《My Rogue Alpha》19


Harry pov

As soon as zayn saw us, Jasper let go of my arm, "Fuck."

Zayn started storming over to us, Ray following close behind, and I gulped, not knowing what was going to

happen next. Jasper stepped away from me slightly, as if to tell zayn

he wasn't a threat.

"What the hell is going on?" Zayn yelled, his voice dangerously low and husky, showing that Cade was close

to the surface.

I was about to tell him that everything is fine when Tim spoke up, "I was trying to teach your bitch some


Those words made zayn snap. Within a second, he had grabbed ahold of Tim and started beating him up. Holy fuck now what?

"What do we do?" I frantically asked Jasper and Ray as they both stared at zayn with wide eyes.

Ray turned to me, "Not we, you." I frowned and he elaborated, "He lost control, only his mate can calm him

down now."

"W-what? What can I do?" I stammered?

Jasper spoke up, "Anything. Talk to him, touch him, do whatever is necessary. He'll only listen to you."

I gulped and looked back at zayn, who was standing over a very beat up Tim.

"Can you guys at least hold Tim back? I don't think he'll give me enough time before opening his mouth." I pleaded.

Jasper and Ray nodded as they followed me towards the fight. Ray and Jasper walked around zayn, leaving plenty of space as I stood behind him.

"Zayn?" I asked, unsure of what would and wouldn't work. A growl left his chest as he gave Tim another punch to the face. "Zayn stop!"

Zayn didn't respond. I gulped and gathered some courage before standing next to him and grabbing his arm,

"Zayn please! Stop" I noticed him flinch at the touch, he must feel the sparks, "Please." I pleaded again.

Zayn took his eyes of Tim and looked at me, I don't think I've ever seen that much anger swim in someone's eyes.

I could see Ray and Jasper approach Tim and zayn growled again, "Don't, he's mine." He spoke darkly and

suddenly I realized why calling him wasn't working. I wasn't speaking to zayn anymore. I was speaking to;

"Cade, please. I'm ok, stop fighting." I asked him. Cade looked at me again and growled slightly in frustration. I decided to take the touch a bit further as I circled my arms around his waist. "Please, Cade." I spoke again, softly this time. Cade was breathing heavily against me as I felt his chest heaving. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes.

He was looking at me but I could see that he wasn't looking at me. I grabbed his face between my hands,

"Cade?" I asked.

He didn't respond, just looked at me in wild anger. I let out a breath before I reached up on my toes and kissed

him, hoping it would work. It seemed like it did, because as soon as our lips met he started roughly kissing me back. His arms were around me in a flash and he held me close to him.

I broke the kiss and looked at him, this time his eyes were focused on mine, "It's ok. Just look at me." I told him softly.


I saw his eyes flash in anger again and I quickly grabbed his face and pushed him into the crook of my neck. I

knew he did that to relax, so I hoped it would help. "It's ok, Cade, zayn. I'm here, I'm fine. The threat is gone

now, please, come back to me."

Cade held me tighter at those words. I gently played with his hair as I kept repeating that I was fine. I could slowly feel Cade relax slightly. Cade gave my sweet spot a gentle kiss before he tilted his head back and looked at me,

"Harry." He spoke roughly, but I could hear it was Zayn again.

I smiled, "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

Zayn let out a shaky breath and kissed my forehead. When he broke away again he growled. I looked up at him

and saw him looking behind me. I turned my head to see Ray and Jasper stand there, looking on edge. Tim was

nowhere to be seen.

I turned back to zayn, "Hey, zayn? I need you to listen to me." Zayn looked down at me with a frown on his face.

"Listen to me zayn, I need you to look at me ok? Just me. Don't look at anything else. Just focus on me and me alone."

Zayn glanced at Ray for a second and I cupped his face, "Nuh-uh, just me zayn. Just look at me."

Zayn's eyes locked on mine and then he nodded slowly, I smiled, "I'm just going to tell them goodbye ok? We'll go home." Zayn gulped and nodded again, "Just me." I reminded him before I looked at the two men.

"I think we should head home." I spoke sheepishly.

Ray nodded, "Yes, my apologies for what happened. Tim will be punished for his behavior."

Zayn growled at the name and I squeezed his waist, reminding him to focus on me. "Thank you. Sorry for all

the ruckus."

Ray shook his head, "No, it's completely our fault. Disrespecting an Alpha's mate is basically suicide."

I nodded and glanced at zayn before I looked back at Ray and Jasper, "Well, we'll head on home then." I spoke


Ray nodded again, "Yes, Jasper will take you home if you wouldn't mind."

"Thank you for the offer. We'll take it." I spoke, ignoring the soft growl that escaped zayn.

"It was nice to meet you Luna, you handled well today." Ray spoke.

I smiled at him, "Thank you. It was nice to meet you as well."

Ray looked at zayn. Zayn's eyes were still focused on me, so Ray simply gave a nod, "Thank you for your visit

Alpha, my apologies for what happened today."

I squeezed zayn slightly, and he let out a shaky breath before giving Ray a nod. With that, we quickly made our

way towards the car. Zayn held me the entire road home, and Jasper and I didn't really say anything.

