《My Rogue Alpha》18


Harry pov

I wake up in a cocoon of warmth. My arms are around someone's waist and my legs are intertwined with another pair of legs. In turn, someone is holding onto my waist and has pulled me close to them.

I can feel soft breaths fit my neck and I figure out that someone's head is in the crook of my neck. I smile as I realize it's zayn, and I snuggle up closer to him. He tightens his grip on me in return. I sigh in contentment and I feel zayn place a kiss on my neck, "Morning, love." He mumbles softly.

"Morning." I greet back, "Did I wake you?" I ask.

I feel zayn shake his head, "No, I've been up for a few minutes."

I nod into his chest, "Did you have fun last night?"

Zayn chuckled, "I did. Do you remember when we came home last night?"

I frown, honestly, the moment we entered the club my memory got fuzzy. "Not really, why?"

Zayn places another kiss in the crook of my neck, "You already asked me if I had fun last night."

"Oh," I try to concentrate on last night. I manage to get a few flashes, zayn and I dancing together, kissing, him

carrying me home, us talking in the bathroom. I blush a little at the dancing part, I clearly didn't play my part in the 'just friends' façade. Then another memory pops up, "You

were tipsy." I pointed out.

Zayn laughed and pulled his head from my neck so we could look each other in the eye, "Maybe a little bit."

I shoot up from my bed and grab my phone, "I'm so texting Robin."

"Oh come on, love. Let an Alpha keep his pride." Zayn spoke.

I shook my head, "A real Alpha would admit defeat," I told him as I sent Robin a text.

Zayn groaned and placed his head on a pillow.

: Robin you did it! When we got home last night Adam was totally tipsy!

: YES! I knew I could do it! Next time I'm getting him drunk.

: BTW did you hit that?

: No!

: Hmmm I don't believe you. Last night the two of you were definitely getting comfy with each other.

: Nothing happened! We just kissed.

: Sure hon, whatever floats your boat.

I chuckled at the reply. When I look over at zayn I see him look at his phone as well. "What's up?"

Zayn glances at me before looking back at his phone, "Jasper and I exchanged numbers so he could set up a meeting with Ray. He just texted me saying I'm welcome to come over tomorrow."

My eyes widen, "That's great!"

Zayn smiles at me, "Yeah, it's been a long time." Zayn texts Jasper and then looks at me again, "Do you want to

come along?"

I frown, "Am I allowed to?"

Zayn shrugged, "You're my Luna. If you want to come along you can."

I hum in reply, "I would like to see a pack if that's ok?"

Zayn engulfs me in a hug, "Then we'll go together."


The next morning zayn and I headed out towards the Howland River Pack. Jasper came to pick us up, and the

car ride went smoothly.

We arrived at a massive house which zayn and Jasper explained to be the Pack house. Apparently most packs

have one and it's basically a giant community space as well as a place for wolves to stay and sleep at.


Zayn helped me get out of the car, I would have been perfectly fine myself but zayn said something about

taking care of his Luna, so I allowed him.

When I managed to get ahold of my surroundings I noticed two tall men standing in front of us. One of them was around zayn's height. He had blonde hair and hazel eyes, and he was giving us a wide smile. The other man looked a few years older than zayn. He looked like he hadn't had a good night sleep in a while, as shown by the shadows under his

eyes. He had brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and a rough, unkept beard covered his face.

I noticed Jasper bow towards the two and I wondered if I should bow too. Zayn didn't bow though, so I hoped that i was allowed to just give them a hand instead.

Zayn nodded at the smiling man before focusing on the tall guy, "Ray Thomas." He greeted him.

Alpha Thomas smiled slightly, "zayn malik. When my warrior told me you were alive I almost didn't believe him.

You look good." He spoke as he reached for zayn and gave him a bro hug.

Zayn returned it with a chuckle. "Thank you. It's been a rough couple of years, I'm glad to be where I am now."

Alpha Thomas pat his back before breaking the hug, "So," he set his eyes on me, "Who did you bring with you


Zayn beamed as he pulled me to him, "I'd like you to meet my mate, harry."

I saw Alpha Thomas' smile falter for a bit but he regained posture and nodded his head at me, "It's nice to meet you Luna harry. My name is Ray Thomas."

