《SimpleMinded》I Only Want To LoveMake With You.


"Thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!" The woman looks at me, "I especially enjoyed the couple with the puppy and monkey. They were very beautiful."

I go to the dressing room and change. Haven does the same and I take Rafiki suit off and Bean dress off. I put my hair in a ponytail. "If you already have your bags with you, just meet us at the diner around the corner." I tell Ty and them as I walk out. "I want chicken." I look back at Haven, "Chicken with french fries and a large drink?" She nods her head with a big smile playing on her lips.

Thirty minutes later we arrive at the diner. "I called the owner and asked him if we can have Bean and Rafiki in and he said yeah. We just have to make sure they don't run off or anything." She nods her head as we walk in. We sit down in a booth, "I want to sit beside you." I laugh as I let her in the inside, "Of course."

Ten minutes later everybody else shows up. Ty and Kylie sit in front of us and Jay, Rylee, Adam, and Clare sits across from us. We order our food and we just talk amongst each other. "How long is this flight anyway?" Jay asks and I laugh, "11 hours."

Adam drops his head and Jay glares at me, "It's not my fault he's so far away." He gives me the finger and I laugh. Our food comes out twenty minutes later and we start eating. I look over at Haven and see buffalo sauce all over her face, "Is it good?" She nods her head and holds up a piece to me. I take a bite, "Is it good?" I nod my head with a laugh.

"You want some dessert before we leave?"

I look at Niall and Haven with a smile. Niall has a soft heart for Haven and we all know it. When he kicked us out of his office last week, we all came back to eavesdrop. Without Haven, Niall would still be in a sex-only relationship with Jada or some other woman.

"What are you smiling about?" I look at Kylie and point at Haven and Niall. "I wish they would date already." I shake my head, "Haven, doesn't know anything about dating. She just wants to be with Niall for the rest of her life and that's enough for her." From the first time, Haven being here to now is probably the best thing that happened to Niall.

Kylie nudge my shoulder, "So when are we going to start dating?" I show her a smile and nudge her back, "Whenever you say yes you would to date me." She gives me a quick kiss on the lips, "Yes, I would love to date you." I clap my hands, "It's official!!"


"Did you ever tell Niall what you and Haven were talking about in the car?" Rylee asks as she eats a few of her fries, "No, I know he wants to know, but he needs to figure it out himself. It looks like he's slowly getting there." I throw my head back and groan, "I don't want to fly. Can't we just drive to Japan?"

Niall throws a fry at me, "Unless you want to swim, be my guest. But the rest of us are flying." I cross my arms and pout, "When are we going to the beach?" We all look at Haven, "It's not a good time for us to go Haven."

Haven pouts, "You said we would go." Niall runs his fingers through his hair, "I promised you that we would go in a few months." He wipes her face and I laugh, "What's so funny?" I shake my head and he glares at me, "Nothing, I'm just laughing." He points at me, "You're really about to stay here while we go to Japan."

We finish up our food and head out, "I had my drivers take y'all cars home and we will have a driver drive us to the airport." I say as we get in the van, Haven sits beside me and yawns. "Niall, can we hold hands on the plane?" I push Jay away from me and everybody laugh, "I really hate planes. Can't we take a boat?" I roll my eyes, "Do you want me to knock you unconscious for the ride?"

He opens and then closes his mouth, "What are you going to do? Hit me or push my pressure points?" I laugh, "You'll have to let me do it in order to see what I'll do." He rolls his eyes and I shrug my shoulders, "I guess that's a no."

Two hours later we are at the airport getting on my private jet. I'm carrying a sleeping Haven, "We're going to the room. Y'all can pull out the couch. It's big enough for everybody. Come on, Bean and Rafiki." I walk to the room and lay Haven down. She moans in her sleep and I move her hair out her face.

I walk in the bathroom and brush my teeth. I take my shirt off, I turn around and see Haven standing behind me. "Shit! Haven, you scared me!" She starts crying and I rush to her, "What's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened?"

