《My Rogue Alpha》13


Harry pov

"You're my mate, harry."

I was silent for a solid minute. I could see zayn look at me, hoping for a reaction. I am his mate? But how? Didn't he say that it's super difficult to control yourself around your mate? How has he been so calm?

Actually, now that I think about it. There have been a few times where he apologized for being out of control.

I was suddenly filled with warmth, I was his mate. His soulmate! It explained so much, all these weird feelings I've been having. It's because we're mates! I was snapped from my trance when I saw zayn awkwardly look away.

Oh shit, he might think I'm rejecting

him, "I'm your mate?" I asked.

Zayn looked at me again, "Yes."

I blinked, "But why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Zayn looked away again and scratched his head, "I don't know, I was afraid you'd kick me out. Or that you'd feel

forced into this."

I stared at him, he looked adorable. Slight blush on his face, scratching his head. He looked like a kid who got

caught stealing candy.

I chuckled, "zayn, I literally let you cut my hand and joined your pack. Did you think that us being mates would

scare me off?"

Zayn blushed deeper, "Maybe? It's quite a commitment you know? Soulmates. For me there is nothing else. Ever since I saw you in that cage I knew you were it for me. There is no plan B, just you. I would literally be willing to propose to you right now and feel fully confident about it.

You mean a lot to me harry. And you told your friends you didn't want a relationship an-"

"Oh, wait. I just told them that to keep Robin off my ass. She keeps trying to hook me up with guys and it's quite

annoying." I mean I guess it wasn't a complete lie considering my past, but I felt like this situation was different.

I shifted in my seat to turn to him fully, "I've never been one for hook ups and stuff. For me, I always wished for a serious relationship. Honestly, you telling me that we're soulmates makes me really happy." Zayn jumped up, looking at me with hope in his eyes. I smiled, "Like I said, I've always wanted serious relationships. I've wished for a soulmate so many times as a teen. Knowing that you are mine makes me feel all warm inside." I spoke the truth.

Zayn stared at me for a bit, before breaking into a breathtaking smile. Before I knew it, he had grabbed me

and placed me on top of his lap, looking at me with adoration. "Yes, I'm all yours, love. All yours." He said

before nuzzling his face into my neck.

I stiffened slightly, not being used to someone being so close to me. I felt him inhale deeply, as if he was taking in my scent.

"You don't know how happy this makes us," he spoke as he lifted his head and looked me into the eyes, "We've been alone for so long, we had given up on a mate. When we saw you we regained hope again, we can't thank you enough."

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I listened to him speaking his heart out to me. I smiled and gently grabbed

his face in mine, "I'm happy you held on long enough for me to find you."

Zayn pulled me closer and softly kissed my forehead. We sat like that for a few minutes, just organizing our



I eventually pulled away, "Uh... so what's next? You talked about marking?"

Zayn choked, "All in due time, love. I know you don't feel the mate bond as strongly as I do, once I mark you it's

basically inevitable that we complete the mating process soon after."

I blushed, "Right. I'm not ready for sex yet, sorry." I've had a boyfriend before, but I've never had sex. I always wanted to wait until I was 100% sure.

Zayn smiled, "It's all good. Just knowing you accept us is more than enough for now."

I nodded at him, "What's the mark anyway?"

Zayn blushed slightly, "So, a mark sounds quite barbaric." He placed one of his hands on my neck, and I shivered when he reached a certain spot, making him grin, "When

a werewolf marks his mate he will bite them right here." he spoke as he pressed that sweet spot.

"You bite me?" I asked perplexed.

He nodded, "Yes, you already respond to it, it's why you shivered just now. Your body already knows that it's


I shivered again. It does? Now that I think about it, my body does have quite a few ideas about being close with zayn. I thought back to the time he pinned me to the bathroom door, and how my body had responded to that. Oh yeah, my body already knows what's up.

