《My Rogue Alpha》15


Harry pov

"Harry!" I heard someone whisper to me, waking me from sleep. I groaned and snuggled deeper under the covers.

"Harry!" The person whispered again.

It's too early for all this.

I didn't respond to the whispering voice, and instead focused on the dream I was having. Zayn and I together in the woods just like our date. Just laughing and kissing. I smiled into my pillow.

"Harry! Honey, I know you're having a great dream but this is an S.O.S. situation!" I heard someone whisper yell. I groaned once more, before placing my pillow on my head.

"Harry, please!" the person dragged out the word please.

"What" I grunted.

"Oh thank god." The voice whispered, "Listen haz, I don't want to freak you out, but there is a strange man sleeping on your sofa." Is that all? I sighed and ignored the voice.


"Go away" I grumbled. I heard a sigh, and then I felt the person leave my bed.

"Fine. I'll just get rid of him myself. Don't you worry honey, I will protect you."

I then heard the person who I finally recognized as Robin leave my room. Finally, peace. The peace didn't last long. My eyes shot open and I sat up, looking at my bedroom door. Did she just say that she was going to get rid of the person on my couch? ZAYN!

I jumped from my bed, running towards the living room. I let out a large gasp at the scene in front of me. Robin was holding a baseball bat over zayn's head, ready to smash his head in.

"ROBIN DON'T!" I yelled as I saw her try to slam it down.

A hand shot out to catch the bat, and suddenly, a very panicked zayn was staring at Robin with wide eyes.

"What the fuck?" Robin dropped the bat and screamed, before running over to me and grabbing my hands, "Run harry! He's gonna kill

us!" she said as she started pulling me.

I pulled in the opposite direction, "Robin calm down! He won't hurt us!"

Robin looked at me, then at zayn who was now sitting up, his chest on full display, and then back at me.


My heart was still beating miles a minute from Robin almost killing my mate. I sighed, I guess we got busted,

"He won't hurt us. I know him." I told her.

Robin started at me for a moment before doing a full 180 "Honey," she dragged out the word. "Then why didn't you say so?" Oh dear.

Robin looked at zayn, then back at me, "So, who is the mystery man?"

I sighed and looked at zayn, who was looking at us like we were crazy. I mean Robin did just try to hit him with a baseball bat.

"He's a family friend," I came up with the lie easily, "He had nowhere else to stay so he's living here for a bit."

Robin gave me a smile, "Oh, that makes so much sense!" She then faced zayn, "Which part of the family?"

Zayn cleared his throat, "Her aunt Elizabeth and Uncle peter." He lied straight through his teeth. Thank the Lord we talked about family on our date.


Robin narrowed her eyes. She knew about these family members, so the story was solid for now. She then pulled me into the hallway. I was still able to see zayn looking at us from the couch, and gave him a patient smile.

"Sweetheart, how long has he been living here?" Robin asked in a whisper.

"A few weeks." I told her the truth.

Robin gave me another smile, "And why didn't I know this?"

"B-because it wasn't a big deal?" I answered.

"Listen here hun, if you invite a man over to your house, especially a man as hot as this one, you tell me!" she

whisper yelled.

I hope she won't mind the fact that zayn can literally hear all this. "I'm sorry. It happened suddenly."

Robin grinned, "It's all good. So, have you hit that yet?" She whisper asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Robin!" I whisper yelled back. God this is embarrassing.

"Come on harry, the guy looks like a Greek God!" Robin whispered.

"So?" I responded. I could see zayn grin in the background.

Robin frowned at me, "Be honest with me honey, do you like this guy?" I was about to respond when Robin spoke

up again, "I mean, who am I kidding. Of course you do."

I groaned, "Robin please."

Robin suddenly beamed, "Hey, if you're not hitting him, can I have a try? He looks like a fine piece of meat."

I felt my face heat up. In embarrassment mostly but another, very unfamiliar feeling also crept up on me, "He's off limits."

Fuck, did I just say that? Wait? Am I jealous? "U-uh b- because he's a f-family friend o-of course!" I added


Robin sighed, not picking up on my jealousy at all. "Whatever. Now, I'm hungry and that hot piece of meat

better know how to cook breakfast." She whispered to me before walking back into the living room like she owned the place.

"So, mystery man. Care to help me make breakfast?" she asked.

Zayn glanced at me before he carefully stood, "I will, once I've been to the bathroom real quick. Is that ok?" he asked. I had to bite back a smile, was he scared of robin?

Robin gave her award winning smile, "Of course honey. Take all the time you need!" she said in a sweet voice

before disappearing into the kitchen.

Zayn approached me and I immediately got to apologizing, "I'm so sorry I don't know why she's here." I told him.

He chuckled, "It's fine, we'll just explain the situation." He spoke. I nodded and wanted to make my way into the kitchen when zayn stopped me and leaned down close to my ear, "By the way, you being jealous over me is incredibly sexy." He whispered huskily, making a my entire body heat up.

"I-I wasn-"

Zayn smirked and held a finger to my lips, "Sure you weren't." he spoke before disappearing into the bathroom.

I groaned and quickly went into my bedroom to assess my appearance. I looked fine, my hair was a bit messy

though. I quickly went through it with my fingers before joining Robin in the kitchen.

