《My Rogue Alpha》24


Harry pov

Who knew that zayn could get even more clingy. As soon as the alcohol kicked in for him, he pulled me

into his lap. I didn't mind of course, zayn was nice and warm and his presence made me relaxed. He was

constantly giving my neck soft kisses as we continued talking. Everyone had been quite surprised by zayn's

sudden drunkenness, as Jasper and Will were only tipsy at this point. I suppose zayn did have a lot more shots than the other two, as Robin always gave zayn one extra.

When everyone wanted to go and dance zayn refused to let me go. He even went as far as to growl at Robin when she tried to pull me away from him. So, zayn and I ended up being the only ones left on the couch.

I turned to him and he looked at me with dazed eyes, "I didn't think the absinthe would hit you that hard."

Zayn grumbled, "It's all Cade's fault."

"Why?" I asked him.

"He's refusing to help me process it." He spoke in a slight slur. I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion and he

managed to explain, "Our wolves are the reason we heal so fast. However, the wolf has to actually put in effort to

heal that extra amount, it doesn't just happen. So if Cade refuses to help me I'm basically human."

I frowned, "Why does Cade not want to heal you?"

Zayn shrugged, "He doesn't like it when I drink."

I hummed in response. I wonder why? "Will you be ok? Do I have to ask Robin to tone it down on the shots?"

When zayn had visibly started to show the effects of alcohol Robin already toned it down for him, but he was still taking shots.

"Are you concerned, mate?" Zayn asked with a lopsided grin.

"Cade wouldn't let you die of alcohol poisoning right?" I asked.

Zayn frowned for a moment, probably trying to talk to cade. "He won't respond to me right now. Probably not." He spoke with a chuckle.

I smiled, "Cade, I know you can hear me. Please don't die."

Adam's eyes twinkled as he gave me a breathtaking smile. "He says he'll start helping out again."

I beamed, "Thank you Cade!" I gave zayn a hug, hoping that Cade would feel it as well. Zayn quickly returned the hug and placed his head in the crook of my neck.

He breathed in my scent, "You smell so good." He then nuzzled my neck, "And you're soft." He mumbled.

I chuckled as I started to play with his hair. He let out a silent groan, "I love you so much harry." He spoke softly.

My eyes widened, that's the first time zayn has told me that. I broke the hug and looked him in the eye. He looked

slightly dazed still, until realization seemed to hit him, "Shit, sorry. I shouldn't have told you that while drunk."

I felt my eyes soften, "It's ok. I don't mind."

"It's not too fast?" Zayn asked. He suddenly looked so vulnerable. Like he was afraid I'd get angry at him.

I shook my head, "No, zayn. It's not too fast." After all, I love you too. I decided not to add those words yet. I didn't want him to forget tomorrow, and right now didn't seem like the right time.

This entire week I have been thinking about my feelings for zayn, and in the end I could only conclude that I did


indeed love him. There was no other emotion I could describe these feelings with. Zayn had quickly become so special to me, and as rash as it might sound, I wouldn't mind staying by his side for the rest of my life. I sounded like teenagers in their first relationship, but Harley had told me it was normal for mates to feel this way.

Zayn beamed at my answer, "I really mean it. I love you so much." He then carefully kissed me. I was surprised he was able to give such a soft kiss while he was this drunk.

When he broke away he smiled, "You make me so happy harry. You have no idea."

I couldn't help but smile at those words, "You make me happy too zayn. Both you and Cade." I glanced at my

friends and smirked, "Are you up for a dance?"

Zayn groaned, "but I want to keep holding you." He whined.

"You can hold me while we dance." I offered.

He seemed to think about it for a bit before finally nodding. "Sure."

I smiled and got off him, helping zayn stand. He stumbled slightly as we made our way over to the dancefloor. A month ago I wouldn't even be able to think about all this happening, but here I was, my sister and her mate where here, and I had my own mate, who I loved.


