《My Rogue Alpha》9


Zayn pov

I was over the moon with excitement.

He joined my pack! I never imagined him joining my pack!

Usually, the Luna of a pack would have a completely different ceremony, but since he doesn't know of that

yet and since he hasn't been marked and fully mated, I decided to do it the classic way. It didn't do much. She's human and I'm a rogue Alpha. I

suppose it's a pack of two members now.

But as a human harry won't be able to feel any sort of pack link until I

mate him. Once I mark him the mind link will become available to him, and after we mate he'll finally feel the

pack link fully.

Not that any of that matters anyway, the ceremony with human doesn't work, so he wouldn't feel anything

anyway. Besides the mate bond I didn't feel anything either.

I looked at him. It was now Sunday, and he was grading some papers.

Cade rumbled with pride in the back of my mind. He has been puffed out like a peacock ever since he joined the

pack. We're both proud of our mate. he accepted us so quickly and is willing to learn more about our kind and customs.

Harry groaned and pushed the papers away from him. He stretched, making me glance up and down his perfect

body before looking at me. My eyes snapped back up to he's. Shit, did he see me staring?

"Wanna go for a walk wolfie?" he suggested with a grin. I heard Cade grumble in the back of my mind, but he did want to get out for some exercise.

"You done grading papers?"

"Not really, but I'm sick of kids who don't know where colorado is." I chuckled and walked up to him, looking at the papers in front of him.

"It's here right?" I guessed.

"The state below that. God, and here I thought you'd be better than them." Harry said with a deep, disappointed


Cade whined at the disapproval, "For the past six years all i knew was forest. I haven't needed to know the States in a while." I defended us.

Harry gave me a glare, "Well, now you're back in the human world! Come sit, I'll teach you." he said as he

gave the chair next to him a pat.

"What happened to the walk?"

"The walk was before I found out you don't know your topography. You'll be earning your walks from now on.

Now, we'll leave the house when you can name the states by heart." Harry explained to me in what I could only call his teacher voice.

Not going to lie, it was very hot. I sat down, "Please teach me." I told him, my voice coming out more husky than I wished it to be.

He paused for a second before nodding. For the next thirty minutes, he retaught me the states, and I was


incredibly grateful for my Alpha training right now. It taught me how to pick things up faster, since an Alpha must know plenty about the world around him. It was nostalgic almost, it reminded me of when my father was teaching me about all the surrounding packs here in Maine. Their Alphas and their relations to us.

"Now, do we remember Chef MIMAL?" My hot mate asked next to me. If I hadn't spent half my life learning

about control I would be taking him right here on this table. Fuck, his teaching is so sexy.

"Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana. He's holding a Tennessee plate of Kentucky fried chicken." I told him.

"Good job!" he said and he patted my head, letting sparks escape all throughout my body. Cade purred in the back of my mind. Dumb mutt.

"Now, final state for today, where on the map is Oregon?" he asked, "Be careful about this one. I might kick you out if you don't know it."

I smirked, "Kicking out your own Alpha? What a bold thing to state."

Harry smacked me in the chest, "If my Alpha can't name the state where his pack members came from, is he really

a good Alpha?" He shot back.

'He's good ' Cade chimed in.

'He is.'

I pointed to Oregon state on the map in front of me. Harry clapped his hands in approval. "Yay!"

I smirked, "What is my reward for getting it right mr styles?"

Harry smiled and stood up, he came back with a collar and leash in his hand, "Your walk!"

couldn't stop Cade's growl from escaping.

Harry pouted, "Come on Cade, it's not that bad!"

"He hates it even more now that you've proclaimed him as Alpha." I stated.

"Well then Alpha suck it up because I can't not collar you without looking suspicious." he shot back.

I grinned as Cade grumbled, 'He's a true Luna already. ' I told him.

'He should learn about pack ranks! he's disrespecting us!'

'Cade, you know he isn't. He doesn't know what it truly means. And you can't deny that him ordering us around is incredibly sexy' I defended him.

'You're whipped. ' Cade chided.

'Says the one who constantly craves his physical touch' I shot back.

"What is he saying?" Harry asked and I realized I hadn't responded to his previous statement.

"That he doesn't like you ordering us around." I spoke truthfully.

Harry bit back a smile, "I already told you Cade, in a few weeks we can pretend I've trained you really well and then you can walk without the leash. For now it's necessary."


'You're acting like a pup' I told him.

'Shut it!'

I chuckled, "He'll put up with it for now."

Harry beamed, "Thanks Cade, I promise I'll take it off as soon as we reach the forest."


Cade grumbled a bit more before I made my way towards he bedroom to shift. He gladly took over, letting fur sprout and rearranging our bones.

