《My Rogue Alpha》20


Harry pov

When zayn woke up Monday morning, he was feeling a lot better. He apologized ten more times before I finally got through his thick skull and told him everything was fine. After that, zayn got excited to start his new job. I swear this man is going to get whiplash from his own emotions one day.

"I was thinking." I told him as we ate breakfast,

"remember when we were talking about training and how a Luna at least learns some self-defense?"

Zayn nodded, "Yeah, why?

"I think that you might be right about it. When everything happened on Sunday I was so dependent on the guards that were with me, I felt a bit useless." I told him.

"You weren't, love. You handled everything well." Zayn told me with a smile.

I sighed, "Thanks but maybe self-defense training wouldn't be a bad idea. I mean, I know I'll probably never be able to actually handle a werewolf, but I'll at least be able to

defend myself until you or someone else comes in to help." I tried to explain.

Zayn looked like he was lost in thought for a minute before he nodded, "You're right. If you want, I can teach you."

"Really?" I exclaimed.

Zayn laughed and nodded again, "Sure, it will give us some form of peace as well, knowing that you can protect yourself."

I grabbed his hand from across the table, "Thank you zayn."

"Anything for my love." He responded.


I regret everything.

This was the millionth time I had fallen on my ass. We decided to start training this Tuesday in the forest, so

we wouldn't be interrupted and zayn could speak more freely about werewolf stuff. He was being careful with me, I knew that, but even zayn knew that he couldn't just catch me every time during this process.

So with heavy heart he trained me without holding back on me. My body is probably covered in bruises at this

point, and my arms and legs felt like lead.

"What did you do wrong this time?" Zayn asked. He was quite different as a teacher. I could see his Alpha nature

was shining through as he explained and corrected me. He would always ask me what was wrong instead of just telling me.

"My stance wasn't strong enough." I told him as I stood up, wincing in pain. I could see zayn wince in response, as if he could feel my pain.

"Correct. Again."

I groaned and got ready again, "I thought it hurt if you hurt your mate?" I asked him.

Zayn walked up to me and corrected my stance, "It does, love. It hurts every single time." he mumbled.

"Oh..." was my simple response. I wasn't expecting that.

"Maybe we could ask someone else to train me? I don't want you to hurt me. We could ask Jasper or-"

"Harry it's fine. If I'm honest I don't know if I can handle it if another male has his hands all over you. Sorry." Zayn spoke.

I rolled my eyes, "It's just training."

"That doesn't make it ok for men to touch what's mine." Zayn said with a shrug.

"Alpha males." I muttered as zayn got ready to pounce again.

Zayn lunged, and I actually managed to push away and avoid his arm. I was so excited though, that I didn't see his leg coming. He swept me off the floor and I hit the ground with a yelp.



"What did you do wrong?" Zayn asked once again.

I sighed, "I got distracted."

Zayn nodded and helped me up. He pulled me close and gave me a kiss. "You know, you look incredibly sexy

wearing that." I smirked, I had put on tight fitting leggings and a tank top, admittedly in the hope that it would distract zayn.

"What? The dirt and leaves that have started to stick to me?"

Zayn chuckled, "Sure, love. Whatever you say." He kissed my temple before moving away, "Again."


My body has been aching all week. Since Tuesday, I've been training every day. Not together with zayn, no.

Whenever we take a walk in the forest now, zayn orders me to do some form of exercise while he shifts and gets

to run around and be free.

Thankfully though, zayn has decided that he's only going to train actual self-defense once a week on Tuesday. The other days I was to focus on stamina and muscle growth. Apparently, learning self-defense when you can't even open a pot of jam is useless. Especially if the threat could be a werewolf.

I turned around in bed, trying to make it sound as if I was asleep still. Today was Saturday, and I was planning on sleeping in. At least until I would receive a text from my

sister. She was visiting today, and she would be staying for two weeks. How she managed to get that much time

off from work was a mystery to me, but I didn't mind. I missed my sister and I was planning on spending every

damn minute with her.

I silently checked my phone again. Her plane is supposed to land around 9:15AM, which was in around 10 minutes. I had proposed to pick her up from the airport but she stated she was getting a rental car. That in itself was suspicious, since harley hates driving.

I heard a noise coming from outside my bedroom door and pretended to sleep. The door opened and zayn

came in. Don't notice I'm awake I want to lay in bed my muscles hurt


"Harry, I know you've been awake for the past hour." Shit

I opened my eyes and gave zayn a sheepish smile, "Heeeeeeeey."

"Why were you pretending to sleep?" Zayn asked, not giving me any time to come up with excuses.

I huffed, "Fine, my entire body hurts, I wanted to lay in bed for as long as I could."

Zayn chuckled, "You could have just told me." he spoke.

I blushed slightly, "How did you even know I was awake?"

"Breathing patterns are different whether or not we're asleep or awake." Zayn said with a shrug.

I groaned and checked my phone again. No message yet. Zayn laughed and left the room, but he came back as Cade a moment later. Cade jumped on the bed and cuddled up with me, making me smile. "You always know

what to do to make me feel better."

Cade licked my face in response, making me frown, "Maybe not always."

Cade shrugged before closing his eyes. Around 10 I finally got my text, saying that Harley arrived here in Maine and is on her way to the apartment. I sighed and got up, I lived close to the airport, so it wouldn't take long for her to get here.


