《My Rogue Alpha》2


Harry pov

After a visit to the pet store, where I bought some essentials and the biggest dog bed they had, I made my

way back to my apartment. Hunter casually made his way inside and looked around the room, exploring his new living space.

"Welcome home." I spoke just like I normally would, making Hunter turn around and tilt his head. I smiled at

him, "It's something I always do. I talk to myself, hope you won't mind." I spoke to him, knowing that talking to

him like this was also slightly weird.

The dog shrugged and continued to look around. I placed the dog bed next to the couch and placed the dog bowls I got for water and food in the kitchen.

"There is a patch of grass outside where you can play," I started to ramble to the dog, "and I'll take you out for walks so don't worry about the small living space."

My apartment was a decent size, but it wasn't anything to brag about either. Just an apartment a 23 year old could

afford while working a teacher job.

When I walked back out of the kitchen, the dog had made its way on the couch.

"Wait a minute! That's not gonna

happen!" I made my way over to the couch and started pushing the dog off it, "Come come, get off." I pointed to

the dog bed, "There is a very comfy dog bed right there that I spend 60 dollars on."

The dog looked at the dog bed before looking at me again. It then shrugged and laid its head down again, closing its eyes.

"No! Hunter get off!" I pushed the dog again. I eventually managed to push it off the couch. "There! Now, no more

getting on the couch!" I told him, to which he just snorted and laid down in his dog bed. "See! It's comfy right?"

The dog shrugged and closed its eyes.

I sighed and sat down on the couch. He hadn't peed or pooped on our way home. So I suppose I was going to

have to walk him later today.

The boy did say he was trained enough, just that he was very stubborn. I looked at the clock, it was currently 2PM. The boy told me the dogs at the shelter got fed at 7AM and at 5PM, so we still had some time for that. I suppose I could walk it in the morning and after I got home from work every day.

That would be enough right? I looked at the dog. He seemed like a dog that would need a lot of exercise, but


the boy told me he was lazy, so I figured it would be ok for now.

I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of the dog, making it open its eyes and look at me in confusion.

"I promised all my friends and family I'd sent them a picture of you." The dog closed its eyes again as I opened Whatsapp.

I sent the picture to my sister and to my group chat with Fred and Robin. Both blew up almost immediately.

: OMG it's so cute!!

: What is that? A wolf??

: He looks adorable sleeping like that.

I chuckled at their replies, which made the dog look up again.

"My friends think you're cute. And big." The dog growled in response.

"Heeeeey, no growling boy! What? You don't like being called cute?"

Hunter gave me another short growl before he went back to sleep. I chuckled, men. I responded to Harley first.

: IKR! He's the cutest!

: YES! I'm flying over ASAP to meet him! What's his name?

: Hunter. And YES I miss you!

Then I decided to respond to Robin and Fred.

: We don't know what breed it is. But yes, it looks more like a wolf.

: And yes he's adorable!!

: Damn babe! Does he even fit in that apartment?

: I hope he won't mind. I explained to him there is a patch of grass outside but you know, he won't really


: You'll have to walk him often.

: He's actually really lazy. But yeah, I'm planning on walking him twice a day.

: Can we come over this weekend to meet him? What's his name?

: His name is Hunter and sure! Last weekend we didn't go clubbing so we gotta make up for that this weekend!

: *Thumbs up!*

I closed my phone and looked at the dog again. He seemed to be sound asleep. I stood up to go grade some

papers at the dining table which apparently woke him up. He shot up and followed behind as I grabbed my bag.

"Just gonna grade some papers. Nothing to worry about boy." I told him.

I sat down at the dining table and Hunter placed his head on my lap, looking up at me with those pretty hazel eyes. I chuckled and pet his head as I started grading. The entire

time he kept his head in my lap as he enjoyed my head pats.

It wasn't until 5:30PM that the dog started to stir on my lap. I looked up and realized the time. Quickly getting up to feed the dog. As I entered the kitchen the dog followed. I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Ok. So you don't eat dog food." I mumbled.


