《My Rogue Alpha》23


Zayn pov

The week went by quickly. Whenever harry was at work I was either working out at the gym or just working as well. Any free time we had was spent with Harley and William.

I didn't mind much. Harry was happy with their presence and so was I, though they did hog all my mate's attention away from me.

On Tuesday we went out to go costume shopping, which turned out to be a challenge. Costumes are either overly sexy or really dumb. Harry and Harley tried to convince Will and I to buy sheep costumes. Because it would be funny to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. We refused of course.

Harry and Harley bought matching outfits. Apparently this was some sort of tradition for them. They decided on

cheerleader costumes. Thankfully, they didn't pick the completely slutty ones. Instead, they went with costumes that covered their stomachs. Harley was wearing a skirt while harry was wearing shorts. They did show quite a bit of leg though. Not that I minded at all. No, at first I couldn't keep my eyes off him as he showed me. Then I realized that any guys at that party would also be staring at my boyfriend, and that didn't sit well with us.

Harley eventually managed to convince Will to buy a pirate costume, so that he would look like that 'Will' from Pirates of the Caribbean. I somehow ended up as a lumberjack,

wearing just a pleated shirt and jeans. Harry found if funny because I was a forest man, and I couldn't resist her

puppy eyes so I bought it.

It was now Friday night, and we were on our way to the party. Harry was driving tonight, he said he didn't mind not drinking since it would be highly improbable I would become intoxicated. So we could both be sober. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted.

Maybe I should just pick up driving again. I used to drive, but after six years of nothing I didn't feel confident

enough to drive home 3 drunk people in the middle of the night.

Robin, who had somehow managed to get my number, had already challenged me to another drinking contest. And me being the idiot Alpha that I am, I couldn't back away from the challenge.

"We're here." My beautiful mate said. His long hair was tied in a high ponytail, and his green cheerleader

uniform matched his emerald eyes. He looked perfect, if he had walked around like that in high school there

would be no doubt any male wouldn't go for him.

I felt Cade growl in the back of my mind at that thought and I sighed, pushing him down. Tonight I didn't want to be the possessive boyfriend.

Cade and I had been toning down on everything anyway. After the conversation last weekend, we realized that we were definitely going to fast for our mate, so we've been


holding back. It has been incredibly difficult, but I could sometimes see the appreciative smile harry would give us, and it would all be worth it. We would wait. We would wait a century for him. Harry had looked a lot more relaxed after Sunday. Like a weight had been lifted of his shoulders.

"Let's party!" Harley exclaimed as she jumped out of the car, Will in tow.

Harry chuckled besides me before getting out as well. I followed behind. The house was filled with people. It

looked like a college frat party. Harry told me the party host was a friend of Robin, and that he was a 25 year old

who hasn't escaped his college party years yet?

Once inside we immediately found Robin wearing a very revealing nurse costume. How cliché. She was already

intoxicated and happily greeted us. She introduced herself to Will before challenging him to her signature drinking contest.

A minute later, we were sat on some couches in the living room, drinks in hand. Fred and Jasper were a bit later, but soon joined us as well. Jasper was wearing some devil horns while Fred had a greek goddess costume, which harley and harry fawned over. My greeting with Jasper was slightly awkward at first. We hadn't seen each other since I completely blew up and beat up his ex-Gamma.

Jasper then introduced himself to Will, which was also slightly weird. Jasper could obviously sense that Will was a Beta. He had warily glanced at Harley before realizing that they were fully mated. After that he seemingly relaxed.

After a few drinks the girls made their way onto the dancefloor, dragging harry with them. Harry initially didn't want to go because he doesn't like dancing while he's sober, but Robin and Harley dragged him along anyway.

"Seems like the werewolf club with human mates here keeps getting

bigger." Jasper spoke up.

I shrugged, "He'll be gone next weekend." I said as I pointed at Will.

"What, are you sick of me already Alpha?" He responded with a smile. I grinned.

Will and I had hit it off pretty well.

He was calm and collected and him being a Beta reminded me of Noah. They were nothing alike, as Noah

was always a goofball, but the familiar energy he radiated felt nostalgic.

"No, but you and your mate are taking time away from me being alone with my mate." I spoke honestly. Ok, so

maybe I would be a little bit of a possessive boyfriend.

Will laughed, "I feel ya, those two are connected by hip."

"So, Beta Will, what pack are you from?" Jasper asked politely.

The two quickly started talking about their packs and my eyes drifted to harry. He really looks stunning, and honestly, his dancing with his twin was incredibly sexy. I only had eyes for him of course, but I wouldn't deny that harry and harley were one hot duo.


