《My Rogue Alpha》6


Harry pov

The rest of the week went smoothly. Zayn made breakfast and dinner both days, and I reveled in the service. I hated cooking with a passion, and zayn didn't seem to mind. For a guy who lived in the forest for the past 6 years, he was a fine cook.

Sadly, I was busy with work most of the time, and I had papers to grade when I got home, so we didn't talk much.

Zayn and I went on our daily walks. I only walked him in the evening. He told me he didn't need much exercise,

though his wolf liked to get out once every day. We usually walked to the forest, where Cade could run freely

for a while.

The rest of the time zayn didn't do much. He was just as lazy as Cade in that aspect. I asked him if he had any

hobbies or anything but he shook his head no. He did tell me he liked to exercise a lot, so I added dumbbells to my shopping list for next month. This month's savings went to zayn's phone and clothes. I asked him if he needed

more clothes or a pair of shoes but he told me he was fine for now. He did tell me his shoe size, so I was

planning on buying him shoes next month as well as a proper pair of pants, so he wouldn't have to go out

wearing sweatpants all the time.

It was now Friday evening. Friday was our usual night out with the girls, so I was dressing up in my room. Zayn

was going to meet the girls today, as we decided to have the pre evening party at my apartment tonight. Of course, he would be in wolf form, but that was beside the point.

I fixed my hair in front of the mirror before deciding that I was ready for the night. I was wearing a black skinny jeans with a white sheer shirt half of the buttons were unbuttoned. I stepped out of the bedroom and made my way to the living room.

Zayn was reading a book, the activity he did whenever he wasn't watching

TV or sleeping. He looked up as he heard me and his eyes widened

before darkening slightly.

"Damn. You look good harry."

I twirled for him, "Thanks."

"Now I wished I could have come along." He spoke softly.

"I can always take you along on the leash." I suggested sweetly.

Zayn clenched his jaw, clearly fighting Cade. Teasing Cade has become my favorite past time. He's too easy and really he's just a dear. I've noticed that Cade loves physical contact. For someone who doesn't want to be

associated with a dog he sure as hell acts like one. He always has his head in my lap, waiting for me to pet him.

"I swear harry one of these days I won't be able to hold him back." Zayn spoke, his voice still slightly strained.


I giggled, "Sorry, he's really too easy to tease."

Zayn was about to say something when the doorbell rang. My eyes shot to zayn, "Shift, now!" I whisper yelled.

I looked away as zayn took off his sweatpants and boxers and stuffed them underneath the couch. The rest

of his clothes were in my closet. We decided that keeping shopping bags in the living room was suspicious. We

stuffed his toiletries in a cupboard, so they're not easily detectible.

As I heard his bones crack I made my way over to the front door. I was met with my friends.

"Heeeey babeeeee. Ready for tonight?" Robin said with a massive grin on her face.

"You bet I am!" I replied and hugged her.

"You look great tonight haz." Robin said as she hugged back.

We broke the hug and I checked her outfit. A red dress showing quite a lot of skin. She likes to show off her


I hugged Fred next, "Hey friend!" I greeted her.

"Hey." She greeted back. Fred was one for fancy greetings.

When we broke the hug Robin held up a bottle of vodka, "I brought the goods! Let's get this party started!"

I rolled my eyes as she walked in. Robin was a wild one. She drinks like a 6ft guy even though she's actually only 5ft4. Fred is a lot more calm than Robin. She's usually the mother of the group. I'm a mix between the two. It

depends on the weekend.

"Oh my goodness. He is adorable!" Robin squealed as I figured she spotted zayn. I bit back a smile, Cade probably loved that.

As on cue, I heard a growl come from Cade. "Oh don't you growl at me big boy. I have wrestled cows in my day, I aint scared of a dog."

Oh dear... Zayn was going to have a field day holding him back tonight.

Fred and I joined Robin, who was trying to pet Cade, which he tried to refuse. Weird, he loves it when I pet


"The pet shelter said that he doesn't really like people." I explained.

Robin got even closer to him, "Awww, is our baby boy shy?"

Another growl came from Cade. I rolled my eyes, "How about I get the glasses out." I said as I made my way over to the kitchen, hoping to distract Robin from Cade.

"Yes! Bring it on!" Robin said as she sat down at the dining table, Cade already forgotten.

As I made my way back out with the glasses Fred spoke up, "How has he been? He doesn't growl at you all the

time does he?"

I smirked, "No, he's a good boy. A sweetheart really." As I glanced at Cade I could see him glaring at me, to which I returned with a grin. "At the pet shelter they said it was weird that he was so kind to me. We don't really know why he likes me so much over anyone else." I spoke the truth.


