《My Rogue Alpha》25


Harry pov

I wake up to soft tingles spreading through my entire body. I can feel zayn's warm body against mine, he's

holding me close to him. I smile at the feeling and snuggle deeper into his body.

Zayn let's out a chuckle and starts caressing my back, leaving sparks in its wake. I shiver at his touch. "Good

morning sweetheart." Zayn says softly as he kisses my temple.

I look up at him and my smile brightens as I see the emotion swirling in zayn's eyes, "Morning."

"How are you feeling?" he asks with a tinge of nervousness in his voice.

I kiss zayn's cheek, "I'm happy."

Zayn beams at those words, "I'm glad. I'm happy too." He says as he pulls me closer to him. He tries to go in for a

kiss but I stop him.

"Haven't brushed my teeth." I tell him as I try to get up.

Zayn stops me, "I don't mind."

"But I do." I tell him before escaping his death grip and running towards the bathroom. I hear him chuckle from the bedroom.

I let out a breath as I observe my appearance. I was wearing pajamas, but I looked like a mess. What the hell? I didn't even drink last... night. Wait a minute, I never put on my pajamas. Did zayn do it maybe?

Then I suddenly realize that he marked me last night and pull down my shirt. It's there, four puncture wounds from the bite. I trail over it and shiver at the touch. Damn,

that's sensitive.

I take care of everything, freshen up properly and brushing my teeth before walking back into the

bedroom, "Did you...?" I ask

Zayn raises an eyebrow before it seems to hit him, "Oh, your clothes and stuff?" he blushes, "I did. I didn't see anything! Oh well... I guess that's a lie. I figured sleeping in that cheerleaders outfit wouldn't be comfortable. I'm sorry if I overstepped."

I shook my head, "No, it's fine." I felt my cheeks heat up as well. Come on harry you basically married the guy last night right? No need to be shy. "uh... Thank you."

Zayn gave a bashful smile, "You're welcome."

I waggle back over to the bed and zayn happily welcomes me back in and pulls me to him. The sparks

once again dance across my skin.

"That's something I'm gonna have to get used to." I mutter softly.

Zayn frowns in question and I trail my hand across his bare arm. He seems to understand as a soft smile makes

its way onto his face, "The sparks?" I nod, "I'm glad you feel them now."

Zayn trails his own hand across my back before reaching my shoulder. He lightly trails over his mark and I couldn't stop the soft moan from escaping.

Zayn grins, "So sensitive."

He mumbles. He pulls me closer to him to plant a soft kiss on the mark, and it feels like an explosion of tingles goes off inside my mind. I dig my nails into Zayn's arms as I try to hold back another moan without luck.

I feel zayn smirk against my skin and I bite my cheek in embarrassment. He pulls away and laughs as he sees my

face, which is probably as red as a tomato.

"It's ok, love. You'll get used to it eventually."

I place my head on his chest and give a content sigh as zayn starts to play with my hair. Every time he reaches


my neck or head the sparks erupt and spread warmth through my body.

"It's so weird. The sparks and stuff."

Zayn hums in response, "It is, but I love the feeling."

I close my eyes for a second to concentrate on it. It does feel great. I eventually give him a nod. We lay like that for a few more minutes before I realize there is another thing we can do now, "How do you mind link?" I ask.

Zayn stops playing with my hair and sits up on his elbow to look at me better, "You did it last night."

I nodded, "I know, but I don't know how I did it."

Zayn placed his hand in mine, "Focus on me, you should be able to feel a link between us, a bond. If you follow

that bond and think of what you want to tell me, it should come through." He explained.

I followed his instructions. Finding the link was surprisingly easy, I had felt it last night as well, I followed

it and concentrated on my thoughts, 'Test, test. Is it working?'

Zayn beamed and a breathtaking smile flashed across his face, 'It is. '

I blinked, "Wow, it's so weird hearing your voice in my head."

'I can talk to you now as well.' I suddenly hear a deeper and rougher version of zayn's voice in my mind.


'Hi, beautiful.' He replied softly.

I beamed up at zayn who was still smiling at me. "You're amazing."

I blushed, "U-uh, so how far does it work? Can I still link you across the world?" I quickly changed the subject.

Zayn chuckled but allowed it, "No, there is a limit to it. It reaches quite far, but definitely not endless. I wouldn't know the exact distance of it."

I hummed in response, "We'll have to test it."

"Or we can just always stay close together." He teased and I gave him a playful push.

Zayn laughed and rolled on top of me, placing his hands besides my body to cage me in, "You're beautiful, you know that right?"

I blushed and looked away. "T-thanks." Zayn chuckled and kissed my cheek before pushing himself off me again and laying next to me.

"We should probably get up, I don't know what time Harley and Will are coming over." I spoke.

Zayn groaned, "Do we really have to?"

I grinned, "What? Do we have a hangover Alpha?"

Zayn groaned again and looked at me, "First of all, you calling me by my title is incredibly sexy. Second, any sign

of a hangover disappeared as soon as I got to mark you. I couldn't be happier right now harry."

My grin turned into a smile, "I'm happy too. I love you."

Zayn's eyes lit up, "I love you too."

I grabbed my phone from my desk to check the time, only to see that Harley sent me a picture. I opened it to see a

passed out Will. There was a message with it.

Will is passed out with a hangover. We'll be late today.

I busted out laughing. "What?" Zayn asked. I showed him the picture and message and he started laughing too.

"Well, since we have more time we can stay in bed." He spoke when he recovered.

I rolled my eyes, "I should just push you back to the couch."


"And to think I wasn't even allowed on that when I first arrived." Zayn said with a smirk.