I opened my fridge and got out some cheap burgers I bought a few days ago.

"Will this do?" I asked and he gave a bark in response. I suppose so. I grabbed a pan and the dog growled at it. "You want it raw?" I asked as I scrunched up my nose. The dog's tail

started waggling. I shook my head and chuckled, "you're weird. Well, I'm still making one for me and I don't like

mine raw so."

I place the pan on the pit and placed one burger inside. I didn't eat much. One hamburger would be more than enough. I gave the dog one raw burger and he immediately dug in. A minute later he whined and I looked down at him.

"What?" He nudged my leg and whined again, "You want more?"

His tail started wagging again. I sighed, I suppose the boy was right. This dog will make me broke. I opened the fridge again and got out another packet of burgers. Once I was done making my own food the dog had two more burgers, and seemed content for now. I grabbed a burger bun and some cheese and lettuce from the fridge and made my burger before eating it.

I let out a moan as I tasted it, hamburgers are the best! The dog whined again and I looked down.

"Sorry bud. There has to be a difference between humans and dogs

somewhere. And besides, you wanted the raw burger."

The dog snorted and made its way towards the living room, making me chuckle. If I didn't know any better I'd

say the dog was annoyed at me. It did seem like the dog understood what I said perfectly, which was more than

weird. Maybe he was a service dog or police dog or something? Those dogs are usually smart.

After doing the dishes I took the dog out for a walk. The dog walked in front of me the entire time, his head held high. It seemed as if he was a proud animal. He also didn't like the leash and collar at all. As soon as I brought them out he growled at them. And after a heated discussion of me giving arguments and Hunter growling a me I managed to win and collar him.

I wanted to buy him a collar he could wear at all times, with my number on it or something, but it seemed that would be more difficult than I thought it would be.

I walked around town for a bit before heading to the park, where I let the dog loose for a bit. He sniffed around for a while but never left my side. He eventually disappeared into the bushes and I hoped it was to pee or poop.

When I followed him I indeed caught him in the act. Hunter almost seemed embarrassed as I walked in on him.

Quickly scratching the ground before leaping out of the bushes.

After that encounter I decided to head back home. It was now around 7PM and the sun was going down. As much

as I trusted that Hunter was big and scary enough to scare off attackers, I was still a young man out alone, and didn't like being out in the dark.

I suppose that would become a problem this winter. It was currently the end of september, so it was already getting colder.

We entered my apartment again. After trying to play with the dog I gave up and watched TV. The dog wasn't interested in any of the dog toys I bought him, and growled at me when I asked him to fetch. I suppose he really was a lazy dog.

Around 10 I went towards bed. As I was changing I heard a soft rumble come from behind me. I turned around to see the dog in the doorway, his hazel eyes slightly darker than usual.

"What?" Hunter just stared at me and suddenly I realized, "You pervert! Don't stare at me changing!"

As if the dog got caught in the act, he ran from the room back into the living room.

"Yeah! Run you coward!" I yelled after him, earning a disapproving bark.

Once I had changed I walked out of the room and glared at the dog, who made its way behind the couch. I sighed and shook my head. "I'm going to sleep now." I told it as if it would understand me. I turned off the lights of the living room and went back into my bedroom. Hunter followed and gave me a whimper.

"What? You can sleep on your dog bed." The dog whimpered again and jumped on my bed. Making a few circles before laying down and closing its eyes.

"Hey wait a minute!" The dog snorted.


Hunter did look very calm laying on my bed, and i suppose I always imagined the dog sleeping on my bed

anyway. I sighed and turned off the lights.

"As long as you don't pee on my bed."

The dog gave me another snort as I climbed into bed. Hunter was laying by my feet as I made myself


"Goodnight Hunter." I spoke softly as I closed my eyes. Hunter didn't reply of course. With newly found excitement, I fell asleep within minutes.

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