Zayn chuckled, "Don't worry, you're not the only one who feels this way. I can't wait till you feel the sparks too."

"Sparks?" I breathed out.

Zayn nodded and traced his hand down my arm, "Right now, when I touch your skin, it sends sparks through my body. You don't feel it because you're human, but it will

start happening when I mark you."

Oh... wait, "Is that why Cade is always so close to me?"

Zayn nodded again, "It feels amazing. I'm quite jealous that Cade can easily get close. Of course it feels less

weird to pet an animal instead of cuddling up with a human." He explained.

"Yeah, it does. That's why the canine wants to sleep in my bed isn't it?" I glared at him.

He laughed, "Well if I'm being honest it's the reason I want to sleep in your bed too. It's not just Cade."

I hummed in suspicion. "Pervert." I mumbled.

Zayn gasped, "It's perfectly normal among mates! Usually people mark and mate the same day they meet

each other."

"What?! So quickly?"

"Yes. Like I said, when you meet your mate it's like a switch is being flipped, suddenly there is no one else. Just

your mate. Werewolves usually don't have the control after that. Our relationships usually go from 0 to 100 real quick." Zayn explained.

"Damn." That sounded scary. I didn't want to rush things. I have bad memories with people trying to rush me into things. We fell into silence for a bit. Then I remembered something I've been wanting to ask for a while, and figured it would be the perfect way to distract myself from my thoughts.

"Hey, you told me Cade can take over your human form right?"

Zayn shifted slightly, "Yes?"

"Does that mean that Cade can talk when he takes over your body?" I asked.

Zayn nodded, "Yes, Cade and I talk all the time, in English. Once he takes over he can speak."

I widened my eyes in excitement, "Can I talk to him?"

Zayn looked slightly uncomfortable, "Would you like to?"


I nodded, "Yes! I've been meaning to thank him for that rabbit!"

Zayn chuckled, "Ok, if you want, I can let him take over my body for a bit. I just don't know if he'll behave."

"How so?" I asked.

Zayn sighed, "Cade has been pushing me to mark you since we made eye contact. Marking has to happen in

human form so I've been holding him back constantly, I'm scared he'll mark you without me wanting to."

I hummed, "Will he listen if I tell him no?"

Zayn gulped, "I'm not sure." He paused. I gulped, slightly scared by that comment, "Right now he's saying he'll behave, but I also sense his excitement."

I tried to keep the negative thoughts from my mind. Zayn and Cade haven't hurt me or pushed me into anything yet.

I decided to smile at him, "I trust the two of you. Cade wouldn't do anything I'm not ready for right? I trust that

he'll be fine."

Zayn was silent for a bit, before nodding, "Ok, I'll let him talk to you."

I beamed, "Thank you!"

"I just need one thing first," he said and I tilted my head in question. He then smirked and cupped my cheek with one hand before crashing our lips together.

I couldn't feel the sparks of his regular touch, but his lips on mine was like an explosion of sparks and feelings. Warm tingles spread through my body, starting from his lips. As I felt him pull back I quickly grabbed his face and pulled him towards me, keeping his lips on mine before I

started kissing him back. Our lips moved in sync as we kissed, and he softly nibbled on my lower lip.

I felt him pull me closer and tightening his hold on me. One of his

hands slipped underneath my shirt to hold my lower back. I smiled into the kiss when I heard him groan slightly.

When we broke the kiss we were both panting, just looking in each other's eyes. Well, speaking of going from 0 to 100.

Zayn gave me a lopsided grin, "Sorry, I know Cade wouldn't have held back from kissing you, and I wanted

to be first."

I slapped his chest, "Idiot!" I then looked at him again, "I, uh- I felt the sparks." I told him.

His eyes lit up, "You did?"

I nodded, "When we kissed." I then smiled, "They feel amazing."

Zayn was beaming, "They do, right?"

I chuckled, "Now, I think it's time to let the wolf out of the cage." I said with a wink.

