《My Rogue Alpha》10


Harry pov

I've quickly come to learn that life can change in just a few days. Last week, I lived alone and I didn't know about

werewolves. Last week I was thinking of getting a dog to combat loneliness.

Last week, I had not yet met zayn, an

Alpha werewolf, whose pack I was now part of.

As strange and chaotic as it all sounded, I didn't mind it one bit. Sure, seeing your pet dog come home with a

rabbit that his human side then skinned and prepared for you was not what I expected to happen in life, but it has been an exciting change. The rabbit was surprisingly delicious. It tasted close to chicken, but zayn managed to prepare it with certain spices in a way that it was mind


I could see that zayn was nervous the entire time during the meal. Him being the human conscious, he probably thought I'd be revolted by Cade and his antics. It definitely

wasn't my favorite memory, seeing him walk up with that rabbit in his mouth, but I also knew that Cade is an

animal, and that he tried to provide for his pack.

Working as a teacher taught me that everyone is different in their own way and that finding out what makes

someone special is one of the best things in life, so I was determined to stick by Cade and zayn and find out just how crazy the life of a werewolf can be.

It was now Monday, and I was having lunch in the teachers' lounge, talking to my colleagues. "So, how's that

dog of yours doing?" Maria, a Spanish teacher asked.

"He's great. Loves it when I pet him. The only problem is that he doesn't like anyone but me." I told her. I must

admit, it's kind of weird talking about zayn and Cade like they are really just my pet dog, but it was necessary to

avoid suspicion.

Marcel, a fellow geography teacher, spoke up, "I had a dog like that once. They get attached to a single person

and never let anyone close."

I smiled at him, "He isn't like that. He's fine with having people over. He just doesn't like to be touched. He isn't

aggressive either, he'll just shy away and growl until the person leaves again."

"Hmmm," Maria started, "Dogs are interesting creatures."

I nodded, "for sure, but he's a sweetheart really! This saturday I was having a lazy day and he cuddled up next to me. We just laid together in bed for hours, keeping each other company."

"The exact reason I'm a dog person. A dog will die for you if they need to." Marcel spoke up.

"I hope that won't be necessary any time soon." I said with a chuckle.

The door of the teacher's lounge opened and Nancy, an english teacher walked in looking at her phone in panic.

She spotted us and approached, "Hey, I just got a call that my kid is sick and that I need to pick him up, can any

of you substitute my English class at 2? It's the sophomores and they're just going to be reading."

"I'll do it!" I suggested.

"Really? You're a lifesaver!" Nancy looked through her bag,

"I'm going to have to pick up my son, then take him to the doctor. Man who knew having kids was such a mess?"

Nancy is a single mother, and her kid is currently 3 years old.

"Just take a deep breath Nancy. He'll be ok. The last thing he needs is seeing you panicked." Maria, who is already


in her sixties and thus more experienced in life, spoke up.

Nancy managed to fish her car keys from her bag and nodded, "You're right. Thanks for filling in Harry!" she said as she started walking away from us.

"Anytime!" I responded as Nancy disappeared through the door.


Substituting for the sophomores was fine. I gave the same class geography so I knew the names and they were reading like Nancy had said. The only problem was the fact that it was so silent.

It was better for the concentration of course, but I'm a talker. I always have a chat with my students when they're working. I had already decided that the final 10 minutes of class time would be some time to talk, because I was going crazy.

I checked some of the books the kids were reading. Pretty basic sophomore stuff. I noticed a group of 4 girls all

reading Twilight, and shook my head in amusement. Who knew that werewolves actually existed. I wonder if vampires are real too. I'll have to ask zayn later.

When there were 15 minutes left, I felt like I was suffocating, so I stood up.

"Ok kids, you all know me. I hate silence and you guys are very silent. The last 15 minutes you're going to discuss what you just read with a partner." I told them.

Some kids let out a sigh of relief while others looked annoyed at the suggestion. The kids then got to talking.

Ah, finally, the joy of talking students.

I started to walk around class listening into conversations and asking kids stuff. When I reached the Twilight corner the girls were in a heated debate.

