while. Cade had managed to convince harry to call in sick to work today as well. It was Friday, and whether he noticed it or not, the heat would still keep him tired and weak for the rest of the day. His body has been working incredibly hard all this time, it needs time to relax.

Harry wasn't happy, of course. It was only a few week until Thanksgiving break and this way he'd get seriously

behind on his curriculum. He did see our arguments though, and I think he enjoyed our warmth a bit too much to let go yet.

When Harley texted she and Will would arrive in an hour, we decided to get up. Harry took a shower while I tried to coach Cade as he was cooking for our mate. He refused to give me back control and wanted to provide for him.

Granted, it didn't go that well. Cade was still under the effects of wolfsbane, and it clearly affected his thinking. He didn't want to cook the bacon much because he himself preferred it Raw. I had to keep telling him that harry wanted it nice and crisp, and Cade had made it his

mission to convince our mate raw meat tasted much better.

The eggs he forgot about in our argument, even though I reminded him plenty of times during our little fight.

When harry walked into the room there was a plate with burned eggs and half cooked bacon ready for him. Cade hadn't cooked anything for us, since he said he'd just eat some raw bacon instead.

Harry, the angel he is, had thanked Cade, but also managed to convince him that he preferred cooked meat and that everyone was allowed to have an opinion.

Eventually he got up to cook the bacon a bit more and he managed to pick at the non-burned parts of the eggs.

After we were done, Cade offered to clean up and thankfully I convinced him to wash the plates before he

started to lick them clean.

Harry had started catching up on work a bit, until the doorbell rang and an excited Harley bust through the door, "Oh harry I am so happy you made it!"

"I wasn't dying." Harry countered.

"You sure as hell looked like you were. You never get sick hun, I was super worried." Harley said as she tried to hold back tears.

"Well, it's over now!" Harry tried to reassure her, to which Harley just hugged him more tightly.

When Harley broke the hug she made eye contact with Cade and ran over to him. When she hugged him both Will and Cade growled in disapproval. "Oh shut it you two! I'm just happy! I'm proud of you zayn! For holding back." She spoke.

Cade pushed her off him with another growl. He hated anyone but our mate touching him.

'Be nice, Cade.' I chided to which he groaned in my head.

"Thanks." He grumbled to Harley.

Harley frowned at Cade's voice, probably noticing how much deeper and rougher it is than mine. "Please don't tell me you're coming down with something now?" Harley spoke up.

Harry chuckled, "Cade is in control."

Harley raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Huh? Why?"

Cade walked over to harry, trying to create a distance from the woman who just dared to hug him. He relished in harry's scent as he hugged her from behind.

"He's been poisoned with wolfsbane for the past few days, I don't

think he needs an excuse to want out." Harry said with a giggle.

Will walked up to Harley and placed an possessive arm around her. He whispered in her ear not to hug other men, especially Alpha's and Harley gave him a look and slapped his chest.

The rest of the day was slightly awkward. Cade refused to give me back control and was holding harry the entire time. At the same time, he barely spoke and did his very best to be the most rude and antisocial person that has every existed.

It wasn't until after we went out to the forest to shift that he relented and gave me back control for the evening.

Harry was exhausted. He had been pushing his body, spending time with Harley and Will. He took a short nap

around 3PM but that was it, and it was now showing how tired he truly was.

Harley and Will had gone back to their hotel and harry was laying in my lap on the couch, fast asleep. I didn't really mind, his warmth and body close to mine was all I needed to feel content. The steady beating of his

heartbeat calming me.

I glanced at the mark on his shoulder. A few months ago I never would have imagined I'd be here, with my mate.

Cade and I had given up, almost giving into being rogue. He truly saved us. All that needed to happen now was to complete the bond fully. That would be the only way to fix

this completely. To keep the wild animalistic darkness out.

I let out a sigh as I stood up to bring his to bed. I wouldn't rush him. We would never do anything against

his will. If we could control this for six years, we could do it a while longer. And if we can't... Then I hope he'll be able to save us in the future too.


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