He shook his fur before returning to our mate. He gave us a beaming smile before he put on our collar. Cade

growled at it a few more times but complied.

It wasn't long until we reached the forest and the collar came off again. Cade ran through the forest for a while, leaving our mate behind. We didn't like doing that, but he told us he'd be fine at the edge of the forest near the hiking trail.

There is something about running wild in the woods that is so relaxing and freeing. The wind on your fur, the forest floor against your paws. The many sounds of forest creatures around us. It's a feeling that we will never get enough of. Living in the forest was incredibly lonely but it

was also freeing in a way.

After around thirty minutes of running around freely, I noticed Cade slow down. Usually, this was the time we'd head back, but I noticed that Cade had different plans. He started making his way towards a bunny.

'What are you doing?' I asked, amused.

'Don't distract me.' was his cold reply.

I decided to give him his silence as we focused on the rabbit. Hunting had become a second nature to us,

stalking the unsuspecting prey in front of us, getting low to the ground and out of sight, controlling our movements and breathing so we wouldn't make a sound. It was just

as normal as riding a bike.

When Cade got into position to pounce, he didn't waste a second. The rabbit was smarter than it looked, sprinting away as soon as we came out of hiding. Cade chased after it, catching up to it and finally digging his canines into the Rabbits neck.

Once he made sure the rabbit was

dead he got up and started heading back to our mate.

'So, why hunt the rabbit?' I asked him.

'I'm providing for our mate. '

'Ah, our mate has a fridge that provides for him.' I informed my other half.

'Shut it. You're just jealous because you can't provide for him like I can.' Cade spoke, his head was held high in pride

at this point.

'I think you're forgetting human standards Cade. Humans don't hunt anymore. I doubt he knows how to prepare the animal. And do I have to remind you who has been cooking

all his meals?' I explained.

Cade just growled in response. I sighed, hopeless mutt. When we reached our mate our mood raised significantly.

His beautiful brunette hair was in a ponytail, making him look like an angel in the forest light. He was typing away on his phone, a soft smile on his face as he watched the screen. he looked up as he saw movement in the

corner of his eyes and smiled, before looking at us in complete shock.

'Good luck.' I spoke before jumping to the back of his mind.

"Uh... hey Cade, what is that?" He spoke, his voice sounding slightly uncomfortable. Great.

Cade placed the rabbit in front of him and looked up in pride. "Did you hunt it?" He asked and Cade nodded.

"That's cool!" He paused. "Uh... now what?" I busted out laughing, making Cade snarl at me. He gently nudged the rabbit towards harry.

"Did you catch it for me?" He caught on. Cade nodded again and sat down, his tail wagging.

"Wow. Thanks, I've never had someone hunt food for me." He paused and I felt Cade puff with pride. "I feel kind of bad though, because I don't know how to prepare it."

'What did I tell you?' I sang to Cade.

'You can skin it for him! Don't act all smug.'

Cade picked it up and started walking towards his apartment. "Oh wait! We can't just walk across the street

like that. People will freak out!"

Cade eyed the bag that he took with him and I could see harry mourning the thing already.

He sighed, "Come here, I'll put it in my bag." Cade beamed and jumped over.

I smiled, he is too perfect. Even though this isn't at all normal, he's still trying to accept it. I wish I knew what he was thinking right now.

After the rabbit was stored away and Cade had his collar back on, we headed home. As usual, harry welcomed himself home once we came through the door. I headed

into the bathroom to shift and clean myself up. The rabbits blood was still on me in a few places.

When I entered the kitchen harry was standing in front of his bag, biting his lip as he was staring at the rabbit.

"Uh... so sorry about that." I started.

Harry looked up and gave me a patient smile, "It's fine. It's sweet really. He tried to provide for his pack right?" he asked. I nodded. And his mate.

"Well I'm flattered. Except I don't know how to prepare it at all." He gave me a sheepish smile.

"If you want I can skin and prepare it." I offered.

"Really? You can do that?" He asked in amazement.

I chuckled and nodded, before grabbing the rabbit out of the bag. "Yeah, sorry about your bag by the way."

Harry shook his head, "It's fine, it's an old one anyway. It's my supposed dog necessities bag. There's plastic

bags, dog toys and dog food inside. Nothing of actual use." He paused, "Unless you like the dog candy I


I scrunched up my nose, "No thanks." I placed the rabbit in the sink. "Uh... this might get a bit messy, so if you're

not comfortable with that..." I trailed off.

Harry jumped up, "I'll grade the rest of my papers." He spoke quickly before running out.

I chuckled, then focused on the rabbit.


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