《SimpleMinded》The Big Pool Party.


Today is Brit big pool party. "Haven, go ahead and put your swimsuit on. We can leave our change of clothes in the car." Brit rented out a famous hotel pool for her party.

I put on some swim trunks and a button-down tropical shirt leaving it unbutton. Haven comes in with a purple and gray two-piece. I put my hair in a bun and put some shades on. I sit down on the bed and Haven sits between my legs, "Same as me?" She nods her head and I put her hair up in a messy bun. I hand her some shades and she puts them on.

Rafiki has on some red swim trunks, "Rafiki, stay with Bean for the entire time. Do you understand?" He nods his head and hugs Bean by the neck. We walk downstairs and head to the car. It takes us an hour to get to the hotel.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" A young teenager asks me, "I'm here for the pool party." He nods his head and points in the direction of the pool, "Go down that hall and to your right will be the entrance to the pool." I nod my head and smile as thanks.

"What took you so long?!" Brit comes up to me with a frustrated look, "I'm here early just like you said." She rolls her eyes, "Just help me blow these things up." I look behind her and see all types of pool stuff. My eyes widen, "Like hell! I will not waste my breath on those things! Why didn't you do this the night before?!" She crosses her arms, "I forgot, I was to busy getting everything else situated."

"Don't worry, Niall. I got some pumps that can blow the stuff up with no problem." Dexter walks up to us with air pumps in his arms. He hands me one and hands Haven an electric one, "We'll be done in no time." Haven plugs up the electrical pump and I attach a pool item to it. It blows up fully in a whole minute. We continue the same routine for thirty minutes.

"We're finally done! I'm so glad I have you as my brother." Brit hugs me and I hug her back, "Love you too." Dexter holds his arms out for a hug and she rolls her eyes, "I rather not."

Dexter laughs, "But I will!!" Rylee comes out of nowhere and jumps in Dexter arms. Dexter falters back a little from the surprise attack. "You look so sexy in your swimsuit." Rylee does a little spin, "Thank you, I didn't even try." I look at Brit and see her glaring at Rylee and Dexter.

"You're clearly jealous. Why don't you just admit it? You like him." She glares at me, "No, I don't. Soon there will be models here and I don't have to worry about him for the entire day." I laugh as she storms off, "Why are y'all here so early?" Jay and Ty do a handshake with Dexter and Kylie give him a hug.


"We didn't want to wait in the line." I look at Jay and drop my head, "You wouldn't have waited. All you had to do was just call me." He shrugs his shoulders and laughs, "Well, we're here now."

Thirty minutes later people start coming in. The DJ starts playing music and people start dancing to the music. I take my shirt off and jump in the pool. I come back up and see Haven staring at me. I climb out and walk up to her, "Come on, let's get in. Nothing will happen to you." She shakes her head and I slowly pull her towards me, "Just hang on to me."

"Promise?" I nod my head and we slowly walk to the pool. It's two different pools at this hotel. One for people who want to play around and splash. The second one is for people who just want to chill. I get in the second one and she tightens her grip on my hand. "Wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist."

She nods her head and does as I tell her. I walk around the pool and she whimpers, "It's not that bad." She looks at me and shows me a nervous smile. "Take a deep breath." She does that and I laugh, "Now your all relax." I spin around and she squeals. I go to the deeper end and she tightens her arms around my neck, "Calm down. Didn't I promise you?" She looks at me and nods her head.

After five minutes I go to four feet and let her feet touch the bottom. She looks up at me and splashes me. I splash her back and she laughs. "Why did you splash me?" She shrugs her shoulders as she tries to run off. I grab her by the waist and pull her to my chest. She puts her hands on my chest and squeals as I tickle her. Out of nowhere Rafiki jumps on my head and hit me. Haven starts splashing me and I cover my face.

I stay quiet as she splashes me. She stops splashing me and I peek from my hand and see her looking at me with a worried look. She gets closer to me and I wrap my arms around her and spin her around. She screams as I start splashing her. I pick her up and she wraps her arms around my neck. "Thank you." I look up at her with an arch eyebrow, "For what?" She hugs my neck, "For keeping me under your care."

I let out a soft laugh and hug her back, "You are so welcome."