"Oh come one Jacob is so much hotter!" One of the girls, Rachel, said.

"Yeah, but in the story he just doesn't fit with her. Edward is so dreamy too." Another girl, Lola, defended.

I chuckled, which placed the attention on me. "Mr styles!"


"What do you think? Team Edward or team Jacob?" One of the girls, Leigh, asked.

I smiled, "When I was your age I was team Edward all the way, but recently I've gotten a new appreciation for Jacob. I think I prefer werewolves now."

"Why?" Lola, who was 100% team Edward asked.

"Because the principle of werewolves sounds better to me than vampires. Werewolves are social creatures and live in packs. Vampires drink blood." I explained.

Lola hummed, "I suppose that's true. Werewolves are probably really soft too. Not cold like vampires."

"Oh yeah they are." I blurted out. The girls looked at me in confusion. "Uh... I mean, You've all pet a dog right?

They're super soft. A werewolf must be too." I tried to save myself.

Rachel smiled, "I would give up my left kidney to sleep cuddled up with a werewolf."

"Now now, that's a bit extreme is it not?" I replied with a chuckle.

"But sir, wouldn't you?" Rachel defended.

I laughed, "I'm not sure if I would sell an organ for something like that."

"But you're thinking about it!" Leigh pointed out.

I shook my head, "I'll take my chances with humans." And with that, I continued walking around the class.

I say that, but honestly, a werewolf wouldn't be a bad option either. I sighed, my life just keeps getting weirder and weirder.


When I got home zayn was already cooking dinner. He smiled at me as soon as I walked into the kitchen, "How was work?"


"Good. Defended your kind today." I told him. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, making me laugh. "Do you know twilight?"

"That horrible movie series about vampires and werewolves? The one that thinks vampires sparkle?" He

asked me.

I nodded, "That's the one, some kids were reading it and were discussing whether vampires or werewolves were better."

Zayn grinned, "And you obviously told them that werewolves are superior in every way, shape or form."

"Indeed I did. By the way, one of my students is willing to sell her kidney to cuddle with you in bed." I told him as I looked at what he was cooking.


I laughed, "She figured werewolves would be soft and cuddly so she wanted to cuddle up next to one in bed." I explained.

"Kids these days. Tell her I'm off limits." He joked.

"What? Because you're mine?" I asked.

Zayn paused for a second before stepping close to me, "Yes, all yours." He spoke huskily. Uuuuuhhhh ... "You paid for me after all." He finished and stepped away again as if nothing just happened. The hell was that?

I shook myself from my trance and reached into the pan to steal some food, running off with it while juggling the scorching food in my hand.

"Hey! No stealing!" I heard zayn yell. When a playful growl followed I yelped and ran faster.

I tried to hide in the bathroom But was pushed against the door. Zayn trapped me between the door and his

body, standing flush against me.

"You know," he said with a deep voice, "the worst thing to do in front of a wolf is to run." He got even closer to my face, so I felt his breath on my cheeks, "We love the hunt." He continued.

Holy shit. I felt my whole body respond to his proximity. Heating up in places I didn't even know could heat up. I gave him a sheepish smile, hoping I wasn't blushing too hard at the close proximity.

"I won't do it again." I breathed out. Shit, why did my voice sound so breathy?

Zayn gave a chuckle that almost made my knees buckle, "I just said we love the hunt. We wouldn't mind chasing

you at all harry. It's just some advice, only run from a wolf when you know what you're getting into." He said. I

nodded in understanding, not trusting my voice.

I figured zayn would move away from me but he didn't, we just looked each other in the eye. I could feel my heart

rapidly beating in my chest, and I felt it skip a beat when I saw zayn glance at my lips. Was he going to kiss me?

Did I want him to? I felt my legs shake and my face heat up even more. I think I want him to.

Suddenly, he pushed himself away from me. He shook his head as if he was pushing something from his mind. Maybe someone...

I stood against the door for a minute recollecting my thoughts and desperately trying to calm the blush on my face. That was... intense. I had to admit, I've always had an attraction to zayn. His body was something any

Anyone would enjoy.

