《My Rogue Alpha》5


Harry pov

The trip to the den took a while, but zayn knew the way. We left the house with me holding him on a leash. It took ten minutes before I could convince Cade that the leash and collar were necessary. He didn't like them at all. I guess I understood, but right now he had to. I told him that in a couple weeks, he'd be so well trained that he wouldn't need a leash. In that I didn't tell him that a collar

would still be necessary. I would open that pandora's box later.

Once we reached the woods zayn shifted back and put on some sweatpants. He wasn't wearing a shirt but I was honestly not complaining. His back was quite a sight.

Zayn looked back at me to make sure I was still following. It made me smile. I didn't really understand why, but I felt a sense of safety with him. I wasn't sure if that was entirely healthy, considering I met him yesterday as a dog, and this morning he was naked in my bed, but I couldn't help the feeling.

I learned that he was quite calm in his behavior. He was clearly more introverted than extroverted, considering he lived alone in the forest for six years. I don't think he's

used to talking much either. His wolf is a bit more forward. He's dominant, which I guess makes sense with male wolves.

"So, is there anything I should know about werewolves?" I asked, wanting to make conversation.

Zayn glanced back and smiled, "We can shift, heal faster than humans, have heightened senses and live in packs. That's the basics."

"Heightened senses? Like better hearing?" Zayn nodded.

"Better hearing, smelling that kind of stuff. I can also see in the dark."

"That's so cool!" I exclaimed. Zayn just chuckled before stopping,

"Here we are." I ran up to him, excited to see where zayn used to live.

There was a small clearing, and a cave hidden next to the stream that we had been following for a while. Zayn

walked in like he had no trouble seeing, which I guess he just told me he hadn't. But for me it had already gotten quite dark, so I carefully made my way into the cave.

"Uh, can I turn on my flashlight?" I asked, completely lost in the darkness.

Zayn laughed, "Sure, love."

I felt my cheeks heat at the endearment and got my phone out. I turned on the flashlight and looked around the cave. There wasn't much in it. There were a few clothes stuffed in a corner, they didn't look like nature had been kind to them though. On the other side was a bed made from leaves, and that was it.

"It's not much, but it was home." Zayn explained as he crouched down to check the clothes. "Yeah, these didn't

survive the month. They were ragged before that too."

"Aren't you glad you have a great housemate who bought you clothes." I said with a wink.

Zayn grinned, "Yes. I'm glad to have you, mate."

I frowned slightly. He forgot 'house'. But I guess in England and Australia mate means friend? I shook off the

warm shiver that ran through my body.

"So I assume we're not taking anything back home then?" I asked.


Zayn shook his head, "I didn't have any possessions besides these rags. I lived of the forest, and with Cade I

didn't even need to cook food."

Wow. I couldn't even think of living out here. His wolf side must be quite dominant for him to be able to live like this.

Zayn walked up to me, "Let's go home." He spoke in a soft voice.

I smiled and nodded, "Let's!"--

"I'm home!" I spoke when I closed my front door behind us. Cade snorted behind me as he started shifting.

"You do that every time huh?" he asked back in human form.

I nodded, "made me feel less lonely."

Zayn smiled, "I'll welcome you home from now on."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Will you put slobber on me as you lick my face doggy?" I teased.

A growl escaped him, "You really like testing Cade huh?"

I smirked, "It's too easy."

Zayn chuckled, "Well watch it. One day I'm not gonna be able to hold him back."

I tilted my head, "How so?"

"In wolf form Cade is in control. In human form I'm in control. But we can both fight for control when we're in the back. Right now Cade is fighting for control because you said that." Zayn explained.

"Huh... what does he want to do to me?"

"You don't want to know, love." Zayn replied as his eyes slowly turned darker. raised an eyebrow. What did he mean with that?

We both jumped when my phone rang. I checked, a face time from harley I quickly showed zayn and he nodded and moved towards the couch in silence. I picked up the phone.

"Hey sis!" I told her.

"Hey haz! So, where is he?" She asked.

I panicked slightly, did she know about zayn. Then I realized she must have meant his wolf form.

"Uh," I glanced at zayn, who was looking at me in panic.

"You wanna see the dog huh. Well he's sleeping in his dog bed right now." I spoke and I saw zayn jump from the

couch and take off his sweatpants. "I'll call him over." I spoke to try and hide the sound of breaking bones as he


"Cade. Come here boy!" I spoke and I even crouched down to make it more believable.

"Cade? Wasn't his name Hunter?" Harley asked.

I smiled at her, "I picked Hunter on a whim. Today I showed a picture of him to one of my classes and a kid

suggested Cade. I liked it better than Hunter so I stuck with it. He wasn't used to the name anyway." I made up

the story.

"Ah nice. I like Cade better too!" Harley said.

I nodded, "Cade! Come here boy. Wake up you lazybones!" I called again, only to see Cade glare at me as he made his way over. I smirked, "here he comes. Good boy!" I teased him as I pet his head.

I brought him into view of harley and she squealed, "He's so pretty! Oooh good boy! Are you being nice to my harry?" She baby talked him.

Cade let out a growl and I elbowed him. He then stuck his head right in my chest. Using his paws to pinch my nipples through my shirt. "You pervert!" I yelled and pushed him.