I blushed slightly at the title, "It's nice to meet you too Alpha Thomas," I used the same title Jasper always uses,

"Please, call me harry."

Alpha Thomas smiled, "Then please, call me Ray as well."

I nodded and switched my attention to the other man present as well, he gave me a slight bow. "It's an honor to

meet you Alpha and Luna. My name is Jace, Beta of the Howland River Pack."

Zayn greeted him back and I decided to just give a polite nod. After the greetings we went into the pack

house. Zayn and Ray reminisced a bit about old times. Apparently they used to hang out in the pack house a lot.

The pack house was massive, we quickly passed the living room and headed upstairs, but from what I've seen the house could accommodate plenty of people.

We eventually entered a study and Jasper and Beta Jace both left the room. Leaving us alone with Ray. Ray sat down behind his desk and zayn and I sat down in front of it. I noticed that zayn was slightly tense. Maybe because he isn't used to packs anymore? Or maybe because there is another Alpha in front of him?

"So, from what I've heard from my warrior you went through quite the adventure." Ray started.

Zayn shrugged, "I wouldn't call it an adventure, really. I just did what I had to do to survive."

"Well, if that meant being rogue for six years you sure as hell did a good job. I don't think there is a single

recording on someone being rogue for more than three years." Ray spoke.

I widened my eyes slightly. Every time people speak of zayn's time as a rogue I find out how impressive it truly



"I just kept my mind focused on what could be in the future," he spoke as he gave my hand a squeeze and me

a smile.

I smiled back and Ray nodded, "Mates are a powerful thing." I noticed a hinge of sadness in his voice.

Zayn nodded as well, "Yes, I heard of what happened to yours, you have our condolences. You and Emily were the perfect pair."

Ray gave a sad smile, "She was an absolute vision. Sometimes I wonder how I'm still going without her." he

gave a sad sigh, "Hold onto your mate zayn, no one else will give you the happiness he will bring."

I blushed, another thing I keep realizing how much mates mean to werewolves as well. Zayn squeezed my hand, "I'm not planning on letting him go any time soon."

After that zayn and Ray started talking about pack business, most of which I didn't really understand. Ray

seemed to notice, "Luna, maybe you'd like to have a look around the pack?"

I froze, "Uh... I'm good here."

Zayn glanced at me and Ray smiled, "Don't worry, I'll send my Beta with you, as well as that warrior your

acquainted with. You'll be completely safe."

I looked at zayn who looked slightly uncomfortable, "Would you like to?" he asked.

I thought for a minute, it is my first time at a pack. I am a bit curious about how it all works, "If that's ok with you." I decided to reply.

Zayn nodded, "Then you can go if Jasper and Beta Jace stay with you."

I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "Thank you!"

Zayn smiled and then pulled me closer before placing his head in the crook of my neck. I gasped when his lips latched onto my sweet spot and he started sucking it. I had to hold back the moan that threatened to escape my lips. And I felt slightly dazed when zayn pulled away.


Zayn chuckled, "Sorry, you're not marked, so I gave you something close to it." I gasped and my hand flew to my neck. Did he just give me a hickey??

Ray started laughing, "I'm must award you for your ability to hold back. Emily and I mated the same day we met."

I blushed even harder than I already was. Zayn gave Ray a grin, "All in due time."

There was a knock on the door and Beta Jace entered with Jasper. Both bowed to us before asking why they

were asked in here. "Yes," Ray started, "The Luna would like to have a look around the pack. I trust he will be

safe with the two of you there?"

Jasper gave me a smile and Jace smirked, "We'll protect him with our lives." He spoke as he held out his hand to me.

Zayn gave a soft growl, making all of us look his way. "Sorry."

Jace laughed, "Not to worry Alpha. If my mate was whisked off with two other men I'd probably go crazy."

By the mention of Jace's mate, zayn relaxed. I smiled and gave him another kiss and he told me to be careful before I left with the two men.

Jace and Jasper started with showing me the pack house. I had never seen anything like it. I asked Jace about his mate and he enthusiastically spoke about his Beta Female. I noticed that that is a very good conversation starter for werewolves. Just ask about their mate and they'll talk away.