"Take a picture, it will last longer." Will teased.

I gave him a jab to the stomach, "As if you weren't secretly eying your own mate."

Jasper laughed, "Seeing my mate in that costume makes me want to worship her, pun intended."

"Speaking of your mate, when are you telling her?" I asked.

Jasper sighed, "I don't know. Sometime soon? It's complicated with her."

Will frowned, "She doesn't know yet?"

"No, she's very closed off and doesn't take bullshit. I'm honestly surprised she manages to handle Robin all the

time." Jasper said.

"Ah, well if she doesn't do bullshit then hiding such a big secret might bite you in the ass one day." Will spoke.

"True," Jasper looked at Fred dancing with a smile on her face, "I'm afraid she'll freak out by the mate thing. When I confessed I liked her after a full month she kind of freaked out, and after that It took another two weeks before she felt confident giving me a peck on the lips. I respect her boundaries and pace. I will wait forever if I have to, but I'm afraid the fast paced mate bond will completely freak her out."

"I know what you mean." I spoke, "It freaked harry out as well."

"I just don't want her to run or reject me." Jasper mumbled in a tone that humans wouldn't have been able

to hear over the music.

"Maybe it will work out. She does seem to like you a lot. Just takes time." Will tried to reassure him. Typical Beta behavior. Even though the Luna is often the mother of the pack that brings reassurance. The Beta is the Alpha's right hand and gives advice to not only him but all pack members. It is often the reason why the Beta is the

Alpha's best friend, because they need a connection of trust.

"I hope so." Jasper spoke, "Anyway, here they come again."

Harry smiled when our eyes met, and he gave me a kiss as he sat down next to me. Fred sat down next to Jasper

and Harley sat down on Will's lap. Robin came back a minute later with a platter full of drinks and shots.

She grinned at me and placed three shots in front of me before placing two in front of Will. I didn't miss the wink she sent Harley and harry, they were in on this plan.

I raised an eyebrow to harry and he laughed before grabbing his phone and typing something. '

"Ah, didn't I tell you to keep that between us?"

"I never said I would listen." Harry spoke with a shrug.

"You're a sneaky one my Luna." I spoke and he gave me a grin. I didn't miss the slight blush at me using his title though.

"What's going on?" Will asked and Jasper and the other girls looked at us in confusion.

"Nothing, just teasing him." Harry said nonchalantly as he tried to keep Harley and Robin's agenda hidden.

Will raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged, "He's right." I might be an Alpha, but the wrath of Harley, Harry and Robin is not something I was willing to face.

"Well big boy," Robin spoke as she raised her shot glass, "I've given you a few numbers to let those last shots sink in, ready for a new round?"

I chuckled and raised a glass, "Sure, you know I don't back down from a challenge."

Robin grinned as I took the shots. Will just stared at me as if I was crazy and I shrugged at him and nudged to his

own shots. Harley grabbed one and raised it to Will.

He looked at Harley with narrowed eyes and she whispered in his ear, "I'll let you do body shots later." I've never seen a guy down shots that quickly. He's in for a rough night.

After a few more rounds, Robin, Harley and Fred went off into the bathroom. Will sighed, "They're trying to get me drunk aren't they?"

Harry busted out laughing and I smirked, "Will it work?" I asked him.

Will shrugged, "I don't mind letting loose. I've had some wild nights in college. As the Beta it's not something I can do regularly anymore."

"Harley will be happy with that answer. She thinks you've been tense." Harry said.

"There are other ways for her to relieve tension, jeesh." Will spoke.

Jasper chuckled and grabbed something from his pocket, "It you really want a wild ride you can always drink some of this." A small bottle of liquid was placed on the table.

I frowned and grabbed it, my eyes widening slightly as I read the label, "Where the hell did you get Absinthe?"

Jasper shrugged, "My pack members and I like to have some fun every once in a while you know."

Will cringed as he grabbed the bottle from me and read the label, "I don't feel like dying really."

Harry frowned, "I'm stuck between wanting you three to completely lose it and just keeping you guys in check."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "What happened to 'I'll drive because you probably won't get drunk anyway?'"

Harry shrugged, "I'd also like to see you completely wasted."

Before I knew it, Jasper had filled three shot glasses. "We have to hurry before the girls get back. Wouldn't want Robin to accidentally see it and want some."

I sighed and raised my shot glass as did Will and Jasper. The liquid burned down my throat and I couldn't stop the disapproving growl that escaped Cade. ' You're on your own from now on I'm not helping you process that shit.'



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