Zayn groaned, "Fine. He's yelling at me anyway."

"For the kiss I assume?" I smirked.

Zayn gave me a cheeky grin, "Yup."

I rolled my eyes, "Let him out, please." I whispered.

Zayn shivered, "Fucking hell." He shook his head, "Ok, here he comes."

Zayn closed his eyes and I waited for Cade to open them again. "Cade?" I asked softly.

He opened his eyes, sparkling with happiness as a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Mate." He spoke and it made my eyes widen slightly. Cade's voice was much deeper and huskier than zayn's voice, though they sounded very similar.

Without giving me time to respond, he pushed his face into my neck, nuzzling it as he pulled me closer to him. He started peppering kisses along my neck, making me stiffen. When he reached my sweet spot, I was appalled when I let out a breathy moan. The hell?

Cade hummed, "So responsive to my touch."

I panicked as I felt his canines graze the spot, "C-Cade!" I managed to breathe out.

"Don't worry, I won't mark you yet." He pulled back and looked into my eyes. They had darkened slightly. I tried to control my breaths, which had sped up. Cade smiled, "It's

nice to talk to you, mate." He spoke.

I smiled and nodded, relieved that he wouldn't mark me without consent, "It's great to hear your voice." Cade started tracing circles on my back, making me shiver again. "I've been wanting to talk to you for so long."

"Well, you're here now. I wanted to thank you." Cade tilted his head in question, making me continue, "Thank you for looking out for me. Catching that rabbit and for laying

next to me when I was hungover. I'm glad that you're my mate."

Cade's eyes glossed over in what I can only call adoration, "I thank the moon goddess every day for the fact that she blessed us with you. You're perfect, my mate. I'm so glad to call you mine and to be yours."

I smirked, "Who knew you were such a romantic?"

"It's all you, you bring out that side in us." Cade said as he used the hand that isn't on my back to trail up and down my arm, probably so he could feel the sparks that would result from the contact.

"We wanted to thank you as well." Cade started, "For being so accepting of us. For giving us a home again and

for joining our pack."

"I'm glad to be part of your pack!" I told him with excitement. I mean, it didn't change much, but it felt like I

was helping zayn and Cade.

Cade shook his head in amusement, "You would have been the perfect Luna."

I widened my eyes at that statement. The mate of an Alpha: the Luna. I never even thought about that. If he

still had his pack I would have suddenly become the Luna. That would have been daunting.

"Do you miss your pack?" I asked.

Cade's smile faltered, "Of course we do. It was our home, and we have always lived there with pride. There were our parents of course, we miss them dearly. I remember when

mom used to teach us how to cook, telling us that our mate would appreciate it if we could cook for them."

I chuckled, "She was right."

Cade smirked, "We figured. I also remember our father teaching us everything about the pack and becoming Alpha. We looked up to him, he was incredibly strong. Then there were my friends like Noah. He was our Beta. We used to be a nightmare in school, since we were

always messing around." He reminisced.

I placed a hand behind his neck and started massaging it as he spoke. It was nice hearing about his old life.

I felt a content rumble come from Cade's chest as he continued, "I wish I could have shown you the pack. Everyone would have loved you. I bet the pups would have loved it if you

taught them stuff. The Luna is usually like a mother to the pack. She brings peace and often helps out with for

example cooking, healing or teaching. You would have been perfect for the job."

He placed his face in the crook of my neck again as I kept rubbing his. "I wish we could have lived there

together, start our own family. What I wouldn't give to see our pups run around the old pack house."

Uhh.... freeze! Hold up! "O-our pu-pups?"

Cade chuckled before he pulled away from my neck, "Yes, our pups. Not now of course. Right now I don't want to share you with anyone else. Eventually, in the future."

I gulped. Don't get me wrong, I've always wanted kids, but i've never had a boyfriend where I was thinking about having them. I literally found out Cade is my mate a few minutes ago, thinking about having kids with him seems insane. I suppose zayn did tell me that relationships went from 0 to 100. And he also said that there was no plan B for him. I guess for him it's only natural to already think about having children.