Around 3AM we finally left. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast at the party, but as the only sober one it does get

tiring after a while. After Cade started helping zayn heal, he managed to

sober up quite quickly. Robin was disappointed, but didn't press. Maybe zayn being drunk wasn't what she

expected. He was basically just very clingy. Always holding me close to him.

Looking into my backside mirror was awkward, as Harley and Will were making out in the backseat. Zayn seemed to notice, "Oi, it's like five more minutes till we reach the

hotel. Knock it off."

Harley giggled and Will tried to give zayn a jab in his side which zayn easily blocked. "As if you weren't all over your mate at the party." He slurred.

Oh yes, Will had definitely gotten wasted. Jasper had kept it calm after the absinthe and zayn took a lot less as soon as he had gotten drunk. But Will hadn't slowed down as much.

"I wasn't having full on sex with him!" Zayn shot back, making Will and Harley both laugh. zayn grumbled as he looked back to the road. I couldn't help to bite back a smile too.

I sighed as we arrived at the hotel. Harley gave me a slurred goodbye and she and Will stumbled inside. "They're

hopeless." I mumbled before pulling out of the parking lot to start driving again.

Zayn chuckled beside me, "They're young and they're mates, it's quite normal."

I rolled my eyes, "So, how are you feeling?"

"Better." Was his quick reply, "Just a little fuzzy, Cade's working on it."

I smiled, "We'll have to thank him later."

Zayn scoffed, "He's just doing his job."

"He's cleaning up the mess you made." I pointed out.

"If I remember correctly, you wanted to see me drunk." Zayn countered.

Well, he got me there. "True I guess. I didn't know Cade hates you drinking though."

Zayn shrugged, "He's just pissed off because it makes us a slow and sloppy. Alpha's are supposed to be on alert at


all times. He feels as if I'm slacking."

"Everyone can have fun every once in a while though right?" I asked.

"It's complicated. The Alpha is responsible for his pack. If he can't protect it, what kind of Alpha is he really." Zayn spoke. I didn't miss the guilt that could be heard in his


I reached out and grabbed his hand, "You were across the country zayn. It's not your fault."

Zayn squeezed my hand, "If I had just been there I might ha-"

I cut him off, "You might have died." I then sighed, "Zayn, you've said it yourself, one person wouldn't have

made a difference. It's not your fault that you weren't there. Going across the country to search for your mate is

a normal occurrence for Alpha's right?"

"You're right. It's just hard to think about."

I nodded as I parked my car in front of our apartment. Maybe I shouldn't have brought this up. It's clearly a sore subject. We got out of the car and made our way up to my apartment. We were mostly silent, just holding hands and thinking things over.

Maybe there is something I can do to cheer him up. I had been thinking about it all week. Ever since Sunday I

realized that zayn was nothing like my ex. He never tried to push my limits, he was caring, careful. He respected my boundaries and even gave me silver to protect myself.

Silver, a substance that could kill a werewolf if they take too much of it.

I had realized that I love him. I truly do. And as much as that thought sounds absolutely crazy after only a month, it is the only way I could describe this feeling. I had talked more to Harley and Will. About the mating process and specifically marking. It was weird considering it when last week I was a complete mess

over things going too fast and out of control. Harley and Will managed to temper my worries a lot. Will explained me about the process itself, how it worked and the effects it

would have while Harley just helped me with the worries I had.

Wednesday afternoon I decided that I wanted zayn to mark me. I have never felt this way about a man before,

and I trusted him with my life. As crazy as it sounded, I was willing to commit to him. To become his as he would become mine. To confirm this bond and to be together for the rest of our lives. I had been waiting for the right moment to tell him, everything about it made me nervous.

"Harry?" I was snapped from my daze when zayn spoke my name.


"We're home." He spoke softly.

I blinked and looked around. We were indeed in our apartment. "Oh... I'm home." I mumbled my own ritual.

Zayn chuckled, "What were you thinking about?" he asked.

I took a breath, this would be the perfect moment to bring it up. "You told me you love me." I decided to start.

