《My Rogue Alpha》21


Harry pov

"So, I guess what happened a few years ago is holding you back on the whole mating thing?" Harley asked.

I bit my lip in shame and nod, "I've tried to let it go but it just keeps popping up again."

Harley sighed, "Oh babe, zayn isn't like that. He won't force you into anything."

'It's been seven fucking months and you still don't want to have sex? What the hell haz!'

I shuddered at the memory and harley immediately had me engulfed in a hug. "I know zayn won't hurt me. But it's just scary. He's constantly holding back. What if he loses


Harley rubbed my back, "zayn is a very strong Alpha. From what I've heard, being rogue for more than one year is almost impossible. If he managed to keep control during

all that I'm sure he'll be fine with your boundaries."

"It just scares me at times. I'm so attracted to him that I forget that at any moment it could snap and change." I told her.

"Have you talked to him about all this?" Harley asked me.

I shook my head, "I don't want to worry him. He already acts like a cave man sometimes."

Harley rolled her eyes, "That's just an Alpha for you. Will does the same thing at times and he's the Beta. He'll

stick to me like glue and act super overprotective when I break a nail."

I bit back a smile and harley continued, "The problem is, Zayn won't know it's bothering you until you tell him. I bet that when you tell him about it all he'll reassure you

and watch himself more."

I looked up at her, "You don't think he'll freak out? He blew up on a guy because he grabbed my arm without my permission."

"He'll probably be angry because of what happened. He'll probably want to beat the shit out of your ex, but he won't leave you or anything." Harley reassured me, "Did he blow up

because the guy touched your arm or because you reacted badly to the touch?"

I thought about it, I guess I did panic as soon as he grabbed me. Could zayn have seen that? "I don't know... He only told me he was angry at the guy for grabbing me."

Harley nodded thoughtfully, "Maybe ask him about it. I know that it will probably upset him but I swear communication matters in. relationships. I'm willing to bet money that you two will both feel better after discussing all this."

"Maybe I'll try." I mumbled, trying to give harley some satisfaction. She wasn't wrong though. Communication

could fix a lot of issues, maybe I should really try talking to him.

"Really you just need to trust him. I know he'll do anything to keep you safe." Harley told me. She then smiled and squeezed my hand, "haz, do you have feelings for him?"


"Of course I do! I really like his company and stuff."

Harley gave me a look, "Uh... 'you really like his company and stuff'? I'm talking about the romance! Do you want to be close to him? Do you want to learn every single detail about him? Do you want to kiss him and maybe even more?" She wiggled her eyes on that last one. "In summary: do you love him or are you at least falling in love with him?"

I felt my cheeks heat up once again. I do want all of those things. I care about zayn more than I'd like to admit. In such a short time, he has become my world. I'm already afraid that I wouldn't be able to live without him. Is that love?

"I think I'm at least falling in love."

"Then talk to him sweetheart. I know he'll do anything to make you more comfortable. You'll feel much better and you'll be able to fall deeper in love with him." Harley told me.

"He doesn't have to mark and mate you right now. He can even wait with mating and only mark you if you're more comfortable with that."

I let out a breath, "I'll guess I'll think about it."

"Good! Now off to a different topic! It's Halloween this weekend. What are we doing?" Harley exclaimed with glee in her eyes.

"Do you want to go trick or treating?" I teased.

"No! A party! Don't tell me Robin doesn't have plans for you." she sent me a stare.

I sighed, "She did, there is a Halloween party at some guy's house."

"Yay! We're so taking the boys. Will is so uptight as a Beta. Guy needs to let loose!" Harley groaned.

I chuckled, "They handle alcohol really well. Took like 30 shots till zayn was even tipsy."

"Shit really?" Harley asked with wide eyes.

I nodded, "Yeah, but apparently an Alpha has better tolerance."

Harley frowned and I knew she was thinking up a new plan, "Just let Robin go at him. She was the one who managed to get zayn tipsy." I told her.

Harley smirked, "Sounds like a good plan."

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes she's just as bad as Robin. Harley was never shy, but she was more quiet than I was. In

high school and college, I was always talking to people, always surrounded. Harley was that person who loved

attention but could also hide away in the library to read a book by herself.

Nowadays, I've calmed slightly. With my job and everything you need to be more professional. Harley feels like

she's still the same, but since I've calmed down it seems like she's suddenly a wild child.

"Hey," I spoke up, and Harley raised an eyebrow at me, "Do you think our mates would know the difference between us if we'd switch clothes and everything?"


Harley frowned, "I'm not sure, obviously, am a girl and I'm marked and mated, so I think Will might recognize me of that."