"Aw come on harry. He's just loving on you!" Harley defended him. I saw Cade give me a lopsided grin before he pushed his head back into my chest.

Perverted dog. I'll get him for this.

"I guess so. He's such a good boy. I haven't bought a collar for him yet. But I'm thinking about one with a flowery design." I told Harley.

Cade's head shot up and he tried to make eye contact with me. I ignored him.

"Ooh yeah that would be pretty. He's a boy though, maybe one with bones on it or something? A bit more masculine."

"Oh yeah. Little bones, that sounds perfect. Isn't that right little Cade." I asked him as I gave him another pat on the head. He growled at me.

"Has he been aggressive?" Harley asked.

I shook my head, "No, the guy at the shelter said he doesn't like people, but so far he has been nice towards me. He growls every once in a while but that's it." I explained. Cade placed his head on my lap as I absentmindedly started petting him. He didn't seem to

mind much. Maybe he's more of a dog than he thinks.

"Ah ok. That's good I guess. When I meet him he better be nice to me or else!" she threatened. I felt Cade snort and I pinched him.

"When can you come visit?" I asked her.

"I was thinking maybe next month. Right now I'm stacked with work but once some deadlines have passed I'll have some free time before the Christmas season starts."

"That would be awesome! I miss you so much." I spoke and I felt tears fill my eyes. Cade whimpered and I looked down at him. His beautiful hazel were locked on mine, worry swimming in them. I gave him a smile before looking back at Harley, who was beaming.

"I miss you too haz. But I can see that you have a new friend that will keep you from being lonely!" she exclaimed.

I smiled, "Yeah. I do."

"Well anyway. I have to go bro." Harley said.

I nodded, "Say hi to mom and dad for me!"

"I will. Bye bro!"

"Bye." I greeted before she hung up. I sighed and dropped my phone. Cade sat up and tilted his head at me.

I glared at him, "Who do you think you are? Pervert! You can't just pinch my nipples and think I'll accept it.

You might be half dog but no perverted touching!"

Cade growled at the word dog but I ignored it, "Don't you growl at me! You deserved it."

Cade snorted and walked away, returning as zayn a few moments later. "You're such a teacher. Telling him off." He grinned.

I scoffed, "He needs to learn some manners. And you're not off the hook! You said you can take control right? You could have stopped him from doing that!"

"He was trying to punish you for the leash and collar. And the fact that I can fight him for dominance doesn't mean I can win easily. He's stronger in wolf form just as I am in human form." Zayn explained.

"Whatever." I spoke as I stood up.

"Did we make you flustered?" he said with a smirk.

"You wish. You shouldn't take advantage of a someone like that. If you start pinching or rubbing my

friends nipples I'll bring you back to the shelter." I challenged.

"He won't do it to bother people." Zayn said with a chuckle.


Zayn stepped closer, "Only you." He whispered.

Suddenly, I felt really flustered. If that was his goal he definitely succeeded. Doesn't help that he is shirtless

either. I stepped away.

"W-well tell him I'm off limits." I told him.

Zayn smirked, "I'm not sure I can."

"How so?" I countered.

Zayn shook his head, "Because he's stubborn and doesn't listen to me.

"Oh... well I'll just have to collar him as a punishment."

I saw zayn cringe and his eyes flashed, "He does not like that."

"I think I saw. Was he fighting?"

"Still is. Can we change the subject?" Zayn asked in a strained voice.

I chuckled and nodded. "How about we just watch some TV? You can sit on the couch this time." I said with a grin.

"You'll be the death of me."


Around 9:30, my eyes started drooping. It had been a long with an especially tiring morning. Zayn didn't seem too tired next to me, his eyes were focused on the TV. I smiled and yawned before I sat up more, "I'm going to bed. I'm tired."

"I can imagine." Zayn responded with a grin.

I gently pushed him, "So uh... I only have one bedroom."

"I'm fine sleeping on the couch." Zayn spoke with a soft smile on his face.

"Are you sure? If you're staying long term then it's gonna cause you back pain." I countered.

"I lived in a den for the past 6 years. The couch is an upgrade trust me." he reassured me.

I rolled my eyes, which caused them to pick up on the dog bed, "You could always sleep in your beautiful dog

bed." I teased.

Zayn chuckled, "I'd rather sleep in your bed again then."

He teased back making my cheeks heat up. "Pervert!"

"That isn't what you said last night." He responded.

"Last night I was convinced you were a dog and I woke up next to a naked man. I made that mistake once, it won't happen again." I told him.

Zayn laughed, "I swear the shift wasn't my fault. It just happened naturally."

"Whatever wolf boy. I'll get you some blankets." I said as I stood up.

Zayn just chuckled, thankfully not coming back with another argument. In my bedroom, I checked for my extra covers. I had them for when Robin and Fred slept over. I grabbed them and some extra pillows before heading out again. Zayn was still on the couch.

"Will you be ok with everything? You know where your toothbrush and stuff are right?" I asked as he grabbed the blankets from me.

"Yes, thank you for everything. I don't think I've thanked you enough for giving me a home again." Zayn spoke.

I blushed. That was adorable. "Uh... no problem. You're pretty fun to be around."

Zayn beamed, "Well, goodnight harry."

I smiled, "Thanks, goodnight to you too."

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