Zayn said it might be the animalistic side. Cade had been free for the past 6 years, which would make him

even more of an animal. Zayn said it might change the way he responds to humans. Apparently it's a common

thing among rogues, and it's a reason a lot of packs don't like them. I had a lot to learn.

I frowned as I saw Robin mix a drink where the vodka was around 40% of the drink and she handed it to me with a sweet smile. "Excuse me?"

"Come on hun. You've been teaching all week. Live a little!" Robin defended.

Fred sighed, "You say that every week Robin."

"Shhh. Usually it works!"

I rolled my eyes and picked up the glass taking a big swig of it and immediately scrunching up my nose as the alcohol burned in my throat.

"God that doesn't get easier."

"Your choice. Just know your dog can't clean up your vomit when you get home tonight." Fred spoke. Oh you'd be surprised.


Two hours and three drinks later I was well underway to being drunk. And we hadn't even left my house yet. This was usually the case for us. Robin was already drunk off her ass at this point, and Fred took it easy as always and was only slightly tipsy.

Cade had made his way towards me and had laid his head down in my lap like he usually does. And I was

petting him while listening to Robin's story.

"And then, he gave me his coffee and it had his number on it." Robin spoke, her words slurring slightly.

"Did ya call him?" I asked.

"What did you think hun! Of course I did. He was H-O-T with a capital 'T'. We hooked up and I left the next

morning." She finished off her story.

"Not wat you wanted?"

"Nah, he didn't have enough stamina." Robin spoke.

"Your standards are way too high." I spoke with a chuckle.

Robin held up a hand, "Excuse me, I just expect a man to be able to hold out." I heard Cade snort and I gave him a slight pinch.

"How will you ever find a guy if you expect him to be some porn star?" I asked.

"Hun," she paused, "You're a genius. I'm getting me one of those." Robin spoke up.

I groaned, "God you're hopeless." I said as I took another sip of my drink. This one definitely was a 50/50 mix.

"Well then what about you boy? I don't see any guys running around your apartment?" Robin said.

I chocked on my drink and I felt Cade stiffen. If only she knew. "I'm not looking for a guy, you know that."

Robin groaned, "boy! You're missing out on the good life!"

"The life of STD's and awkward mornings with a random guy? No thank you." I countered.

Robin tilted her head, "It doesn't have to be a one night stand. A boyfriend is fine too. Look at Fred. She has a

stable relationship and with that comes a great sex life."

I rolled my eyes, "Robin I'm fine with not having sex."

"You are lying." Robin countered.

I giggled in response. She's hopeless.

Fred shook her head, "Robin let him live. If he wants to be single, he'll

be single."

Robin jumped up from the table, swaying slightly and putting her hands on the table to keep her balance, "I'm all about the single life! You know that! But even strong and

independent guys have needs."

I groaned, "Shut up. I don't have needs."

Robin sat down again, "You lying" she spoke, dragging out the last part of the word.

I grinned and finished my drink. Shit, I'm definitely going to feel that one later. I looked at the time, "Hey, it's

already 10PM, we should head out."

"Sure." Fred responded.

Robin's eyes widened and she chugged her drink. The drink that was almost fully filled.

"We are not carrying you back to your apartment." Fred warned her.

"Oh you know you love me." Robin shot back before standing up and waggling over to the coat rack.

I shook my head and looked down at Cade. He had his eyes closed as he enjoyed me petting him. I gave him a

pat on the head and he opened his eyes to look at me.

"I've gotta go." I mumbled to him.

He whimpered slightly but removed his head from my lap.

I stood up, placing my hand on the table to remain balanced. It's going to be one of these nights huh?

Cade nudged me in the side and I giggled, "I'll be fine cade. Don't you worry about me I'm a tough mama!" I

told him.

Fred chuckled beside me, "You two are adorable. Makes me want to have a dog."

I looked at her, "Then get one!"

"My cat doesn't like dogs." Fred said with a sigh.

"Oh, that sucks." I responded.

"Yup! Oh well, can't do anything about it." She said as she stood up.

We followed Robin to the coat rack. She had already put on her coat and was coaching us to be faster. I chuckled and put my coat on. Robin opened the door and left. I quickly turned around to say goodbye to Cade.

"Protect the house for me. I'll be back!" I told him with a grin.

Cade gave me a snort, the most animalistic way to tell me goodbye. I smiled and waved at him before closing the door behind me.


Sorry for the wait guys...

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