She shakes her head and I pick her up, "Japan is bad. I don't want to go." She cries out, "A bad dream." I wipe her tears away and rock back and forth, "It was only a bad dream. It's not real, only a dream." She calms down, "But it was scary."


Rafiki jumps in Haven lap and hugs her, "I'm here for you, there's no need for you to worry. How about we cuddle until you fall asleep?" She wipes her tears away, "Cuddle?"

I nod my head with a smile, "Yeah, we hug each other until we fall asleep." She nods her head and I scoot us back on the bed. We lay down and I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest. "If you have another bad dream you can wake me up and I will be here for you." She nods her head and closes her eyes.

I wake up with no Haven in my arms. She is up watching tv. I quickly wrap my right arm around her waist and pull her back. She lets out a squeal and I laugh. "Boo!" She pushes me away and I laugh.

Ty, Jay, and Adam run in here with alert faces, "What happened Haven?!" Ty shouts, "Are you hurt?!" Jay asks while he looks around.

"Niall you suck!" Adam shouts and I look at him, "How do I suck?" He points at Haven, "You're supposed to protect her and she's in here screaming." I roll my eyes, "We were just playing. There's no need to worry." The plane shifts a little and Jay quickly falls to the floor, "I forgot we were on a plane. Ah! I was just standing up! Help me back to my seat!" I laugh as Ty and Adam help Jay out of the room.

They close the door and I walk to the bathroom. I finish up brushing my teeth and washing my face when all of a sudden I start hearing moans. I walk out of the bathroom and see some of the porn I used to watch. "Haven, turn this off. Where's the remote?!" I frantically start looking for the remote. She to busy has her eyes glued to the tv to even acknowledge me.

I cover her eyes as I look around. Don't judge me, it was a long trip and I was bored and horny at the same time. I take the remote out of Haven's hand and turn the tv off. "What is that? Wasn't he hurting her?" I drop my head, "I can't explain." I sit down on the bed and she stands in front of me, "I want to know."

I fall back on the bed and she crawls on top of me. "Haven let's just wait on something like that." She straddles me and crosses her arms, "Why?" I cover my face and she puts her hands on my chest. I peek through my fingers and see her face inches away from mine, "Are you mad?" I shake my head, "No, I'm not mad."

She takes my hands away from my face and holds them in hers. "Will I ever do something like that?" I arch my eyebrow, "Like what?" She starts playing with my hands, "That thing that woman was doing. She and that man were kissing too. That means it was good, right?" I groan and throw my head back, "That is really something you shouldn't know about. I will feel like a pervert or something. I don't feel right telling you any of that."

She shakes her head, "Pervert?" I shake my head, "Just know it's not good." She runs her fingers through my hair, "I want to know." I'm really going to regret this.

"What that couple was doing was something called lovemaking or making love. It's when two people do it when they're in love." Although that video was far from lovemaking.

"Lovemaking?" I nod my head, "Yeah. A lot of people do it, but be careful not to do it with just anyone." She shakes her head, "I only want to do lovemaking with you."

"That's ri-. Wait, what?" She smiles down at me, "I only want to do lovemaking with you, no one else." What did I just get myself into? "No, we can't do that. You need to wait for someone very special." A pout crawls on her lips, "You are special." I sit up and she wraps her arms around my neck, "Niall, we were wond-. Do I need to come back?"

I peek from around Haven and see Ty staring at us with a smirk, "It is definitely not what it looks like. What were you going to ask?" He shakes his head, "Nevermind. It seems like you're busy right now." I outstretch my arms out to him, "Just ask the question." He laughs, "We were going to play a couple of board games. Do you two wanna join?"

I quickly nod my head, "Yes, yes we would love to join y'all. Let's go play with them." Haven nods her head and crawls off of me, "Give us a minute." He closes the door, "See you out there." I can basically hear the smirk on his face.

I put a shirt on and I hand Haven some short shorts. "What game are we playing?"

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