"Niall?" I look over to the voice and see Jada with her feet in the pool. I walk over to her with Haven still in my arms, "Hey, how long have you been here?" She shrugs her shoulders, "Not long, I was looking for you."


Haven lets me go and stand beside me, "I've been here with Haven the whole time." Bean swims up to me with Rafiki on her back. I pick her up and Rafiki reaches over to hit Jada. "This damn monkey will be in monkey heaven if he keeps hitting me." Rafiki jumps on my shoulder and I laugh.

"Niall!! We're hungry!!" Jay and Ty shout out at the same time. I look at both of them, "Then go get some food." Ty puts his feet in the pool, "They haven't started cooking yet."

Growl. Growl. We look at Haven and she looks at me. "Let me go see what's taking them so long with the food." Jay mouth drop, "That is so unfair!! You check for the food the minute Haven gets hungry!! You're supposed to care for us too!" I get out of the pool and pull Haven out. I push Jay in and walk away with Haven following behind me.

I go up to the guy that is on the grill, "What's taking so long?" He looks at me with a frustrated look, "The guy who is supposed to be here with the food is running late, but he's here now. We're getting started now." I nod my head and look around for Brit.

I find her near the DJ with her arms cross. I walk up to her, "Why do you have a pout on your face?" She looks at me, "All of these models are boring." I look towards the dance floor and see Dexter and Rylee grinding against each other. Before I could even point them out, Brit stomps over there and grab Dexter by the neck and kiss him harshly on the lips. Rylee steps back in shock and then smiles.

Dexter kisses her back and he picks her up. Rylee walks up to me, "She just needed a little push." They continue to kiss like nothing else in the world matters. "Well, it looks like Dexter dream came true."

Twenty minutes later we all get to eat. Haven goes to sit down on a lounge chair and I follow her. "I'll be right back." She nods her head and I go to get us some drinks.

Niall has been gone for a while. I even finished up my food. I decide to get up and walk around. Hopefully, he won't get upset if I do so. "Haven."

I turn around and see Niall friend. The one that came over last night. She walks up to me and I arch my eyebrow, "Can I ask you a question?" I step back and slowly nod my head, "Do you like Niall?"

I show her a small smile, "Yes, I like him a lot." Her whole facial expression changes. "Why did you have to show up? Why couldn't you just stay where you were? He wouldn't be distracted by you!! He would already be telling me that he loves me!!" She pushes me back and I feel myself fall into the pool.

I'm walking back with mine and Haven drinks in my hand. I see Jada talking to Haven and all of sudden Jada pushes Haven in the pool. I drop my drinks, "What the hell Jada?! She can't fucking swim!!" I dive in the pool and swim to the bottom. I grab Haven by the waist and swim back up to the surface.

She starts coughing and gasping for air. Tears start coming down her face, "Calm down, calm down. I got you, I got you." I pick her up bridal style and carry her out of the pool. Jada walks up to us and I glare at her, "Why the hell did you push her?!" I yell at her not caring that the whole party is now looking at us.

"I-I swear I d-didn't know she couldn't swim! Niall, I am so sorry." I hear Haven whimper, "Answer my question!! Why the hell did you push her?!" She steps back from me, "I-I d-don't know."

"You know her background! You were there when she was fucking scared of the rain!! Why the fuck did you push her?!" I step towards her, "Niall! Calm down, take Haven inside." Kylie puts her hand on my chest and stretches her other arm out towards Jada, "Don't fucking come near me until you know why you pushed her." I turn around and walk in the hotel.

I sit down with Haven in my lap, "Haven, I need you to tell me what happened?" She looks up at me, "She asked me if I liked you." I wipe her tears, "What happened after that?" She puts her face in my chest, "I told her I like you and then her face changed and she pushed me." I let out a long sigh, I've never told Haven about the two different likes.

Jada asked her if she like me as in do Haven have feelings for me. Haven must have thought of the like as a friend. "I don't want to like you anymore." I look at her with wide eyes, "Don't say that. What am I going to do? I like you, but you not liking me anymore will ruin it." She looks up at me with teary eyes, "What if this happens again?" I grit my teeth, "No, it's not going to happen again."

She sits up on my lap and wipes her tears, "I'm not going to dislike you." I smile at her and she smiles back, "I was scared." I rub her back, "I know you were. I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier."

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