Zayn visibly gulped, "I'm sorry if I overstepped I ju-"

"Zayn I already told you it's fine. I'm happy you told me." I said.

He blinked, "You are?"

I nodded, "Yes, because it makes my words a bit easier."

Zayn frowned in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

I blushed and looked away for a second before deciding that I wanted to look into his eyes as I told him, "I love you too." I finally breathed out, "I really do. It's absolutely crazy, but I do love you. Both you and Cade."

My mate was just frozen in place. "Y-you do?"

I smiled, "Yes. I do."

Zayn let out a breath and without warning pressed his lips on mine. Sparks exploded through my body and I smiled into the kiss. Zayn pulled me impossibly close as he placed his hands along my back and shoulder, into an embrace. I placed my hands around his neck as we passionately made out.

Zayn broke the kiss and breathed heavily, "Say it again." He mumbled.

I chuckled, "I love you."

Zayn let out a breathy laugh and his eyes sparkled with excitement before he kissed me again. He pulled away

slightly to speak against my lips, "I love you too harry, so much."

I smiled as he started peppering kisses along my jaw. Perfect, this is the exact position I want him in. I moaned

when zayn attached his lips to my mark and he groaned and pulled me even closer in response.

I gave zayn a soft kiss underneath his ear before whispering, "zayn,

Cade, mark me."

Zayn stilled. He didn't move and I started to wonder if I broke him. He slowly broke away and looked at me warily,

"What did you just say?"

"Are we going deaf Alpha?" I teased and his eyes flashed with playfulness. I then kissed his cheek, "I want you to

mark me. I'm ready."

Zayn's breathing hitched, "Are you sure?".

"100%. I've been ready since Wednesday. I'm not changing my mind on this. I love you and I want to stay with you." I told him. I then placed his hand over my heart. "Please, mark me as yours."

Zayn let out a growl and then I was suddenly on my bed. I hadn't even felt us move and for a slight moment I

wondered how fast zayn could truly be if he used all his strength but that thought melted away when zayn's lips

collected with mine.

The kiss was passionate and rough, yet it didn't take away from the love that we both poured into it. As we kissed I noticed zayn change our position slowly, until I was

straddling his lap and zayn was sitting against the headboard. My arms were around his back, stuck between his body and my bed while zayn's arms were holding me close behind my back as well.

Zayn broke the kiss and started peppering kisses down my jawline and neck, eliciting some moans from me. He finally reached my sweet spot and I felt it tingling in excitement. He softly kissed and nibbled the spot, and I slowly felt his canines extend. Goosebumps covered my body as I felt them scrape the spot on my shoulder.

"Are you sure?" Zayn asked again, but in his rough voice I could also hear Cade.

I nodded, "Yes! Mark me." I confirmed.

Zayn placed one last kiss on my shoulder and then I felt his canines pierce my skin. I winced as they broke skin, but then the overwhelming feeling of euphoria took over. It was like a supernova went off inside my mind. It felt as if something snapped between us, bringing us impossibly


Sparks erupted all over my body. The strongest came from the mark itself, but wherever zayn's hands were

sparks followed as well. It was an incredible feeling, and I dug my hands and nails into zayn's back, letting out

another breathy moan.

Zayn's chest rumbled as he pulled me closer, not letting go of me yet. It felt like everything snapped into place. I could feel zayn. It was as if there was a link between us, a bond. This must be the mate bond!

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but eventually zayn carefully removed his canines and licked the

wound clean. I suddenly felt myself become really tired, which I remembered from Harley's explanation. 'Because of the changes in your body, you like pass out instantly.' I heard her words echo through my mind.

Zayn looked at me and I could see the emotions swirling in his eyes. "Go to sleep, my mate." He spoke softly, and I

wasn't planning on rejecting his offer.

'I love you' Is what I wanted to tell him, but I was too tired to speak.

Zayn's eyes however, flashed with emotion and happiness and a dazzling smile made its way onto his face.

'I love you too. ' I heard inside my mind. And with that I drifted off to sleep.


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