I sighed, "I guess I forget the fact that they can smell us and stuff."

"We can still try it though, if we switch clothes our smells will be mixed, it might throw them off." Harley said with a smirk.

I gave her a mischievous look. "Let's do it!"


"Why did you two switch your clothes?" Zayn asked as soon as we walked back into the apartment.

"Shit, I knew it wouldn't work." Harley spoke with disappointment.

"You're the one who wanted to try anyway!" I said with a frown.

Will laughed, "Harley, I can literally feel you, switching clothes won't throw us off."

Harley pouted, "We just wanted to test you."

Zayn stood up and walked up to me, placing a hand along my waist, "Good try. You even considered the scents, but have some faiths in your mates. I'd recognize you anywhere."

I gave a teasing smirk, "Just making sure."

Zayn chuckled, "Did you have fun?"

I nodded, "It was much needed sibling time."

Harley jumped, "Indeed it was! We haven't seen each other since Christmas last year!"

I smiled. This was probably the longest we've gone without seeing each other. Harley was caught up with work and I helped kids with summer school.

Speaking of work, "By the way, Harley how did you get two weeks off from work?"

Harley gave me a sheepish smile, "I might have quit my job."

"What? Why?" I asked with wide eyes

Harley looked at Will, "I'm Beta female now. With that comes

responsibility. It was hard mixing the two jobs so I decided to become Beta Female full time instead."

Damn... I hadn't thought about that. Guess I got off easy with a Luna position over a non-existing pack.

"Wow, but wasn't what you were doing now your dream job? No

offense to working in the pack of course."

Will, who had grabbed harley's waist in pride as she told us about her beta position smiled at me, "No offense taken luna."

"I did love my job, but as Beta female I actually get to do a lot of financing as well. Apparently Alpha didn't like all

the financing so they gave it to me instead." Harley explained.

"Oh... I guess that's alright then." I mumbled.

Zayn spoke up, "If I still had my pack I'd let you do something you enjoyed as well. I wouldn't want you drowning in paperwork when I know you'd rather be out talking to people and teaching."

I smiled at zayn, "Thank you."

Will spoke up, "Harley has been handling everything perfectly.

She's everything I could have asked for and more. I'm glad I have your sister as my mate, Luna."

I beamed at the sweet words and I could see Harley smile at her mate, "I'm glad you're her mate as well. You seem like a good man. And you don't have to call me Luna." I told him.

I felt zayn stiffen and Will shook his head, "No Luna, I insist. It's only proper."

"But if you're my sister's mate that basically makes us family. No need for titles." I argued. Will looked at zayn for his opinion.

Zayn sighed, "I suppose if you're ok with it this can be an exception."

Zayn then looked at me, "Harry, being called by your title is a form of respect. It would be the same as your

students calling you by your first name. Titles are completely normal and if anyone ranked lower than Alpha or Luna ever calls you anything other than Luna it is a form of disrespect."

"Is it really that serious?" I asked.

Zayn nodded, "Yes. You shouldn't let anyone get away with disrespecting you. Respect goes a long way in the

werewolf world."

I frowned, "What about Jasper? I don't mind it if he calls me by my name."

"I expect him to call you Luna unless there are humans present that don't know about werewolves." Zayn stated,

leaving no room for arguments.

I decided to nod. I didn't find it necessary, but I guess it was very important to werewolf culture, "Ok, I'll make sure not to give out first name passes anymore."

Zayn chuckled, "Thank you."

Harley grabbed my arm, "Will gave me the same speech about Beta-females. They're so uptight in their rules." She spoke.

Will frowned, "Harley." He warned.

Harley giggled, "See? Big bad Beta on the loose." I bit back a smile as I saw Will sigh.

Harley then clapped her hands, "Ok! I'm hungry now. Let's go out to eat!"

"We can just eat here." I suggested.

"No! I want nice restaurant food. You can't cook shit." Harley whined.

"Zayn can cook." I spoke up.

Harley paused, then whispered even though the werewolves could clearly hear us, "Harry, an Alpha isn't going to cook for Beta's. That's disrespectful to the Alpha."

"Oh... so many rules." I murmured. "I guess we can go out then. We still need to take a walk today too." I said

looking at zayn.

Zayn groaned, "Harry please don't collar us when there is a Beta present. That's humiliating."

Will tried to cover a laugh with a cough and Harley just busted out laughing. Zayn growled at them which

immediately shut them up.

I bit the inside of my cheek, "I guess we can try without a collar. Just stay close to us. If someone thinks you're a stray you'll be put in a shelter again. That's what the collar is for." I told him.

Zayn rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, I'm not planning on getting separated from you, mate."


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