After we finally saw all of the pack house we looked around the pack lands a bit. Most of it was forest, but

there were the living areas. It was quite interesting seeing it all. Werewolves were working together left and right, everything seemed to be in a natural order. Little kids

were playing around and I even saw some of the patrol wolves who were about to go on patrol. They weren't

kidding when they spoke about pack ranks, I've realized everything is organized.

The amount of respect for the higher ranks was clearly visible too. As soon as people saw us walking around, they would bow to their beta. I received some bows too. When I asked about it Jasper explained that people knew we were coming over so they knew I was a Luna.

We eventually reached the training grounds, where a group of wolves were all sparring with each other. It

looked kind of weird, zayn had told me before that the werewolf world was a lot more dangerous, and that it was often kill or be killed, but seeing a group of werewolves train like this really confirmed those words to me.

There seemed to be one man leading the group, and I figured that was the Gamma. When he noticed us he came over and bowed to Beta Jace. Beta Jace greeted the man before I noticed the man's attention shift to me.

"And who is this lovely gentleman?" he asked in a flirty tone, making my skin crawl.

"This is Alpha zayn's mate, and off limits." Beta Jace spoke in a clear and warning tone.

The man shrugged, "Too bad, my name is Tim, I'm the Gamma of the Howland River Pack." He spoke.

I nodded my head to him, "Nice to meet you Gamma Tim, my name is harry." I tried to say as professionally as I could. I had quickly realized that being a Luna was a big deal, and I didn't want to come over as unprofessional.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful guy." Tim said with a grin. Jace grabbed him by his shirt, "It will be Luna for you. And stop this flirting, you know better than to mess with an Alpha's mate."

Tim scoffed, "Alpha ," he mocked, "he doesn't have a pack."

"And yet he'll be able to kick your ass within seconds. So watch it." Jace countered with a growl.

Tim shrugged this time, "Whatever." He then made his way back to the training field.

We watched training for a bit when Jace got a mind link from the patrol wolves. "Shit, trouble by the border. I have to take my leave." Jace called over two more warriors, "Take him back to the Alpha's study. He is not to leave your side, understand?"

Jasper and the other two warriors nodded. After saying goodbye, Jace ran off and I could see him shift when he reached the forest. That was interesting. Jasper nodded to me to head back but we were interrupted by Gamma Tim.

"So, Beta Jace got sick of you


I frowned and Jasper stood in front of me as he spoke up, "Beta Jace has to take care of something. We will

bring him back to the Alphas now."

"What's the fun in that? He can stick around." Tim spoke and his voice made me slightly uncomfortable.

I gulped, "Thanks for the offer but I should probably see how my mate is doing."

Tim scoffed, "Mate? He hasn't marked or mated you yet! What? Is he afraid to touch you?"

My anger flared, "My mate has been respecting my wishes. I'd like it if you started showing him some respect."

A grin made its way on Tim's face, "So it's you who doesn't want to be marked? What? Not so sure about

staying with a rogue Alpha?"

Before I could say anything Jasper stood in front of me, "I'm taking the Luna back now, please get out of our way."

I felt a sense of relief that Jasper was on my side, but Tim didn't appreciate it at all, "Watch it warrior. I am above


"Protecting the Luna is my top priority, that goes above any orders you might give me." Jasper stood strong.

"Whatever," Tim spoke, "I was just trying to have some fun. I bet I could out do that Alpha in bed."

I clenched my jaw and decided to start walking, "I shall take my leave now, it was nice to meet you Tim." I said As I walked past him, his hand shot out to grab my arm.

Panic immediately flared inside of me as he pushed me towards him, "Not so fast little Luna. Someone should

teach you some manners."

'Don't worry about it harry, I'll make sure you'll enjoy it' i felt myself freeze as the flashback flew through my


The next second, he was pushed off me by Jasper. The two warriors started holding Tim back as Jasper grabbed my arm and turned to me, "You ok?" I nodded in relief.

We both looked back at the Gamma, who was easily fighting off the two wolves that were trying to protect me.

I knew all hell would break loose as a familiar and very dangerous sounding growl spread through the field.

Everyone froze in place and I turned around.



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