"So, why are you here at-" I checked the time, "5:45 on a Saturday morning?! The hell Robin?"


Robin gave me a sweet smile, "You haven't been going out with us for the past two weeks so I was worried. Now

I know why though. I bet you have other activities that are more important. I have to say I'm proud of you hon. When i said you should get a man I didn't expect you to come

home with this hunk!" she squealed and I sighed, knowing that zayn definitely heard her.

"I'm not hooking up with anyone!" I told her. Though, at this point I wasn't sure if I was lying or not. Zayn and I

are mates. Soulmates, literally meant for each other. And we did go on a date, and kissed. So, are we official?

Whatever we are, we're not telling Robin about that today. I'd like to stay alive for now.

Zayn walked into the kitchen at that moment, and Robin immediately put on a smile. "There you are! So, why don't you tell us something about you? Like your name, age, place and time of birth, education, blood type, family relations, job, friends, and other fun stuff that will help us

figure out if you're allowed to stay."

Zayn glanced at me with a look of disbelief and I sighed, "Robin, how about we start with just his name. and this is my apartment! I can decide who lives here." I pointed out.

Robin walked over to me and patted my cheek, "I know honey. But as your best friend he'll have to win my

approval. We've talked about this countless times. No men in the house until I meet them first."

"You sound like my mother," I groaned.

"Oh honey, I am so glad you see me that way. I look at you as my own son as well!" Robin exclaimed as she

gave me a hug.

When she broke the hug she turned to zayn again, "So? Name?"

Zayn cleared his throat and extended his hand towards my best friend, "My name is zayn Malik."

Robin nodded, "Good good. I'm Robin, harry's best friend. Just a heads up, I own a gun and I know how to use it.

So, if you hurt my dear harry, you're dead."

Zayn had raised an eyebrow, "Uh... sure, thanks for the heads up."

"Speaking of weapons." I spoke up, "Where the hell did the baseball bat come from this morning?" I asked Robin.

She smiled, "A woman never tells her secrets. All you have to know for now is that your laundry room can be

used as a safe house in case of emergencies."

I gaped at her, "When did you do that?"

Robin Shrugged, "I don't know, the week you moved in somewhere."

I shook my head in disbelief. The hell? In the meantime, Robin had walked over to the stove and picked the pan

filled with eggs and bacon from the pit. She placed the food on three plates before setting them all on the

breakfast table and sat down. I glanced at Adam and we both decided to sit down as well.

"So zayn, I know you're a family friend, but why are you living here exactly?" Robin asked.

Zayn, who was looking at his food with suspicion, looked up and stared at Robin, "I lost my job and apartment. Right now I'm looking for a new job." He spoke, trying to create a believable story. I don't think that 'I lived in a forest and harry bought me' was a good one.

"So you're leeching of my friend?" Robin asked in a very passive aggressive tone.

Zayn gulped, "Like I said, I'm looking for a job."

I decided to step in, "It's fine Robin. He helps around the house for now."

Robin patted my cheek again, "Oh harry, you're so sweet. Such a selfless person. I love you, you know that?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Yes?" Robin gave one last pat before returning back to her food,

"So, what kind of job are you looking for?"

Zayn cleared his throat. This is so uncomfortable. "Uh... anything is fine for now."

"Well, I hope you find a job quickly. Wouldn't want poor harry to pay for your stuff." Robin spoke. If only she knew.

Zayn only nodded, before finally taking a bite of his eggs.

"Hey, where is your dog?" Robin suddenly asked, making both zayn and I stiffen.

"U-uh, he's sleeping under the bed." I told her.

"Why? Does he even fit under there?" Robin pushed.

I gave a nervous chuckle, "it isn't easy. Uh... he's afraid of thunderstorms!" I came up with the lie, "And last night he had been whining all night because of the storm and he's finally asleep now. I don't want to wake him." I managed to get out.

We all froze as a soft growl filled the table. It seems Cade wasn't a fan of me telling Robin he's afraid of thunderstorms.

"Sorry, my stomach goes crazy when I'm hungry." Zayn quickly covered.

Robin placed a hand on zayn's arm, making both zayn and I frown, "It's ok sweetheart. Everyone has their

quirks." What was that supposed to mean?

"So, since you're here and my friend hasn't gone out with us in two weeks, why don't you join us next week? It will be so much fun!" Robin proposed.

Zayn glanced my way and I smiled at Robin, "umm he doesn't really like crowds"

"You are coming with us, don't be such a big baby" she told zayn.

I looked at zayn again and gave him my best 'I tried' look.

Zayn gave me a smile, "Sure, I can come along, if you guys don't mind at least."

"No! of course we won't mind!" Robin smirked, "The more the merrier!" I rolled my eyes. This was going to be a long day.


Five hours and a full on interrogation later, Robin finally left.

Zayn fell on the couch with a sigh, "Damn. Not to be rude but your friend is a very interesting specimen."

I smiled, "No offense taken. Do you get why I didn't want to tell anyone about you now?"

"Oh yeah, which girl asks for my damn blood type at a first meeting? I don't even know my blood type!" Zayn


I chuckled and sat down next to him. Zayn didn't waste any time and pulled me close to him. "She almost hit me

with a baseball bat." Zayn mumbled.

I laughed, "At 5:45 in the morning too." We both busted out laughing at that.


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