After taking a shower and having a quick breakfast, I was ready for a to arrive. Cade just stayed in wolf form as he happily followed me around the apartment. I suppose he was going to get a lot of attention the coming weeks. Since harley will probably come over every single day after

work, not to mention the weekends. I hope Robin and fred won't mention zayn when they come over. That

would be difficult to explain.

As soon as the doorbell rang I was running to the door. When I opened it though, I froze as I was met with harley, and a strange man.

Harley grins at me, "Heya bro!" she greets.

"Hey harley!" I glance at the man, "so uh... this is the surprise huh?" I asked.

Harley busts out laughing but before she could introduce him Cade was in front of me, growling at the man. The man in turn stepped in front of harley to shield her.

Wait a minute, this situation is familiar . I glanced between the man and Cade before glancing at harley.

As twins, we were often asked if we had any cool twin powers. Something like telepathy or something. We didn't

have telepathy, that's for sure. But we did always know when the other was seriously hurt. I was the first one to

arrive at the football fields when harley broke her leg during PE in sophomore year. I had somehow felt it and ran out of my own history class. We also often knew what the other one was thinking just by looking at each other.

Which is exactly what was happening right now. As soon as our eyes met we both knew. I knew the man next to her was a werewolf and she knew the animal in front of me was a werewolf too. After this revelation, we both squealed and ran up to each other.

I jumped by Cade, who let out a panicked noise and Harley pushed the man away as she engulfed me in a hug. "Oh my god! I thought I was gonna have to hide it from you

for the rest of my life!" She yelled.

"Same here! Thank the lord!" I responded. Harley and I laughed and hugged each other tighter before

breaking away.

"Well then," Harley started, "This is William, my mate."

I had a shit eating grin on my face as she told me and I rushed over to Cade, who was still looking at me in

confusion, "And this is zayn, or well, his wolf form Cade, my mate."


A few minutes later we were sat around the dining table. Zayn had shifted and introduced himself and William, or Will as he liked to be called, introduced himself too.

"So," Harley dragged out the word, "Will tells me your mate is an Alpha! How did that happen?"

I chuckled and looked at zayn, who shook his head, "I don't actually have a pack. My pack was destroyed six

years ago." He spoke.

"Oh... yikes." Harley mumbled.

Zayn chuckled, "It's fine. I've made peace with it. I'm a lot happier now that harry is here."

"You two aren't fully mated yet." Will pointed out, making me blush. Why does everyone just casually say that?

Shouldn't it be weird to talk about sex like that?

Zayn smiled at me, "Not until he's ready." I blushed even deeper.

Harley frowned, "Wait a minute. Is harry the shy one for once?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me my parents taught me to wait till marriage."

"Honey, being mates is marriage." Harley told me.

I looked away, "S-so you already h-have?"

"Yup!" Harley proudly pulled her shirt down so her mark was visible. It was weird seeing it, four small puncture wounds what have already scarred over, but are still clearly visible. "We mated after a week."

My eyes widened, "Are you kidding?"

Harley laughed, "Yeah. He told me he was a werewolf and explained the whole thing to me and once I understood the basics we went for it."

"B-but like, it's such a big thing?" I countered.

"It's totally worth it you know. And besides, it's literally your soulmate! There will never be anyone who will get close to giving you the love he will give." Harley told me as she looked at Will with a smile.

I guess she makes a point. Zayn placed an arm around my shoulder, "It's ok, love. Take all the time you need. I'm

not going to push you." He spoke as he gave my temple a soft kiss.

I smiled at him and nodded. Zayn then changed the topic, "So which pack are you from?"

"Crescent Lake pack in Oregon. It's a small pack." Will spoke up.

Zayn nodded and I spoke up, "Which position do you have in the pack? If I may ask of course."

"Of course you can ask Luna, I'm the Beta of the pack." Will spoke with pride.

"Beta? Harley that means you're Beta female!" I exclaimed.

"Harry, being Beta-female is nothing compared to a Luna!"

Harley said as if she didn't believe that I was praising her. "I don't really have a pack to be Luna of. And beta-female is also an important position. Without the Beta and beta

female the Alpha and Luna could never do their job properly." I told her the words zayn had told me a few

weeks ago when he was explaining me about pack ranks.

"Spoken as a true Luna." Will said with a laugh.

Zayn nodded and kissed my cheek again, "That he is."

We spoke about random things after that. Harley and Will met in a supermarket, and Will told her he was a werewolf the same day. We in turn told them about our strange meeting, and Harley busted out laughing at how zayn was basically my pet while Will was amazed by zayn for being rogue for six years.

After lunch harley grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up, "Ok! Harry and I are in desperate need of sibling time. So, we'll be heading out now. Have fun boys." She spoke as she started dragging me to the front door.

Zayn gave me a worried look and I smiled, "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

"Yeah, if anything, Will can feel if something is wrong or I can mind-link him." Harley backed me up.

"You can just hang out around here you know." Will suggested.

"And have the two of you listen in on everything we say?" Harley said with a raised eyebrow, "No thanks. You doggies can go play together now." She teased as she opened the front door.

I laughed as I heard two growls come from the living room. "Bye bye!" Harley yelled as she closed the door.

Man, I have missed my sister.


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