"Seems I spoiled my pet too much." I shot back.

A growl escaped him but he shook it off, "You test me."

"I am a teacher after all." I countered with a smirk.

Zayn let out a laugh before he pulled me closer, "You, are a problem."

"Because you can't win an argument?"

Zayn kissed my temple, "Sure love. Whatever you say."


In the end we only had dinner with Harley and Will. We met up at a restaurant and planned to go our own ways again after dinner. I noticed that he wouldn't let go of my hand in public. I guess he did tell me werewolves were most possessive after marking and mating. It's probably worse for him because of the Alpha blood too. In the end, I didn't mind much. I knew his reason why and i could accept it for now. It would temper down in a few days.

Harley had squealed and scared the entire restaurant when she found out I was marked. Will had congratulated us as well. Zayn was puffed up like a peacock with pride the entire dinner.

When we got home again we ended up just watching a movie together before heading to bed. Zayn had

nervously asked if he could sleep in bed with me and I had laughed at him. Waking up next to zayn has quickly become a favorite of mine, and his nice warmth isn't bad

either, so I didn't mind if he slept in bed with me.

He quickly gathered his pillow and the bedsheets he had been using and stuffed them back into my closet before jumping in bed. Sometimes, that Alpha can be incredibly cute.

The next morning we decided to go hiking with Harley and Will. Harley had been pouting the entire way to the hiking trail as she didn't like to exercise while I had silently thanked

Zayn for making me train my stamina and muscles for the past two weeks. I knew it wouldn't mean a lot yet, but

it was better than nothing.

"We're not seriously walking the 5mile long trail are we?" Harley whined behind us as we headed out.

"Come on babe, it won't be that bad." Will told her.

Harley groaned, "I don't have a wolf to help me out! It's just me and my small legs."

"Harry seems fine and you two have the exact same height." Will pointed out.

"Uh... I am fine for now. Five miles is quite a distance." I added.

Zayn grabbed my hand, "We'll carry you if your feet start hurting."

I beamed at him and gave him a kiss. "Thank you! But I do need to train my stamina." Zayn nodded as we looked

back at Harley and Will. "Come on Harley, don't be a wuss." I told her.

"What did you just call me?" Harley spoke, a fire suddenly in her eyes.

I grinned, "A wuss. I mean, everyone here seems perfectly fine with hiking, so why are you complaining?" I

challenged her. Harley is highly competitive, I know how to

press her buttons.

"Oh you are so on bro! We'll see who's complaining at the end of today!" Harley said as she started stomping her way through the trail at high speed.

The men looked at me in confusion and I shrugged, "She's like an Alpha when it comes to challenging her."

Will started laughing and zayn bit back a smile. After around 45 minutes Harley was back to whining. "Will! I

can't take it anymore! Just leave me here! I shall be fine on my own. Run while you still can!"

I rolled my eyes as Will sighed and picked her up, "Come on princess."

Zayn chuckled beside me, "How are you doing?"

"I'm good. Don't feel anything yet so that's a plus." I told him and he smiled and nodded in return.

"Will you are my savior!" Harley exclaimed dramatically.

"Sure, sure. When we get back to the pack I'm training you." Will spoke.

"What?! N-no! Please Will don't do this to me!" Harley whined and Will just sighed and continued walking.

"Harley every Beta-female should be able to walk 5 miles without trouble." Will argued.

"B-but I'm human!" Harley shot back.

"And so is your brother. Yet he has taken responsibility and started to train his stamina." Will spoke.

I felt zayn squeeze my hand and I could see him swell in pride. I rolled my eyes, "Harley suck it up will ya."

"Shut it haz!" Harley yelled.

I sighed, "Hopeless."


I must say, after that hike my legs did feel like Jell-O, but I tried not to show it. I hid in the bathroom as soon as

Zayn and I got home to take a shower. Zayn hadn't even broken a sweat so he didn't need one.

The warm water managed to relax my muscles slightly, but not much. I sighed as I got out of the shower and put on my pajamas, tonight was going to be a long one. I joined zayn on the couch and he smiled and pulled me

closer, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

We didn't talk much, just watched the movie zayn had put on. He was

watching all of the Avengers movies. He missed all the ones that came out in the past six years.

"Did you use a new shampoo?" Zayn suddenly asked.

"Uh... no?"

"Hm, you smell nice." Zayn said with a smile.

I frowned, "As in nicer than normal?"

Zayn chuckled, "I'm not sure about that. You just smell sweeter than normal."

I raised an eyebrow, "That sounds so weird man." I still wasn't used to all the smelling stuff. It was a heated

debate between it being cool and being creepy and gross.

"Sorry," zayn kissed my mark, making me shiver.

"Could it be the marking? Changing my scent?" I asked.

Zayn seemed to think about it, "It might, but I had already noticed that change yesterday. I don't know,

maybe I'm looking too much into it."

I just nodded as I focused back on Chris Hemsworth's body on the tv. Is it wrong to eye actors while sitting right next to your soulmate? I sure as hell wasn't going to ask zayn.

After another thirty minutes of silence I groaned as my stomach started cramping. "What's wrong?" Zayn asked with immediate panic in his voice.

"I'm fine, just a little cramp I think it's because I walked for long" I mumbled

more to myself.

"Can I do anything?" Zayn asked.

I smiled "Nope, I'll be fine."

Zayn nodded, "Ok but yell if you need anything. I'll get it for you."

"Thank you, but I think I'm just going to lay in bed and sleep it off." I said as I got up. It was like 10 anyway.

Zayn squeezed my hand, "Sure, I'll be right there after the movie ends."

"Ok. See you in a bit." Neither of us knew the coming days would be total chaos.


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