But with zayn it wasn't just his body either, he was kind and funny, not to mention caring and sweet. Zayn and Cade were an adventure, but as dangerous as I knew he could be, it never felt like I was in any danger.

Instead, with him I felt safe. I felt like I could tell zayn anything and he wouldn't judge me for it. I felt like they would protect me from any danger out there. It felt like I had known zayn and Cade for years, yet it had only been one week.

Should I take a break from this? Is this all going to fast? When I'm close to him I feel things I've never felt before

with any other man, is that normal? I felt like a teenage girl who's having her first crush. Zayn is clearly out of my league, and he has a mate somewhere too.

Maybe I should back off for a bit... Besides, am I really ready for a relationship after what happened with the last one?

I don't really want to back off though. I want to jump right into this crazy world together with zayn. I want to

explore all there is to it, and all there is to him. Shit, I'm screwed aren't I?

When I entered the living room again zayn was setting the table. He paused when he saw me, "Sorry about that...

uh... Cade got a bit excited there."

"No, it was my fault for running." I paused as we just stared at each other.

"Uh... was it Cade then? The one who I was talking to just now?"

Zayn shook his head, "No, he was close, but it was me." he chuckled, "I shouldn't really blame Cade all the time, the idea of chasing you excited me just as much as Cade. I have a tendency of blaming Cade for any animalistic traits."

I nodded in response. Maybe it's an Alpha thing? He did say everything was more intense for him. I decided to

shrug it off for now. Control was more difficult for him, so i shouldn't judge him for wanting to follow his animal


During dinner we had some banter, but it was mostly silent. I think zayn felt guilty for what happened, which

he shouldn't be. After we cleaned the kitchen I went to my bedroom to call with my sister.

"Hey bro! How is life?" Harley picked up my call?

"It's good. I miss you though." I responded.

Harley chuckled, "Well, you're in luck! I managed to get the Halloween week off from work! So I can visit!"

I shot up, "Really! That's awesome!"

"I know, I know. It's been so long since we've seen each other. And I need to meet your dog too!" Harley exclaimed.

I froze, "Will you be staying at my place that week?"

"I would love to. But I can't." Harley said.

I blinked in confusion, "Why not?" I asked.

Don't get me wrong, if Harley stays at my house zayn would be forced into wolf form for an entire week. But Harley and I are twins, we've shared a bed countless times! There should be no reason for her to stay at a hotel.

"It's still a surprise. I'll tell you as soon as I see you again." Harley told me.

I hummed in suspicion but let it slide, "Fine." After that we just started talking about random things before she had to go and hang up her phone. I sighed and laid down on the bed. I can't wait till she gets here.

There was a knock on the door and then the door opened, "Hey." Zayn spoke.

I sat up again, "Hey, was that just good timing or do you have a sixth sense for when people end phone calls?"

Zayn looked at me weirdly before, "No I heard you say goodbye to her."

"You could hear me?" I asked as my mouth fell open.

Zayn nodded, "I told you about my advanced hearing right?"

"Y-yeah but I figured it was just slightly better."

Zayn laughed, "Oh no. If I concentrate right now I can hear the person living three floors above us watching tv."

"Holy shit!"

"My hearing is a lot better than normal werewolves because of the Alpha blood though. Most werewolves

could probably only hear what's happening at your neighbors houses." Zayn explained.

"Jesus! I'm glad I didn't start gossiping about you." I told him honestly.

Zayn raised an eyebrow at me, "And what would you be gossiping about?"

"Uh... I don't know..." Maybe my feelings for him?

Zayn grinned, "Well now you know. Don't gossip, I'll know."

I blushed, then smirked myself, "Maybe I will gossip. It's not like you can just walk into my room when I'm having girl talk with friends. Isn't that right my sweet little Cady?"

I froze as soon as the nickname came out. Shit, I've only called him that in my head.

"He has mixed feelings about that name." Zayn spoke.

"So he doesn't hate it?" I asked in a hopeful tone.

Zayn laughed, "He's grumbling because it makes him sound cute but he also has never had a nickname before so he'll take it."

That's adorable. I smiled, "Great, because I'm not changing it."


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