When we reached my apartment Jasper looked at me, "You did well today Luna."

I gave him a short smile, "Thanks. You did well too, thank you for protecting me."

Jasper smiled, "It was nothing. A Luna takes priority over a Gamma any time. And besides, you're best friends with my mate."


I chuckled before saying goodbye. I then led zayn up the stairs into our apartment. I let out a breath when I closed the front door behind me.

When I turned around I was met by zayn. I was about to say something when he suddenly pulled me close and crashed his lips on mine. His kiss was rough and passionate. He was taking me, claiming me. I felt his

hands reach my thighs and he picked me up. In my surprise I managed to place my legs around zayn as he

pushed me against a wall to deepen the kiss further.

Usually, zayn's kisses would be rough but they always held some form of control. This kiss didn't have that. It

was dominant, wild and out of control. He was like a starved man tasting water for the first time in years, and he wasn't going to let go.

When he did break the kiss, we were both gasping for air. Zayn didn't let go of me and placed our foreheads

together as we recovered. "I'm sorry," he managed to get out between breaths, "I'm so sorry harry I jus-"

"Shhh," I shushed him, "It's ok."

"No," he started and he looked me in the eye. His eyes were filled with guilt and sadness as he continued, "I don't

want to be this. Alpha's are always like this. Possessive and angry. I don't want to be that. I don't want to be this

toxic boyfriend who won't let you close to any other male. I don't want that." He explained. He looked incredibly lost and scared. Scared of himself.

I sighed softly, "But you're not zayn. You allow me to go to work where there are other males, you allow me to talk to Jasper. You even allowed me to go out with Beta Jace and Jasper today. I don't think you're toxic."

"But, I got so angry. I just saw him grab you and I lost it. I don't know what happened." Zayn spoke with sadness in his voice.

"Zayn, listen to me," I said as I made sure his eyes were focused on mine, "I'm glad you stepped in when you did. You're right, the anger might have been a bit out of control, but you stepped in and saved me from that man. You protected me, I will never blame you for that."

Zayn let out a shaky breath and placed his head in the crook of my neck, softly peppering kissed down there. I felt his canines graze my soft spot and I stiffened. Zayn let out a frustrated grown before pulling away


A thought hit me, "Would it help if you marked me?"

"No," he shook his head, "I mean, yes. It would help. But i'm not marking you for something like that."

"Zayn if it will help then why would w-"

"No, Anna." He spoke firmly, "When I mark you I want it to be because you are 100% sure that you want to be with me. I want it to be intimate and real. I don't want to mark you out of anger, or because it would protect you better."

I gave him a soft smile and then pressed a kiss on his cheek, "Thank you, for being patient with me."

"Anything for you, love. Anything." He replied softly.

I hugged him, and zayn gladly pulled me closer to him as he hugged back. We stayed like that for a moment, just

in each other's arms. After a bit, he broke the hug and headed to the couch. Zayn didn't waste any time to pull me into his lap, and for the rest of the afternoon, we stayed like that, enjoying each other's presence and


Zayn was tense for the rest of the day, and wouldn't leave my side. When I had to go to the bathroom, he would wait outside the door for me. I cooked today, since zayn was still out of it, and the entire time I was in the

kitchen zayn was glued to me. He did eventually set up the table, but I could see that leaving my side even for a

second was difficult for him.

I wondered if he was just afraid I would somehow leave him, or whether his animal instincts were just wiring his mind to stay close to his mate after a threat. Whatever it

was, I didn't say anything about it, and I didn't really mind either. In a way, this behavior showed how much he cared for me, and I thought that was incredibly sweet. It might be a bit extreme, but I figured it would become less with time.

While we were eating dinner, I received a text from Jasper asking if we were ok and to tell us that Tim would lose his Gamma position and would be kicked from the pack for

his behavior today. I figured that was a bit extreme but zayn seemed more than pleased with the sanctions.

I texted Jasper to ask him if it was normal for zayn to be so clingy and Jasper responded with a yes. He also told me that it would probably lessen tomorrow, and that it was mainly his wolf and animal instincts that made him this way, just like I had expected. I thanked him for the information before focusing back on zayn.

The rest of the evening goes in a similar fashion. I go for a walk to give Cade time to shift, but he refuses to leave my side once we reach the forest. Instead, he just stays close to me, whining and asking for attention. Eventually I give up on trying to make him run and head home. We spend the rest of the evening on the couch.

Around 9 I notice that zayn has fallen asleep, holding me in his arms. I smile at him, his brain must have been

wired this entire time. He must be exhausted. For a while i remain in his arms, but around 10 I decide to go to bed. As soon as I try to get off him, he shoots awake and pulls me close.

I explain to him that I'm going to bed and he reluctantly lets me go. Surprisingly, he doesn't ask to sleep with me, but I can see that he desperately wants to. So instead of

waiting for him to ask, I just grab his hand and lead him to bed. He asks me if it's ok and I reassure him that it's


Waking up next to him on Saturday morning was amazing anyway. Wouldn't mind a repeat of that. As soon as I head into bed zayn pulls me towards him.

I don't mind as I snuggle up, wishing him goodnight. After his response, I fall asleep in seconds.

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