"Zayn says I'm going too fast for you." Cade spoke up.

I blushed, "I-I'm trying to see it from your perspective. But yes, thinking about having kids seems way in the future. It's sounds a bit much when you say it so casually."

Cade shook his head, "Sorry, mate."

I smiled, "It's fine. It's just that it sounds crazy to me. We've known each other for two weeks. We haven't had any sort of official date or anything yet. I just found out that I'm your mate. And besides all that you haven't even met anyone close to me besides Jasper. Not officially at

least. My sister would kill me if I suddenly barged in with the news of marriage or kids without ever introducing you first." I tried to explain my side.

Cade nodded, "I guess that makes sense." He paused,

"Zayn and I want to take you on a date."

I tilted my head, "Really?"

Cade smiled, "Yes," his smile faltered, "Though we'd have to wait a bit with that, because we currently don't have

any money to provide for you, zayn tells me."

I shook my head, "That's fine. We still need to get you more clothes too. Maybe tomorrow we can go shopping, I wouldn't mind paying."

Cade gave me a kiss on the cheek, "You're perfect. We will pay you back one day."

I blushed, "I don't know about perfect. And hey, you already cook for me! That's definitely a way to pay me


Cade nodded, "I'll bring you a deer today. That will last us a while." Uh...

"T-that's very sweet Cade, but I don't think that would fit in my freezer. And taking that home will be quite the task."

"I guess you're right. Can't it fit in your bag?" Cade asked.

"An entire deer? No. Cade, it's fine. We can go to the supermarket. They'll have meat there. No need to hunt for

it." I explained.

Cade grumbled slightly, "If that is what you want."

I smiled, he clearly didn't like the idea, "I'm sorry, I know you're just looking out for me. I really appreciate it, but a

deer is a bit much."

Cade nodded and placed his head in the crook of my neck again, and I felt him inhale deeply. "You smell so

good." He mumbled, making my face heat up.

"R-really?" Cade kissed my sweet spot, making me hold back a moan. Fuck that's a sensitive spot.

"Yes. Best smell I've ever smelt." Great. That's not weird. Thankfully, Cade

decided to explain, "A mate's scent is supposed to be intoxicating. Like it's made just for the other half. It can

calm us within seconds."

That explains it a bit more. We sat in silence for a bit, cade gently peppering kisses on my neck and shoulder. It was relaxing just sitting there. I was trying to recollect my

thoughts on today. What an information dump.

Apparently i'm the mate of a rogue Alpha, and I saved him from going completely rogue when we met. I learned that he would already be willing to get married to me, and that this is apparently a normal occurrence between mates. I also got to talk to Cade for the first time officially.

With all those thoughts swimming in my head, I felt myself slowly drift off in the warmth that Cade provided

for me. Just before I fell asleep I suddenly heard him growl, before shrugging and going back to peppering kisses along my shoulder.

I sat up straighter, "What happened?"

Cade shrugged again, "zayn wants to be in control again."

I blinked and created some distance between us, so I could look him in the eye, "Well, maybe you should give

him control again. You've had his body for quite a while now."

Cade pouted, "But I like cuddling with you."

I giggled at his childish behavior, "I promised you could sleep in my bed tonight right?"

His eyes lit up again, "Yes!"

I chuckled, "Well then, give zayn his body back and tonight you can sleep in my bed again."

Cade let out a satisfied purr. "Thank you, mate." Who knew that I'd suddenly have two people fighting for my time. Not that they are technically two people, but that's beside the point.

"You're welcome. Will you give zayn back now?" I asked.

He nuzzled my neck and gave me one last kiss on my sweet spot. Making me shiver once again. Is there a way

to control that?

After the kiss he looked me in the eye and smiled, "Thank you for this. I love you, mate."


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